
lav_model_fit <- function(lavpartable = NULL,
                          lavmodel    = NULL, 
                          x           = NULL, 
                          VCOV        = NULL, 
                          TEST        = NULL) {

    stopifnot(is.list(lavpartable), class(lavmodel) == "lavModel")

    # extract information from 'x'
    iterations = attr(x, "iterations")
    converged  = attr(x, "converged")
    fx         = attr(x, "fx")
    fx.group   = attr(fx, "fx.group")
    if(!is.null(attr(fx, "logl.group"))) {
        logl.group = attr(fx, "logl.group")
        logl       = sum(logl.group)
    } else {
        logl.group = as.numeric(NA)
        logl = as.numeric(NA)
    control    = attr(x, "control")
    attributes(fx) <- NULL
    x.copy <- x # we are going to change it (remove attributes)
    attributes(x.copy) <- NULL
    est <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel = lavmodel, type = "user")

    # did we compute standard errors?
    se <- lav_model_vcov_se(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavpartable = lavpartable, 
                            VCOV = VCOV, BOOT = attr(VCOV, "BOOT.COEF"))

    # did we compute test statistics
    if(is.null(TEST)) {
        test <- list()
    } else {
        test <- TEST

    # for convenience: compute lavmodel-implied Sigma and Mu
    implied <- lav_model_implied(lavmodel)

    # if bootstrapped parameters, add attr to 'est'
    if(!is.null(attr(VCOV, "BOOT.COEF"))) {
        attr(est, "BOOT.COEF") <- attr(VCOV, "BOOT.COEF")

    # partrace?
    if(!is.null(attr(x, "partrace"))) {
        PARTRACE <- attr(x, "partrace")
    } else {
        PARTRACE <- matrix(0, 0L, 0L)

        npar       = max(lavpartable$free),
        x          = x.copy,
        partrace   = PARTRACE,
        start      = lavpartable$start, # needed? (package stremo!)
        est        = est,               # at least 5 packages!!
        se         = se,
        fx         = fx,
        fx.group   = fx.group,
        logl       = logl,
        logl.group = logl.group,
        iterations = iterations,
        converged  = converged,
        control    = control,
        Sigma.hat  = if(lavmodel@conditional.x) implied$res.cov else implied$cov,
        Mu.hat     = if(lavmodel@conditional.x) implied$res.int else implied$mean,
        TH         = if(lavmodel@conditional.x) implied$res.th  else implied$th,
        test       = test
nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.