
Defines functions oa_lct_parser parse_oadoi oadoi_fetch_ oadoi_fetch

Documented in oadoi_fetch oadoi_fetch_

#' Fetch open access status information and full-text links using Unpaywall
#' This is the main function to retrieve comprehensive open access status
#' information from Unpaywall data service. Please play nice with the API.
#' For each user, 100k calls per day are suggested. If you need to access
#' more data, there is also a data dump available.
#' For more info see \url{https://unpaywall.org/products/snapshot}.
#' @param dois character vector, search by a single DOI or many DOIs.
#'   A rate limit of 100k requests per day is suggested. If you need to access
#'   more data, request the data dump
#'   \url{https://unpaywall.org/dataset} instead.
#' @param email character vector, mandatory!
#'   Unpaywall requires your email address,
#'   so that they can track usage and notify you when something breaks.
#'   Set email address in your `.Renviron` file with
#'   the option
#'   `roadoi_email` \code{options(roadoi_email = "najko.jahn@gmail.com")}.
#'   You can open your `.Renviron` file calling `file.edit("~/.Renviron")`.
#'   Save the file and restart your R session. To stop sharing your email
#'   when using rcrossref, delete it from your `.Renviron` file.
#' @param .flatten Simplify open access evidence output. If `TRUE` it
#'   transforms the nested column oa_locations so that each open access
#'   evidence variable has its own column and each row represents a
#'   single full-text.
#'   Following these basic principles of "Tidy Data" makes data analysis
#'   and export as a spreadsheet more straightforward.
#' @param .progress Shows the \code{plyr}-style progress bar.
#'   Options are "none", "text", "tk", "win", and "time".
#'   See \code{\link[plyr]{create_progress_bar}} for details
#'   of each. By default, no progress bar is displayed.
#' @return The result is a tibble with each row representing a publication.
#'   Here are the returned columns and descriptions according to the API docu:
# nolint start
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \code{doi}              \tab DOI (always in lowercase). \cr
#'  \code{best_oa_location} \tab list-column describing the best OA location.
#'  Algorithm prioritizes publisher hosted content (eg Hybrid or Gold),
#'  then prioritizes versions closer to the  version of record (PublishedVersion
#'  over AcceptedVersion), then more authoritative  repositories (PubMed Central
#'  over CiteSeerX). \cr
#'  \code{oa_locations}     \tab list-column of all the OA locations. \cr
#'  \code{oa_locations_embargoed}  \tab list-column of
#'  locations expected to be available in the future based on
#'   information like license metadata and journals'
#'   delayed OA policies \cr
#'  \code{data_standard}    \tab Indicates the data collection approaches used
#'  for this resource. \code{1} mostly uses Crossref for hybrid detection.
#'  \code{2} uses a more comprehensive hybrid detection methods. \cr
#'  \code{is_oa}            \tab Is there an OA copy (logical)? \cr
#'  \code{is_paratext}      \tab Is the item an ancillary part of a journal,
#'  like a table of contents? See here for more information
#'  \url{https://support.unpaywall.org/support/solutions/articles/44001894783}. \cr
#'  \code{genre}            \tab Publication type \cr
#'  \code{oa_status}        \tab Classifies OA resources by location
#'  and license terms as one of: gold, hybrid, bronze, green or closed.
#'  See here for more information
#'  \url{https://support.unpaywall.org/support/solutions/articles/44001777288-what-do-the-types-of-oa-status-green-gold-hybrid-and-bronze-mean-}. \cr
#'  \code{has_repository_copy} \tab Is a full-text
#'  available in a repository? \cr
#'  \code{journal_is_oa}    \tab Is the article published in a fully
#'  OA journal? \cr
#'  \code{journal_is_in_doaj} \tab Is the journal listed in
#'   the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). \cr
#'  \code{journal_issns}    \tab ISSNs, i.e. unique numbers to identify
#'  journals. \cr
#'  \code{journal_issn_l}    \tab Linking ISSN. \cr
#'  \code{journal_name}     \tab Journal title, not normalized. \cr
#'  \code{publisher}        \tab Publisher, not normalized. \cr
#'  \code{published_date}   \tab Date published \cr
#'  \code{year}             \tab Year published. \cr
#'  \code{title}            \tab Publication title. \cr
#'  \code{updated_resource} \tab Time when the data for this resource was last updated. \cr
#'  \code{authors}          \tab Lists author information (\code{family} name, \code{given}
#'  name and author role \code{sequence}), if available. \cr
#' }
#' The columns  \code{best_oa_location}. \code{oa_locations} and 
#' \code{oa_locations_embargoed} are list-columns that contain 
#' useful metadata about the OA sources found by Unpaywall. 
#' If \code{.flatten = TRUE} the list-column \code{oa_locations} will be
#' restructured in a long format where each OA fulltext is represented by
#' one row.
#' These are:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \code{endpoint_id}     \tab Unique repository identifier. \cr
#'  \code{evidence}        \tab How the OA location was found and is characterized
#'   by Unpaywall? \cr
#'  \code{host_type}       \tab OA full-text provided by \code{publisher} or
#'   \code{repository}. \cr
#'  \code{is_best}         \tab Is this location the \code{best_oa_location} for its resource? \cr
#'  \code{license}         \tab The license under which this copy is published,
#'   e.g. Creative Commons license. \cr
#'  \code{pmh_id}          \tab OAI-PMH endpoint where we found this location. \cr
#'  \code{repository institution} \tab Hosting institution of the repository. \cr
#'  \code{updated}         \tab Time when the data for this location was last updated. \cr
#'  \code{url}             \tab The \code{url_for_pdf} if there is one; otherwise landing page URL. \cr
#'  \code{url_for_landing_page} \tab The URL for a landing page describing this OA copy. \cr
#'  \code{url_for_pdf}     \tab The URL with a PDF version of this OA copy. \cr
#'  \code{version}        \tab The content version accessible at this location
#'   following the DRIVER 2.0 Guidelines
#'  (\url{https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/DRIVERguidelines/DRIVER-VERSION+Mappings}
#'  \cr
#' }
#' Note that Unpaywall schema is only informally described.
#' Check also \url{https://unpaywall.org/data-format}.

