Man pages for nikolaifish/bamExtras
Functions and Data in Support of Stock Assessments with the Beaufort Assessment Model (BAM)

add2rdatAdd elements to rdat
bam2rBAM inputs to R object conversion function
bamdat2matWrite BAM dat file values to a set of matrices and data...
bamStockMiscA dataset containing miscellaneous information related to...
barplot_stackedStacked barplot developed for plotting landings data by fleet...
bic2lkConvert Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to likelihood...
catch_curveFit catch curves to age composition data
check_boundsCheck to see if any estimated parameters are near bounds
color_transMake opaque color transparent
comp_combineComplete and combine age or length comps
comp_completeComplete each data frame in a list of comp data frames so...
comp_complete_bamComplete a length or age composition data frame so that all...
comp_plotPlot age or length composition data
cor2csvConvert BAM cor file to csv
data_limTruncate variables in a numeric matrix to specified limits
data_polateLinearly extrapolate/interpolate variables in a numeric...
exp_decayExponential decay
figs2texLoop through figure files (e.g. pdf) in a folder and generate...
find_replaceFind and replace single or multiple values in a vector. Usage...
geomeanGeometric mean: logarithm form
geomean2Geometric mean: product form
get_tpl_nmGet the names of all objects named in the BAM tpl file, with...
inputData_RedPorgyRaw input data: South Atlantic Red Porgy (SEDAR 60)
inputData_TilefishRaw input data: South Atlantic Tilefish (SEDAR 66)
lnorm_cvCoefficient of variation (cv) of lognormal distribution
lnorm_cv2sdConvert lognormal cv to lognormal sd
lnorm_sdStandard deviation of lognormal distribution
lnorm_vector_bootGenerating bootstrap vectors of with lognormal error
M_calcCompute constant natural mortality estimates from life...
M_CharnovCompute age-varying natural mortality (M) based on Charnov et...
mean_noNAComputes mean excluding NA values
M_LorenzenCompute age-varying natural mortality (M) based on Charnov et...
mse_calcCompute mean squared errors (MSE) for indices
plot_bamPlot results from Beaufort Assessment Model
plot_boot_densityMake density plots of bootstrapped parameters and add...
plot_boot_vecPlot stochastic vectors
plot_MCBEPlot results from MCBE uncertainty analysis
plot_profilePlot results from MCBE parameter profile analysis
pmatageCalculate proportion mature population from rdat. Either...
random_walkSimulate a random walk
rdat_AtlanticMenhadenBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): Atlantic Menhaden...
rdat_BlackSeaBassBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): US Southeast...
rdat_BluelineTilefishBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): Atlantic Blueline...
rdat_CobiaBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): Atlantic Cobia...
rdat_GagGrouperBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic Gag...
rdat_GrayTriggerfishBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic Gray...
rdat_GreaterAmberjackBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic...
rdat_RedGrouperBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic Red...
rdat_RedPorgyBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic Red...
rdat_RedSnapperBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic Red...
rdat_SnowyGrouperBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic...
rdat_SpanishMackerelBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic...
rdat_TilefishBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic...
rdat_VermilionSnapperBAM stock assessment results (rdat file): South Atlantic...
ROGBPcolor function like rainbow() but without yellow (or indigo)
run_bamRun bam model
run_MCBERun MCBE uncertainty analysis
run_proj_seqSequence of projection and estimation
run_retroSimulate bam models for running retrospective analysis
sectionsIdentify sections of a vector of consecutive values whose...
standardize_bamStandardize object names in bam files (dat, tpl, and cxx)
standardize_rdatChange non-standard names of rdat objects to standard naming...
summarize_MCBESummarize results from MCBE uncertainty analysis
text_legendWrapper for legend function to quickly label a plot with text
tseries_plotTime series plot
vb_ageVon Bertalanffy (VB) length to age function
vb_lenVon Bertalanffy (VB) age to length function
vector_combinecombine vectors using Conn 2010 hierarchical method
nikolaifish/bamExtras documentation built on July 21, 2023, 8:26 a.m.