#' Inverse of the PCA transformation, including centering and scaling
#' @param data Dataframe or matrix of same dim as original data
#' @param pca_object A prcomp object
rev_pca <-
function(data, pca_object) {
t(tcrossprod(pca_object$rotation, data) * pca_object$scale
+ pca_object$center)
#' Calculate the average prediction after imputing the value for a column
#' @param x A prediction object
pred_val <- function(x) UseMethod("pred_val")
pred_val.pc <-
function(object) {
## Unlist object
unique_val <- object$unique_val
pc_num <- object$pc_num
model <- object$model
pca_object <- object$pca_object
feature <- object$feature
data <- object$data
type <- object$type
pred_func <- function(value) {
## pc_num calculates the average over a PC, feature does it over a feature
if (is.null(feature)) {
mat_tmp <- pca_object$x
mat_tmp[, pc_num] <- value
mat_new <- rev_pca(data = mat_tmp, pca_object = pca_object)
} else {
mat_new <- data
mat_new[, feature] = value
## Get predictions
if(type == "regression") {
regression_preds(model, mat_new)
} else {
classification_preds(model, mat_new)
vapply(unique_val, pred_func, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
# Pin features
pred_val.pin <-
function(object) {
## Unlist object
unique_val <- object$unique_val
pc_num <- object$pc_num
model <- object$model
pca_object <- object$pca_object
pin <- object$pin
type <- object$type
pred_func <- function(value) {
## pc_num calculates the average over a PC, feature does it over a feature
mat_tmp <- pca_object$x
mat_tmp[, pc_num] <- value
mat_new <- rev_pca(data = mat_tmp, pca_object = pca_object)
## Get predictions, as well as mean and median of feature
if(type == "regression") {
res <- regression_preds(model, mat_new)
} else {
res <- classification_preds(model, mat_new)
c(res, mean(mat_new[, pin]), median(mat_new[, pin]))
vapply(unique_val, pred_func, FUN.VALUE = numeric(3))
# Ice plots
pred_val.ice <-
function(object) {
## Unlist object
unique_val <- object$unique_val
model <- object$model
pca_object <- object$pca_object
feature <- object$feature
data <- object$data
type <- object$type
pred_func <- function(value) {
mat_new <- data
mat_new[, feature] = value
## Get predictions
if(type == "regression") {
regression_preds(model, mat_new, ice = TRUE)
} else {
classification_preds(model, mat_new, ice = TRUE)
vapply(unique_val, pred_func, FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(data)))
#' Control flow for regression predictions
#' @param model model object to be used for prediction
#' @param X matrix to be used in predictions
#' @param ice logical, idicates if predictions are needed for ice curves
regression_preds <- function(model, X, ice = FALSE) {
if(length(intersect(class(model), c("gbm", "xgb.Booster"))) == 0) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X))
} else if ("gbm" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X), n.trees = model$n.trees)
} else if ("xgb.Booster" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, X)
## Stop if incorrect object type
if (!is.numeric(res)) {
stop("Unrecognized object (model) type or predict method not in namespace")
if(!ice) {
} else {
#' Control flow for classification predictions
#' @param model model object to be used for prediction
#' @param X matrix to be used in predictions
#' @param ice logical, idicates if predictions are needed for ice curves
classification_preds <- function(model, X, ice = FALSE) {
diff_mods <- c("gbm", "xgb.Booster", "lm", "MLModelFit", "svm")
if(length(intersect(class(model), diff_mods)) == 0) {
res <- as.numeric(predict(model, as.data.frame(X), type = "prob")[, 2])
} else if ("MLModelFit" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, X, type = "prob")
} else if ("svm" %in% class(model)) {
res <- attr(predict(model, X, probability = TRUE), "probabilities")[, 2]
} else if ("lm" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X), type = "response")
} else if ("gbm" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X), n.trees = model$n.trees,
type = "response")
} else if ("xgb.Booster" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, X)
## Stop if incorrect object type
if (!is.numeric(res)) {
stop("Unrecognized object (model) type")
if(!ice) {
} else {
#' Test number of level used for predictions, warn if regression was chosen for
#' a classification
#' @param model model object to be used for prediction
#' @param X matrix to be used in predictions
check_regression_preds <- function(model, X) {
if(length(intersect(class(model), c("gbm", "xgb.Booster"))) == 0) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X))
} else if ("gbm" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, as.data.frame(X), n.trees = model$n.trees)
} else if ("xgb.Booster" %in% class(model)) {
res <- predict(model, X)
## Stop if incorrect object type
if (length(unique(res)) <= 2) {
warning("2 or fewer unique predicted values, should type = 'classifcation'?",
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
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