#' @examples \dontrun{
#' oadoi_fetch("10.1038/nature12373", email = "name@example.com")
#' oadoi_fetch(dois = c("10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.07.030",
#' "10.1186/1471-2164-11-245"), email = "name@example.com")
#' # flatten OA evidence
#' roadoi::oadoi_fetch(dois = c("10.1186/s12864-016-2566-9",
#'                             "10.1103/physreve.88.012814",
#'                             "10.1093/reseval/rvaa038"),
#'                    email = "najko.jahn@gmail.com", .flatten = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
oadoi_fetch <-
  function(dois = NULL,
           email = Sys.getenv("roadoi_email"),
           .progress = "none",
           .flatten = FALSE) {
    # input validation
    # remove empty characters
    if (any(dois %in% "")) {
      dois <- dois[dois != ""]
      warning("Removed empty characters from DOI vector")
    email <- val_email(email)
    if (length(dois) > api_limit)
        "A rate limit of 100k requests per day is suggested.
        If you need to access more data, request the data dump
        .call = FALSE
    # Call API for every DOI, and return results as tbl_df
    req <- plyr::llply(dois, oadoi_fetch_, email, .progress = .progress) %>%
    if(.flatten == TRUE){
      out <- req %>%
          ) %>%
        tidyr::unnest(.data$oa_locations, keep_empty = TRUE)
    } else {
      out <- req

#' Get open access status information.
#' In general, use \code{\link{oadoi_fetch}} instead. It calls this
#' method, returning open access status information from all your requests.
#' @param doi character vector,a DOI
#' @param email character vector, mandatory!
#' Unpaywall requires your email address,
#'   so that they can track usage and notify you when something breaks.
#'   Set email address in your `.Renviron` file with
#'   the option
#'   `roadoi_email` \code{options(roadoi_email = "najko.jahn@gmail.com")}.
#'   You can open your `.Renviron` file calling `file.edit("~/.Renviron")`.
#'   Save the file and restart your R session. To stop sharing your email
#'   when using rcrossref, delete it from your `.Renviron` file.
#' @return A tibble
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' oadoi_fetch_(doi = c("10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.07.030"))
#' }
#' @export
oadoi_fetch_ <- function(doi = NULL, email = NULL) {
  u <- httr::modify_url(
    query = list(email = email),
    path = c(oadoi_api_version(), 
      gsub("[[:space:]]", "", doi))
  # Call Unpaywall Data API
  resp <- httr::RETRY("GET", u, ua,  httr::timeout(5))

  # test for valid json
  if (httr::http_type(resp) != "application/json") {
    # test needed because Unpaywall throws 505 when non-encoded whitespace
    # is provided by this client
        "Oops, API did not return json after calling '%s':
        check your query - or api.oadoi.org may experience problems",
      call. = FALSE

  # error if nothing could be found and return meaningful message
  if (httr::status_code(resp) != 200) {
        "Unpaywall request failed [%s]\n%s",
      call. = FALSE
  } else {
    httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
      jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
      purrr::map_if(is.null, ~ NA_character_) %>%

#' Parser for Unpaywall Data JSON
#' @param req unparsed JSON
#' @noRd
parse_oadoi <- function(req) {
  # be aware of empty list elements
    doi = req$doi,
    best_oa_location = list(oa_lct_parser(req$best_oa_location)),
    oa_locations = list(tibble::as_tibble(req$oa_locations)),
    oa_locations_embargoed = list(tibble::as_tibble(req$oa_locations_embargoed)),
    data_standard = req$data_standard,
    is_oa = req$is_oa,
    is_paratext = req$is_paratext,
    genre = req$genre,
    oa_status = req$oa_status,
    has_repository_copy = req$has_repository_copy,
    journal_is_oa = as.logical(ifelse(
      FALSE, req$journal_is_oa
    journal_is_in_doaj = as.logical(ifelse(
      FALSE, req$journal_is_in_doaj
    journal_issns = req$journal_issns,
    journal_issn_l = req$journal_issn_l,
    journal_name = req$journal_name,
    publisher = req$publisher,
    published_date = req$published_date,
    year = as.character(req$year),
    title = req$title,
    updated_resource = req$updated,
    authors = list(req$z_authors)

#' Parse best oa locations
#' @param x list element
#' @noRd
oa_lct_parser <- function(x) {
  if (!length(x) == 1) {
    purrr::compact(x) %>%
    } else {
njahn82/roadoi documentation built on March 28, 2022, 3:28 p.m.