#' @importFrom partykit nodeapply as.simpleparty nodeids info_node
#' @export
NodesInfo <- function(ct) {
response <- ct$fitted[, "(response)"]
rule <- list.rules.party(ct)
id <- names(rule)
rule <- as.character(rule)
rule <- gsub("%in%", "in", rule, fixed = TRUE)
rule <- gsub("c(", "(", rule, fixed = TRUE)
rule <- gsub("\"", "", rule, fixed = TRUE)
rule <- gsub("NA, ", "", rule)
rule <- gsub(", NA", "", rule)
rule <- sapply(rule, simplify_rule)
rule <- data.frame(id = factor(id), rule)
rownames(rule) <- NULL
info <- partykit::nodeapply(partykit::as.simpleparty(ct), ids = partykit::nodeids(ct, terminal = TRUE), partykit::info_node)
rule$freq <- sapply(info, function(x) x$n)
if (is.numeric(response)) {
rule$prediction <- sapply(info, function(x) x$prediction)
} else if (is.factor(response)) {
prob <- t(sapply(info, function(x) x$distribution))
prob <- apply(prob, 2, function(x) x/rule$freq)
prob <- as.data.frame(prob)
names(prob) <- paste("prob", levels(response), sep = ".")
rule <- data.frame(rule, prob)
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