
Defines functions linModM0 linModM linModD0 linModD linModA0 linModA linModB0 linModB linMod0 linMod rxUdfUi.default rxUdfUi.linModM0 rxUdfUi.linModM rxUdfUi.linModD0 rxUdfUi.linModD rxUdfUi.linModA0 rxUdfUi.linModA rxUdfUi.linModB0 rxUdfUi.linModB rxUdfUi.linMod0 rxUdfUi.linMod

Documented in linMod linMod0 linModA linModA0 linModB linModB0 linModD linModD0 linModM linModM0

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linMod <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linMod, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linMod0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linMod0, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModB <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModB, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModB0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModB0, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModA <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModA, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModA0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModA0, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModD <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModD, "nargs") <- 3L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModD0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModD0, "nargs") <- 3L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModM <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModM, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.linModM0 <- function(fun) {
attr(rxUdfUi.linModM0, "nargs") <- 2L

#' @export
rxUdfUi.default <- function(fun) {
  stop("rxode2 user defined function '", fun, "' not supported", call.=FALSE) # nocov

#' Linear model to replace in rxode2 ui model
#' @param variable The variable that the rxode2 will be made on.
#' @param power The power of the polynomial that will be generated.
#' @param intercept Boolean that tells if the intercept be generated.
#' @param type the type of linear model replacement to be used.
#' @param num the number the particular model is being generated. If
#'   unspecified, query using `rxUdfUiNum()`.
#' @param iniDf the initialization `data.frame`, if `NULL` query using
#'   `rxUdfUiIniDf()`
#' @param dv the dependent variable to use to generate the initial
#'   estimates from the data. If `NULL` query using `rxUdfUiData()`.
#' @param data logical that tells if the initial estimates of the
#'   linear model should be estimated from the data.
#' @param mv logical that tell if the model variables need to be used
#'   to generate model variables.
#' @param ... arguments that are passed to `linMod()` for the other
#'   abbreviations of `linMod()`
#' @return a list for use in when generating the `rxode2` ui model see
#'   `rxUdfUi()` for details.
#' @export
#' @family User functions
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @examples
#' linMod(x, 3)
linMod <- function(variable, power, dv="dv",
                   intercept=TRUE,type=c("replace", "before", "after"),
                   num=NULL, iniDf=NULL, data=FALSE, mv=FALSE) {
  .dv <- as.character(substitute(dv))
  .tmp <- suppressWarnings(try(force(dv), silent=TRUE))
  if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
    if (is.character(.tmp)) {
      .dv <- dv
  .var <- as.character(substitute(variable))
  .tmp <- try(force(variable), silent=TRUE)
  .doExp3 <- FALSE
  if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
    if (is.character(.tmp)) {
      .var <- variable
    } else if (!inherits(.tmp, "formula")) {
      .dv <- as.character(substitute(dv))
      .tmp <- suppressWarnings(try(force(dv), silent=TRUE))
      if (!inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
        if (is.character(.tmp)) {
          .dv <- dv
    } else if (length(variable) == 2) {
      if (!identical(variable[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
        stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form ~x^3",
      .doExp3 <- TRUE
      .exp3 <- variable[[2]]
    } else {
      if (length(variable) != 3) {
        stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
      if (!identical(variable[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
        stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
      .dv <- as.character(variable[[2]])
      data <- TRUE
      .exp3 <- variable[[3]]
      .doExp3 <- TRUE
    if (.doExp3) {
      if (length(.exp3) == 1) {
        .var <- variable <- as.character(.exp3)
        power <- 1
      } else if (length(.exp3) == 3) {
        if (!identical(.exp3[[1]], quote(`^`))) {
          stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
        if (!is.numeric(.exp3[[3]])) {
          stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
        .var <- variable <- as.character(.exp3[[2]])
        power <- .exp3[[3]]
      } else {
        stop("unexpected formula, needs to be the form dv~x^3",
  checkmate::assertCharacter(.var, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE, pattern = "^[.]*[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9._]*$", min.chars=1L,
  checkmate::assertCharacter(.dv, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE, pattern = "^[.]*[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9._]*$", min.chars=1L,
  checkmate::assertLogical(intercept, len=1L, any.missing=FALSE)
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(power, lower=ifelse(intercept, 0L, 1L), len=1L)
  if (is.null(num)) {
    num <- rxUdfUiNum()
  checkmate::assertIntegerish(num, lower=1, any.missing=FALSE, len=1)
  if (mv && is.null(rxUdfUiMv())) {
    if (intercept) {
      return(list(replace=paste0("linModM(", .var, ", ", power, ")"),
    } else {
      return(list(replace=paste0("linModM0(", .var, ", ", power, ")"),
  if (data && is.null(rxUdfUiData())) {
    if (intercept) {
      return(list(replace=paste0("linModD(", .var, ", ", power, ", ", .dv, ")"),
    } else {
      return(list(replace=paste0("linModD0(", .var, ", ", power, ",", .dv, ")"),
  if (is.null(iniDf)) {
    iniDf <- rxUdfUiIniDf()
  assertIniDf(iniDf, null.ok=TRUE)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  .mv <- rxUdfUiMv()
  if (!is.null(.mv)) {
    .varsMv <- c(.mv$lhs, .mv$params, .mv$state)
    .pre <- paste0(.var, num, rxIntToLetter(seq_len(power+ifelse(intercept, 1L, 0L))-1L))
    .pre <- vapply(.pre, function(v) {
      if (v %in% .varsMv) {
        paste0("rx.linMod.", v)
      } else {
    }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  } else {
    .pre <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, num, rxIntToLetter(seq_len(power+ifelse(intercept, 1L, 0L))-1L))

