#' @export
EasyTreeVarImp <- function(ct, nsim = 1) {
XY <- ct[[1]]$data
XY <- XY[,names(XY)!="(weights)"]
Y <- ct[[1]]$fitted[,"(response)"]
whereY <- which(sapply(XY, function(x) identical(x,Y)))
X <- XY[,-whereY]
if(is.numeric(Y)) {
r2 <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
metric = "rsq",
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata)})
tau <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
metric = function(truth, estimate) {cor(truth, estimate, method="kendall")},
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata)})
imp_tot <- data.frame(Variable = r2$Variable, r2 = round(r2$Importance,3), tau = round(tau$Importance,3))
colnames(imp_tot)[2:3] <- c("r2","tau")
if(is.factor(Y)) {
acc <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
metric = "accuracy",
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata)})
bac <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
# metric = function(truth, estimate) {
# mat <- table(truth, estimate)
# return(mean(diag(mat)/rowSums(mat)))
# },
# metric = yardstick::bal_accuracy_vec,
metric = "bal_accuracy",
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata)})
tr <- list()
for(i in 1:nlevels(Y)){
tr[[i]] <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
metric = function(truth, estimate) {
mat <- table(truth, estimate)
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata)})[,2]
tr[[i]] <- round(tr[[i]],3)
tr <- do.call("cbind.data.frame", tr)
names(tr) <- paste(names(XY)[whereY],levels(Y))
if(nlevels(Y)==2) {
auc <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
metric = "roc_auc",
event_level = "second",
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata,type="prob")[,levels(Y)[2]]})
if(nlevels(Y)>2) {
auc <- vip::vi(ct,
method = "permute",
nsim = nsim,
sort = FALSE,
train = X[complete.cases(XY),],
target = Y[complete.cases(XY)],
# metric = "mauc",
metric = function(truth, estimate) {
as.numeric(pROC::multiclass.roc(truth, estimate)$auc)
smaller_is_better = FALSE,
pred_wrapper = function(object,newdata) {predict(object,newdata,type="prob")})
imp_tot <- data.frame(Variable = acc$Variable, auc = round(auc$Importance,3), acc = round(acc$Importance,3), bac = round(bac$Importance,3), tr)
colnames(imp_tot)[2:4] <- c("AUC","accuracy","balanced accuracy")
rownames(imp_tot) <- NULL
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