
Defines functions generate.coarse.data precision.simulation.coarse precision.simulation.exact precision.simulation

Documented in generate.coarse.data precision.simulation precision.simulation.coarse precision.simulation.exact

## code for sample size simulations ##
## Nicholas Reich
## August 2010

## this is the central user function
## N = overall sample size
## med = median of log normal distribution
## disp = dispersion of log normal distribution
## percentile = what percentile(s) should be simulated
## nsim = how many simulations to run
## exact data = T/F should simulation be done with exact data
## pct.type.A = percent type A data, will be rounded up to nearest integer
## exp.win.dat = a vector of exposure window lengths to sample from
## verb = whether to print 10 iteration counts during the course of the sim

##' @name precision.simulation
##' @aliases precision.simulation.exact
##' @aliases precision.simulation.coarse
##' @aliases generate.coarse.data
##' @title Simulate incubation period analyses with coarse data
##' @description These functions simulate coarse incubation period data sets and
##'   analyze them.  The goal is for these simulations to provide evidence for
##'   how much information a given dataset contains about a characteristic of
##'   the incubation period distribution.
##' @param N Overall sample size for the datasets to be simulated.
##' @param med Median for the assumed log normal distribution of the incubation
##'   periods.
##' @param disp Dispersion for the assumed log normal distribution of the
##'   incubation periods.
##' @param percentile Percentile of the incubation period distribution which we
##'   want to estimate.
##' @param nsim Number of datasets to analyze in the simulation.
##' @param exact.data Either TRUE/FALSE.  Incidates whether the data generated
##'   should be coarsened at all.  If TRUE, pct.type.A and exp.win.dat are
##'   ignored.
##' @param pct.type.A Percent of the N observations that are assumed to be type
##'   A data.  If N*pct.type.A is not an integer, it will be rounded to the
##'   nearest integer.
##' @param exp.win.dat A vector of exposure window lengths.  Defaults to the
##'   observed window lengths from Lessler et al. (see below).
##' @param verb If TRUE, a message with the system time and iteration number
##'   will be printed ten times during the simulation run.
##' @rdname precision.simulation
##' @return The \code{precision.simulation} functions return a matrix with four
##'   columns and nsim rows.  The "ests" column gives the estimated percentiles
##'   for the incubation period distribution.  The "SE" column gives the
##'   standard error for the estimate.  The "conv" column is 1 if the doubly
##'   interval-censored likelihood maximization converged.  Otherwise, it is 0.
##'   The "bias" column gives the estimated percentile - true percentile. The
##'   \code{generate.coarse.data} function returns a matrix with data suitable
##'   for analysis by the \code{dic.fit} function.
##' @export
precision.simulation <- function(N,
                                 med = 2,
                                 disp = 1.3,
                                 percentile = 0.5,
                                 nsim = 100,
                                 exact.data = FALSE,
                                 pct.type.A = 0.5,
                                 exp.win.dat = NULL,
                                 verb = FALSE) {
  ## logic check
  if (percentile <= 0 || percentile >= 1) {
    stop("percentile must be between 0 and 1.")
  if (pct.type.A < 0 || pct.type.A > 1) {
    stop("% of data that is type A must be between 0 and 1.")
  if (is.null(exp.win.dat)) {
    if (verb) message("NYC exposure window data used")
    exp.win.dat <- get(data(exp.win.lengths, envir = environment()))

  ## TODO: add default exp.win.dat to package and load if NULL

  if (exact.data) {
    out <- precision.simulation.exact(
      N = N,
      med = med,
      disp = disp,
      percentile = percentile,
      nsim = nsim,
      verb = verb
  } else {
    out <- precision.simulation.coarse(
      N = N,
      med = med,
      disp = disp,
      percentile = percentile,
      nsim = nsim,
      pct.type.A = pct.type.A,
      exp.win.dat = exp.win.dat,
      verb = verb

  target <- qlnorm(percentile, log(med), log(disp))
  bias <- out[, "ests"] - target
  out <- cbind(out, bias)


##' @rdname precision.simulation
##' @export
precision.simulation.exact <- function(N,
                                       verb) {
  storage <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = nsim)
  colnames(storage) <- c("ests", "SE", "conv")

  data <- matrix(0, ncol = 6, nrow = nsim * N)
  colnames(data) <- c("dataset.id", "EL", "ER", "SL", "SR", "type")
  data[, "dataset.id"] <- rep(1:nsim, each = N)
  data[, "SL"] <- rlnorm(N * nsim, meanlog = log(med), sdlog = log(disp))
  data[, "SR"] <- data[, "SL"]
  data[, "type"] <- 2

  for (i in 1:nsim) {
    tmp.dat <- data[which(data[, "dataset.id"] == i), ]
    tmp.fit <- dic.fit(tmp.dat, ptiles = percentile)
    if (tmp.fit$conv == 1) {
      row.name <- paste0("p", round(percentile * 100))
      which.row <-
        which(rownames(tmp.fit$ests) == row.name)[1]
      storage[i, c("ests", "SE")] <-
        tmp.fit$ests[which.row, c("est", "StdErr")]
    } else {
      storage[i, c("ests", "SE")] <- NA
    storage[i, "conv"] <- tmp.fit$conv
    if (verb && i %% (round(nsim / 10)) == 0) {
      print(paste("iteration", i, "complete ::", Sys.time()))

##' @rdname precision.simulation
##' @export
precision.simulation.coarse <- function(N,
                                        verb) {
  ## create storage
  storage <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = nsim)
  colnames(storage) <- c("ests", "SE", "conv")

  for (i in 1:nsim) {
    tmp.dat <- generate.coarse.data(
      N = N,
      med = med,
      disp = disp,
      pct.type.A = pct.type.A,
      exp.win.dat = exp.win.dat
    tmp.fit <- dic.fit(tmp.dat, ptiles = percentile)
    if (tmp.fit$conv == 1) {
      row.name <- paste0("p", round(percentile * 100))
      which.row <-
        which(rownames(tmp.fit$ests) == row.name)[1]
      storage[i, c("ests", "SE")] <-
        tmp.fit$ests[which.row, c("est", "StdErr")]
    } else {
      storage[i, c("ests", "SE")] <- NA
    storage[i, "conv"] <- tmp.fit$conv
    if (verb && i %% (round(nsim / 10)) == 0) {
      print(paste("iteration", i, "complete ::", Sys.time()))

##' @rdname precision.simulation
##' @export
generate.coarse.data <- function(N, med, disp, pct.type.A, exp.win.dat) {
  n.type.A <- round(N * pct.type.A)
  n.type.B <- N - n.type.A

  E <- runif(N, 10, 11)
  S <- rlnorm(N, log(med), log(disp)) + E
  SR <- ceiling(S)
  SL <- floor(S)

  ## generate window types
  ##   0 = short with bounded ER = type A
  ##   1 = "long" with no ER = type B
  win.type <- rep(0:1, times = c(n.type.A, n.type.B))

  ## generate window lengths,
  potential.lengths <- sample(exp.win.dat, size = N, replace = TRUE)
  win.length <- 1 * (win.type == 0) + potential.lengths * (win.type > 0)

  ## fix data
  ER <- ceiling(E) * (win.type == 0) + SR * (win.type == 1)
  EL <- pmin(ER - win.length, floor(E))

  ## return the data
  cbind(EL, E, ER, SL, S, SR, win.length, win.type, type = 0)
nickreich/coarseDataTools documentation built on July 8, 2023, 12:24 a.m.