Man pages for niekverw/ukbpheno
Extraction and processing UK Biobank data to generate health outcome phenotypes

add_child_nodesTraverse hierarchical code dictionary
check_dfDefinitions_codesCheck if the illness/medication codes in definition table are...
CheckDuplicateTRAITSCheck if there is duplicates entries of phenotypes/traits in...
convert_cancerregister_to_episodedataConvert illness codes from cancer register columns with...
convert_col_to_integerConvert numbers in character to integer
convert_dataframelist_to_lstHelper function to structure the processed definition
ConvertFactorsToStringReplaceNAInDfChange factors to strings in a dataframe and assign NA to...
convert_nurseinterview_to_episodedataConvert self-reported illness codes from verbal interview...
convert_touchscreen_to_episodedataConvert self-reported illness codes from touchscreen with...
convert_year_to_dateConvert year in decimal unit to date of format yyyy-mm-dd
dotplot_diseases_by_sourceDotplot by data sources
expand_dfDefinitions_processedExpand the illness/medication codes in definition table to...
expand_dfDefinitions_processed2Expand the illness/medication codes in definition table to...
get_all_eventsGet all episodes for a phenotype
get_allvarnamesRetrieve the required data fields in the ukb dataset...
get_case_count_by_sourceGet case-control status (Any) by data sources
get_casesGet case for a phenotype
get_cases_controlsGet case and controls for a phenotype
get_case_status_by_sourceGet case-control status (Hx) by data sources used for upset...
get_incidence_prevalenceGet data for phenotype incidence and prevalence
get_lst_countsGet summary counts on a list of data tables
get_stats_for_eventsSummary statistics of events for single phenotype
harmonize_ukb_dataPrepare harmonized long format data from various data sources
isNullNaNanCheck if string variable is valid
lookup.codesHelper function to look up the dependencies
make_upsetplotMake upset plot
parse_gp_clinical_valuesParse the value columns of the Primary Care clinical records
parseIncludeExcludeColHelper function to parse the trait dependencies
pasteRemoveNACustom paste function with formatting step to remove...
plot_disease_timeline_by_sourcedata source trajectory over time
plot_individual_timelineGet all episodes for a phenotype
PreProcessDfDefinitionsPreprocess the definition table
rand_col_vecreturn random colors of specified length
read_death_dataRead Mortality data
read_definition_tableProcess definition table
read_gp_clinical_dataRead Primary Care clinical event records
read_gp_script_dataRead Primary Care prescription records
read_hesin_dataRead Hospital Inpatient Data
read_ukb_metadataRead the data dictionary for main dataset
read_ukb_tabdataRead the main dataset
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
ReplaceNAWithNearestNonNAOnTheLeftReplace NA With Nearest Non-NA On The Left
niekverw/ukbpheno documentation built on Oct. 30, 2023, 9:17 p.m.