
.nlmixr <- .nlmixr2 <- function(...) suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(nlmixr2::nlmixr(...)))

test_that("warfarin NONMEM reading", {

  pk.turnover.emax3 <- function() {
      tktr <- log(1)
      tka <- log(1)
      tcl <- log(0.1)
      tv <- log(10)
      eta.ktr ~ 1
      eta.ka ~ 1
      eta.cl ~ 2
      eta.v ~ 1
      prop.err <- 0.1
      pkadd.err <- 0.1
      temax <- logit(0.8)
      tec50 <- log(0.5)
      tkout <- log(0.05)
      te0 <- log(100)
      eta.emax ~ .5
      eta.ec50  ~ .5
      eta.kout ~ .5
      eta.e0 ~ .5
      pdadd.err <- 10
      ktr <- exp(tktr + eta.ktr)
      ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
      cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
      v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
      emax = expit(temax+eta.emax)
      ec50 =  exp(tec50 + eta.ec50)
      kout = exp(tkout + eta.kout)
      e0 = exp(te0 + eta.e0)
      DCP = center/v
      effect(0) = e0
      kin = e0*kout
      d/dt(depot) = -ktr * depot
      d/dt(gut) =  ktr * depot -ka * gut
      d/dt(center) =  ka * gut - cl / v * center
      d/dt(effect) = kin*PD -kout*effect
      cp = center / v
      cp ~ prop(prop.err) + add(pkadd.err)
      effect ~ add(pdadd.err) | pca

  .path <- normalizePath(test_path("pk.turnover.emax3-nonmem.zip"))
  .path4 <- normalizePath(test_path("pk.turnover.emax4-nonmem.zip"))


    # This has rounding errors
    expect_error(.nlmixr(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin, "nonmem",
                        nonmemControl(readRounding=FALSE, modelName="pk.turnover.emax3")))

    # Can still load the model to get information (possibly pipe) and create a new model
    f <- .nlmixr(pk.turnover.emax3, nlmixr2data::warfarin, "nonmem",
                nonmemControl(readRounding=TRUE, modelName="pk.turnover.emax3"))

    expect_true(any(names(f$time) == "NONMEM"))

    expect_true(inherits(f, "nlmixr2FitData"))

    # Note this shouldn't have a covariance step so you can add it (at
    # least a nlmixr2 covariance step)
    expect_error(getVarCov(f), NA)

    # nlmixr2 is more generous in what constitutes a covariance
    # step, in this case it is |r|,|s| which should be regarded with
    # caution but can give some clues on why this is not working in
    # NONMEM.

    # Here you can see the shrinkage is high for temax tktr and tka,
    # so they could be dropped with a model in nonmem that is more
    # likely to converge in NONMEM, starting from the model

    # In addition to dropping the problematic parameters, this will
    # restart the fit at the final initial estimates

    f2 <- f %>% model(ktr <- exp(tktr)) %>%
      model(ka <- exp(tka)) %>%
      model(emax = expit(temax)) %>%
      .nlmixr(data=nlmixr2data::warfarin, est="nonmem",
                                   modelName="pk.turnover.emax4")) ->

    expect_true(inherits(f2, "nlmixr2FitData"))


test_that("pheno NONMEM reading", {

  pheno <- function() {
      tcl <- log(0.008) # typical value of clearance
      tv <-  log(0.6)   # typical value of volume
      ## var(eta.cl)
      eta.cl + eta.v ~ c(1,
                         0.01, 1) ## cov(eta.cl, eta.v), var(eta.v)
      # interindividual variability on clearance and volume
      add.err <- 0.1    # residual variability
      cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl) # individual value of clearance
      v <- exp(tv + eta.v)    # individual value of volume
      ke <- cl / v            # elimination rate constant
      d/dt(A1) = - ke * A1    # model differential equation
      cp = A1 / v             # concentration in plasma
      cp ~ add(add.err)       # define error model

  .path <- normalizePath("pheno-nonmem.zip")
    f <- .nlmixr(pheno, nlmixr2data::pheno_sd, "nonmem",
    expect_true(inherits(f, "nlmixr2FitData"))

test_that("wbc NONMEM reading", {

  wbc <- function() {
      ## Note that the UI can take expressions
      ## Also note that these initial estimates should be provided on the log-scale
      log_CIRC0 <- log(7.21)
      log_MTT <- log(124)
      log_SLOPU <- log(28.9)
      log_GAMMA <- log(0.239)
      ## Initial estimates should be high for SAEM ETAs
      eta.CIRC0  ~ .1
      eta.MTT  ~ .03
      eta.SLOPU ~ .2
      ##  Also true for additive error (also ignored in SAEM)
      prop.err <- 10
      CIRC0 =  exp(log_CIRC0 + eta.CIRC0)
      MTT =  exp(log_MTT + eta.MTT)
      SLOPU =  exp(log_SLOPU + eta.SLOPU)
      GAMMA = exp(log_GAMMA)

      # PK parameters from input dataset
      CL = CLI;
      V1 = V1I;
      V2 = V2I;
      Q = 204;

      CONC = A_centr/V1;

      # PD parameters
      NN = 3;
      KTR = (NN + 1)/MTT;
      EDRUG = 1 - SLOPU * CONC;
      FDBK = (CIRC0 / A_circ)^GAMMA;

      CIRC = A_circ;

      A_prol(0) = CIRC0;
      A_tr1(0) = CIRC0;
      A_tr2(0) = CIRC0;
      A_tr3(0) = CIRC0;
      A_circ(0) = CIRC0;

      d/dt(A_centr) = A_periph * Q/V2 - A_centr * (CL/V1 + Q/V1);
      d/dt(A_periph) = A_centr * Q/V1 - A_periph * Q/V2;
      d/dt(A_prol) = KTR * A_prol * EDRUG * FDBK - KTR * A_prol;
      d/dt(A_tr1) = KTR * A_prol - KTR * A_tr1;
      d/dt(A_tr2) = KTR * A_tr1 - KTR * A_tr2;
      d/dt(A_tr3) = KTR * A_tr2 - KTR * A_tr3;
      d/dt(A_circ) = KTR * A_tr3 - KTR * A_circ;

      CIRC ~ prop(prop.err)

  .path <- normalizePath("wbc-nonmem.zip")
  .path2 <- normalizePath("wbc2-nonmem.zip")



    # Note this can even be done with bad or unfinished optimizations
    # in NONMEM:
    f <- .nlmixr2(wbc, nlmixr2data::wbcSim, "nonmem",
                 nonmemControl(readBadOpt=TRUE, modelName="wbc"))

    expect_true(inherits(f, "nlmixr2FitData"))

    # One way to take care of this is by removing the 100% shrinkage etas:
    f2 <-f %>%
      model(SLOPU =  exp(log_SLOPU)) %>%
      model(MTT =  exp(log_MTT)) %>%
      .nlmixr2(., nlmixr2data::wbcSim, "nonmem",

    expect_true(inherits(f, "nlmixr2FitData"))
    expect_true(length(f$parHistData[,1]) > 0)
    # Of course you could also use nlmixr2 and then re-estimate with NONMEM too.
nlmixr2/babelmixr documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 12:39 p.m.