#' @export
rxUdfUi.linMod <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linMod, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linMod0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linMod0, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModB <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModB, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModB0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModB0, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModA <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModA, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModA0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModA0, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModD <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModD, "nargs") <- 3L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModD0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModD0, "nargs") <- 3L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModM <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModM, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModM0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModM0, "nargs") <- 2L
#' @export
rxUdfUi.default <- function(fun) {
stop("rxode2 user defined function '", fun, "' not supported", call.=FALSE) # nocov
#' Linear model to replace in rxode2 ui model
#' @param variable The variable that the rxode2 will be made on.
#' @param power The power of the polynomial that will be generated.
#' @param intercept Boolean that tells if the intercept be generated.
#' @param type the type of linear model replacement to be used.
#' @param num the number the particular model is being generated. If
#' unspecified, query using `rxUdfUiNum()`.
#' @param iniDf the initialization `data.frame`, if `NULL` query using
#' `rxUdfUiIniDf()`
#' @param dv the dependent variable to use to generate the initial
#' estimates from the data. If `NULL` query using `rxUdfUiData()`.
#' @param data logical that tells if the initial estimates of the
#' linear model should be estimated from the data.
#' @param mv logical that tell if the model variables need to be used
#' to generate model variables.
#' @param ... arguments that are passed to `linMod()` for the other
#' abbreviations of `linMod()`
#' @return a list for use in when generating the `rxode2` ui model see
#' `rxUdfUi()` for details.
#' @export
#' @family User functions
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' linMod(x, 3)
linMod <- function(variable, power, dv="dv",
intercept=TRUE,type=c("replace", "before", "after"),
num=NULL, iniDf=NULL, data=FALSE, mv=FALSE) {
.dv <- as.character(substitute(dv))
.tmp <- suppressWarnings(try(force(dv), silent=TRUE))
if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
if (is.character(.tmp)) {
.dv <- dv
.var <- as.character(substitute(variable))
.tmp <- try(force(variable), silent=TRUE)
.doExp3 <- FALSE
if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
if (is.character(.tmp)) {
.var <- variable
} else if (!inherits(.tmp, "formula")) {
.dv <- as.character(substitute(dv))
.tmp <- suppressWarnings(try(force(dv), silent=TRUE))
if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
if (is.character(.tmp)) {
.dv <- dv
} else if (length(variable) == 2) {
if (!identical(variable[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form ~x^3",
.doExp3 <- TRUE
.exp3 <- variable[[2]]
} else {
if (length(variable) != 3) {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
if (!identical(variable[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
.dv <- as.character(variable[[2]])
data <- TRUE
.exp3 <- variable[[3]]
.doExp3 <- TRUE
if (.doExp3) {
if (length(.exp3) == 1) {
.var <- variable <- as.character(.exp3)
power <- 1
} else if (length(.exp3) == 3) {
if (!identical(.exp3[[1]], quote(`^`))) {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
if (!is.numeric(.exp3[[3]])) {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
.var <- variable <- as.character(.exp3[[2]])
power <- .exp3[[3]]
} else {
stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
checkmate::assertCharacter(.var, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE, pattern = "^[.]*[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9._]*$", min.chars=1L,
checkmate::assertCharacter(.dv, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE, pattern = "^[.]*[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9._]*$", min.chars=1L,
checkmate::assertLogical(intercept, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE)
checkmate::assertIntegerish(power, lower=ifelse(intercept, 0L, 1L), len=1L)
if (is.null(num)) {
num <- rxUdfUiNum()
checkmate::assertIntegerish(num, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
