#' Create an object for visualizing pdp plots for a principal component
#' @param model A fitted model object of an appropriate class
#' @param X Design matrix that the object was trained on
#' @param type Outcome type, either 'classification' (binary) or 'regression'
#' @param pc_num Integer of principal component to visualize
#' @param samp_size Number of unique PC values marginalize and plot
#' @param feature Feature to plot a partial dependence plot for
#' @param pin Feature to pin pdp plot to over a range of a principal component
#' @param ice Logical, options to include individual expectation curves
#' @return A pdp style plot of the specified principal component
#' @import graphics
#' @import stats
#' @export
totalvis <-
function(model, X, type = "regression", pc_num = 1, samp_size = 50,
feature = NULL, pin = NULL, ice = FALSE) {
## Ensure pc_num is an integer
if ((!is.numeric(pc_num) | length(pc_num) != 1) & !is.null(pc_num)){
stop("Invalid pc_num or input type")
## Warning of pc_num and feature are supplied
if (!is.null(pc_num) & !is.null(feature) & !ice) {
message("Feature input overrides pc_num. Plotting this object will return
a standard partial depedence plot.")
## Can only create ice curves if feature is includes
if (is.null(feature) & ice) {
stop("A feature must be given when ice = TRUE")
## Can only create ice curves if pin is null
if ((!is.null(pin) | !is.null(pc_num)) & ice) {
pin <- NULL
message("ice = TRUE sets pc_num and pin to NULL")
## convert to a matrix if input is a dataframe
if (!any(class(X) %in% c("matrix", "data.frame"))) {
stop("Input data must be a numeric matrix or data.frame of numeric columns")
} else if (any(class(X) %in% "data.frame")) {
if(!all(apply(X, 2, is.numeric))) {
stop("Could not convert input to a numeric matrix.")
mat <- as.matrix(X)
} else {
mat <- X
## Check unique predictions values, warn if type may need to be changed
if (type == "regression") check_regression_preds(model, X)
## Decompose the matrix, keep unique values for the feature
if (is.null(feature)) {
pca_dat <- prcomp(mat, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
mat_pca <- pca_dat$x
unique_val <- unique(mat_pca[, pc_num])
} else {
pca_dat <- NULL
unique_val <- unique(mat[, feature])
## Ensure samp_size is not larger than the number of unique values
if (length(unique_val) < samp_size) {
samp_size = unique_val
## Select a sample of the unique values to plot
step_size <- 1 / max((samp_size - 1), 1)
unique_val <- quantile(unique_val, seq(0, 1, step_size))
## Define class
if (!is.null(pin)) {
class_use <- "pin"
} else {
class_use <- "pc"
## Apply pdp function for regression or classification
pred_obj <- structure(list(unique_val = unique_val, pc_num = pc_num,
model = model, pca_object = pca_dat,
feature = feature, data = mat, pin = pin,
type = type),
class = class_use)
pred_vec <- pred_val(pred_obj)
## calculate curves for ice plots
if (ice) {
class_use <- "ice"
pred_ice <- structure(list(unique_val = sort(unique_val),
model = model, pca_object = pca_dat,
feature = feature, data = mat,
type = type),
class = class_use)
ice_mat <- pred_val(pred_ice)
## Store prediction results in a dataframe and sort by unique_val
if (is.null(pin)) {
pred_df <- data.frame(avg_pred = pred_vec, x_vals = unique_val)
pred_df <- pred_df[order(pred_df$x_vals), ]
} else {
pred_df <- as.data.frame(t(pred_vec))
colnames(pred_df) <- c("avg_pred", "pin_mean", "pin_median")
pred_df <- pred_df[order(pred_df$pin_mean), ]
## Return various types of objects to plot
if (is.null(feature) & is.null(pin) & !ice) {
structure(list(pred_df = pred_df, pc_num = pc_num,
pca_object = pca_dat), class = "totalvis")
} else if (ice & (!is.null(feature) | !is.null(pc_num))){
structure(list(avg_pred = pred_df$avg_pred, xvals = pred_df$x_vals,
ice_mat = ice_mat, data = mat, feature = feature),
class = "featice")
} else if (is.null(pin)){
structure(list(pred_df = pred_df, feature = feature,
data = mat), class = "featvis")
} else {
structure(list(pred_df = pred_df, pin = pin, pc_num = pc_num),
class = "pinvis")
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