datafileTemplate: (Empty) template data file which summarises the data to be...

Description Usage Format Details Author(s)


This is an empty dataset, the purpose of which is to act as a template for users. In the data file, the name of the file, the name of the sample and the technical replicate, and whether the sample is paired-end or single-end should be included. In addition, if the user is planning to filter the input file (see runQAandFilter), a column is provided for the user to add the name of the output fastq file.

This data file acts as input to many of the package's functions. The format of the data file should not be altered, save to add observations (rows).

The data set datafileExample is an example of a data file containing observations.




a dataframe with 0 observations of 5 vairables



Nicky Thrupp

nixstix/RNASeqAnalysis documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:06 p.m.