
# Author : Niharika Gauraha
#          Uppsala University, Uppsala
#          Email : niharika.gauraha@farmbio.uu.se

# APF: Auxiliary particle filter
# Input:
#   param   - state parameters
#   y       - measurements
#   x0      - initial state
#   N       - number of particles
# Output:
#   x_star  - sample from target distribution

# SMC (APF): Auxiliary particle filter
APF <- setRefClass(
  "APF", contains = "BaseParticleFilter",
  #fields = list( ),
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(stateTransFunc, transFunc, processNoise=1,
                          observationNoise=1, X_init=0, X_ref=NULL)
      "This method is called when you create an instance of the class."
      if(is.null(stateTransFunc) || is.null(transFunc) )
        stop("Error: the input parameters are NULL")

      callSuper(stateTransFunc, transFunc, processNoise,
                observationNoise,  X_init, X_ref)
    generateWeightedParticles = function(y, nParticles = 100, resamplingMethod = 'multi')
      print("generate weighted particles")
      # set resampling method
      if(resamplingMethod == 'systematic')
        .self$resampling <- systematic.resample
      }else if(resamplingMethod == 'stratified')
        .self$resampling <- stratified.resample
        .self$resampling <- multinomial.resample

      # Number of states
      T <<- length(y)
      N <<- nParticles

      # Initialize variables
      particles <<- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = T)
      normalisedWeights <<- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = T)
      B <<- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = T) # for ancestral geneology
      logLikelihood <<- 0

      # Init state, at t=0
      particles[, 1] <<- x0  # Deterministic initial condition
      normalisedWeights[, 1] <<- 1/N
      B[, 1] <<- 1:N

      for (t in 2:T) {
        # resampling step
        newAncestors <- resampling(normalisedWeights[, t-1])
        xpred = f(particles[,t-1], t-1)
        logweights = dnorm(y[t], mean = g(xpred[newAncestors]), sd = sqrt(R), log = TRUE)
        max_weight = max(logweights)
        # Subtract the maximum value for numerical stability
        weights = exp(logweights - max_weight)
        w = weights/sum(weights)  # Save the normalized weights
        # accumulate the log-likelihood
        logLikelihood <<- logLikelihood + max_weight + log(sum(weights)) - log(N)

        ancestors = resampling(w)
        newAncestors = newAncestors[ancestors]
        B[, t-1] <<- newAncestors

        # propogation step
        particles[,t] <<- xpred[newAncestors] + sqrt(Q)*rnorm(N)

        # weighting step
        logweights = dnorm(y[t], mean = g(particles[,t]), sd = sqrt(R), log = TRUE)
        max_weight = max(logweights)
        # Subtract the maximum value for numerical stability
        new_weights = exp(logweights - max_weight)/w[ancestors]
        normalisedWeights[,t] <<- new_weights/sum(new_weights)  # Save the normalized weights
      B[,T] <<- 1:N
niharikag/PGAS documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:55 p.m.