if (mv && is.null(rxUdfUiMv())) {
if (intercept) {
return(list(replace=paste0("linModM(", .var, ", ", power, ")"),
} else {
return(list(replace=paste0("linModM0(", .var, ", ", power, ")"),
if (data && is.null(rxUdfUiData())) {
if (intercept) {
return(list(replace=paste0("linModD(", .var, ", ", power, ", ", .dv, ")"),
} else {
return(list(replace=paste0("linModD0(", .var, ", ", power, ",", .dv, ")"),
if (is.null(iniDf)) {
iniDf <- rxUdfUiIniDf()
assertIniDf(iniDf, null.ok=TRUE)
type <- match.arg(type)
.mv <- rxUdfUiMv()
if (!is.null(.mv)) {
.varsMv <- c(.mv$lhs, .mv$params, .mv$state)
.pre <- paste0(.var, num, rxIntToLetter(seq_len(power+ifelse(intercept, 1L, 0L))-1L))
.pre <- vapply(.pre, function(v) {
if (v %in% .varsMv) {
paste0("rx.linMod.", v)
} else {
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
} else {
.pre <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, num, rxIntToLetter(seq_len(power+ifelse(intercept, 1L, 0L))-1L))
if (!is.null(iniDf)) {
.theta <- iniDf[!is.na(iniDf$ntheta),,drop=FALSE]
if (length(.theta$ntheta) > 0L) {
.maxTheta <- max(.theta$ntheta)
.theta1 <- .theta[1,]
} else {
.maxTheta <- 0L
.theta1 <- .rxBlankIni("theta")
.theta1$lower <- -Inf
.theta1$upper <- Inf
.theta1$fix <- FALSE
.theta1$label <- NA_character_
.theta1$backTransform <- NA_character_
.theta1$condition <- NA_character_
.theta1$err <- NA_character_
.est <- rep(0, length(.pre))
if (data) {
.dat <- rxUdfUiData()
.wdv <- which(tolower(names(.dat)) == tolower(.dv))
if (length(.wdv) == 0L) {
warning(.dv, "not found in data, so no initial estimates will be set to zero")
} else {
names(.dat)[.wdv] <- .dv
.model <-
paste0(.dv, " ~ stats::poly(", .var, ",", power, ")",
ifelse(intercept, "", "+0"))),
.est <- coef(.model)
.cur <- c(list(.theta),
lapply(seq_along(.pre), function(i) {
.cur <- .theta1
.cur$name <- .pre[i]
.cur$est <- .est[i]
.cur$ntheta <- .maxTheta+i
.theta <- do.call(`rbind`, .cur)
.eta <- iniDf[is.na(iniDf$neta),,drop=FALSE]
.iniDf <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
} else {
.iniDf <- NULL
.linMod <- paste(vapply(seq_along(.pre),
function(i) {
if (intercept) {
if (i == 1) return(.pre[i])
if (i == 2) return(paste0(.pre[i], "*", .var))
paste0(.pre[i], "*", paste0(.var,"^", i-1L))
} else {
if (i == 1) return(paste0(.pre[i], "*", .var))
paste0(.pre[i], "*", paste0(.var,"^", i))
}, character(1)), collapse="+")
if (type == "replace") {
iniDf=.iniDf )
} else if (type == "before") {
.replace <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, ".f", num)
list(before=paste0(.replace, " <- ", .linMod),
} else if (type == "after") {
.replace <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, ".f", num)
list(after=paste0(.replace, " <- ", .linMod),
#' @describeIn linMod linear model without intercept
#' @export
linMod0 <- function(...,intercept=FALSE) {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model before where it occurs
#' @export
linModB <- function(..., type="before") {
linMod(..., type=type)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model before where the user function occurs
#' @export
linModB0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, type="before") {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, type=type)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model after where the user function occurs
linModA <- function(..., type="after") {
linMod(..., type=type)
#' @describeIn linMod liner model without an intercept placed after where the user function occurs
#' @export
linModA0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, type="after") {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, type=type)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model where initial estimates are generated from the data
#' @export
linModD <- function(..., intercept=TRUE, data=TRUE) {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, data=data)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model where initial estimates are generated from the data (no intercept)
#' @export
linModD0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, data=TRUE) {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, data=data)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model where the model variables are used to generate the model variables
#' @export
linModM <- function(..., intercept=TRUE, mv=TRUE) {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, mv=mv)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model where the model variables are used to generate the model variables (no intercept)
#' @export
linModM0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, mv=TRUE) {
linMod(..., intercept=intercept, mv=mv)
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