
# function to generate graph output
make_table_and_graph <- function(outcome, paramnames){
                    fluidRow(selectInput(paste0("y",outcome), ylab,
                                         choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = ".")),
                    fluidRow(selectInput(paste0("x",outcome), xlab,
                                         choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = ".")),
                    fluidRow(selectInput(paste0("group",outcome), grouplab,
                                         choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = ".")),
                    #fluidRow(checkboxInput(paste0("color2",outcome), colorlab,value = TRUE)),
                    fluidRow(selectInput(paste0("row",outcome), rowlab,
                                         choices = c(None = ".", paramnames))),
                    fluidRow(selectInput(paste0("col",outcome), collab,
                                         choices = c(None = ".", paramnames))),
                    fluidRow(numericInput(paste0("height",outcome), heightlab, value = 400,
                                          min = 100, max = 2000, step = 10)),
                    fluidRow(numericInput(paste0("width",outcome), widthlab, value = 600,
                                          min = 100, max = 2000, step = 10)),
                    fluidRow(numericInput(paste0("psize",outcome), psizelab, value = 3,
                                          min = 0.5, max = 4, step = 0.25)),
                    fluidRow(numericInput(paste0("lsize",outcome), lsizelab, value = 1,
                                          min = 0.5, max = 2, step = 0.25))
                    withSpinner(plotOutput(paste0("graph",outcome), height = "auto"))
    ) # end tabPanel("Graphs"...
  ) # end tabsetPanel(...

# function to update graph UI
update_graph_ui <- function(sessionname, dataset, outcome, paramnames){
  # update graph UI
                 # store target
                 target <- unique(dataset$target)
                 # update y-axis to target variable
                 updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("y",outcome), label = ylab,
                                   choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = target)
                 # get the levels of quantities in data
                 levs <- map(dataset,levels)
                 # sort levels 
                 sortlevs <- sort(map_int(levs,length), decreasing = TRUE)
                 # put the quantity with most levels, levels > 1, on x
                 if(sortlevs[1] > 1){
                   updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("x",outcome), label = xlab,
                                     choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = names(sortlevs[1]))
                 # put the quantity with the second most levels, levels > 1, on group
                 if(sortlevs[2] > 1){
                   updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("group",outcome), label = grouplab,
                                     choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = names(sortlevs[2]))
                 # put the quantity with the third most levels, levels > 1, on row
                 if(sortlevs[3] > 1){
                   updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("row",outcome), label = rowlab,
                                     choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = names(sortlevs[3]))
                 # put the quantity with the fourth most levels, levels > 1, on column
                 if(sortlevs[4] > 1){
                   updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("col",outcome), label = collab,
                                     choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = names(sortlevs[4]))
                 # if no quantity has more than one levels, just target on x-axis
                 if(max(sortlevs) == 1){
                   updateSelectInput(sessionname, paste0("x",outcome), label = xlab,
                                     choices = c(None = ".", paramnames), selected = target)

# function to create graph
create_graph <- function(dataset, xvar, yvar, groupvar, lsizevar, psizevar, rowvar, colvar){
  # if either x or y are ".", or if no more than one level of a quantity, render a blank plot
  if(xvar == "." | yvar == "."){
    p <- ggplot(dataset) + geom_blank()
  } else {
    # create numeric version of xvar
    temp <- as.numeric(as.character(unlist(dataset[xvar])))
    # if numeric version contains no NA's, should be all numbers
    # then convert xvar to numeric so it looks better on plot
    if(sum( == 0)){
      dataset[xvar] <- temp
    if(groupvar != "."){
      p <- ggplot(dataset,
                  aes(x = eval(,
                      y = eval(,
                      group = eval(,
                      color = eval(
    } else {
      p <- ggplot(dataset,
                  aes(x = eval(,
                      y = eval(,
                      group = 1))
    p <- p + geom_line(size = lsizevar) +
      geom_point(size = psizevar) +
      theme_grey(base_size = 18) +
      labs(x = xvar, y = yvar, group = groupvar, color = groupvar)
    # label facets
    # label_both_equals is a custom function in helpers.R
    facets <- paste(rowvar,"~",colvar)
    if(facets != ". ~ ."){
        need(rowvar != colvar, "Row variable and column variable must be different.")
      p <- p + facet_grid(facets,labeller = label_both_equals)
nickreich/clusterPower documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 6:54 p.m.