  if (!is.null(iniDf)) {
    .theta <- iniDf[!is.na(iniDf$ntheta),,drop=FALSE]
    if (length(.theta$ntheta) > 0L) {
      .maxTheta <- max(.theta$ntheta)
      .theta1 <- .theta[1,]
    } else {
      .maxTheta <- 0L
      .theta1 <- .rxBlankIni("theta")
    .theta1$lower <- -Inf
    .theta1$upper <- Inf
    .theta1$fix <- FALSE
    .theta1$label <- NA_character_
    .theta1$backTransform <- NA_character_
    .theta1$condition <- NA_character_
    .theta1$err <- NA_character_
    .est <- rep(0, length(.pre))
    if (data) {
      .dat <- rxUdfUiData()
      .wdv <- which(tolower(names(.dat)) == tolower(.dv))
      if (length(.wdv) == 0L) {
        warning(.dv, "not found in data, so no initial estimates will be set to zero")
      } else {
        names(.dat)[.wdv] <- .dv
        .model <-
              paste0(.dv, " ~ stats::poly(", .var, ",", power, ")",
                     ifelse(intercept, "", "+0"))),
        .est <- coef(.model)
    .cur <- c(list(.theta),
              lapply(seq_along(.pre), function(i) {
                .cur <- .theta1
                .cur$name <- .pre[i]
                .cur$est <- .est[i]
                .cur$ntheta <- .maxTheta+i
    .theta <- do.call(`rbind`, .cur)
    .eta <- iniDf[is.na(iniDf$neta),,drop=FALSE]
    .iniDf <- rbind(.theta, .eta)
  } else {
    .iniDf <- NULL
  .linMod <- paste(vapply(seq_along(.pre),
                          function(i) {
                            if (intercept) {
                              if (i == 1) return(.pre[i])
                              if (i == 2) return(paste0(.pre[i], "*", .var))
                              paste0(.pre[i], "*", paste0(.var,"^", i-1L))
                            } else {
                              if (i == 1) return(paste0(.pre[i], "*", .var))
                              paste0(.pre[i], "*", paste0(.var,"^", i))
                          }, character(1)), collapse="+")
  if (type == "replace") {
         iniDf=.iniDf )
  } else if (type == "before") {
    .replace <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, ".f", num)
    list(before=paste0(.replace, " <- ", .linMod),
  } else if (type == "after") {
    .replace <- paste0("rx.linMod.", .var, ".f", num)
    list(after=paste0(.replace, " <- ", .linMod),
#' @describeIn linMod linear model without intercept
#' @export
linMod0 <- function(...,intercept=FALSE) {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept)

#' @describeIn linMod linear model before where it occurs
#' @export
linModB <- function(..., type="before") {
  linMod(..., type=type)

#' @describeIn linMod linear model before where the user function occurs
#' @export
linModB0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, type="before") {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, type=type)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model after where the user function occurs
linModA <- function(..., type="after") {
  linMod(..., type=type)

#' @describeIn linMod liner model without an intercept placed after where the user function occurs
#' @export
linModA0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, type="after") {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, type=type)

#' @describeIn linMod linear model where initial estimates are generated from the data
#' @export
linModD <- function(..., intercept=TRUE, data=TRUE) {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, data=data)

#' @describeIn linMod linear model where initial estimates are generated from the data (no intercept)
#' @export
linModD0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, data=TRUE) {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, data=data)

#' @describeIn linMod linear model where the model variables are used to generate the model variables
#' @export
linModM <- function(..., intercept=TRUE, mv=TRUE) {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, mv=mv)
#' @describeIn linMod linear model where the model variables are used to generate the model variables (no intercept)
#' @export
linModM0 <- function(..., intercept=FALSE, mv=TRUE) {
  linMod(..., intercept=intercept, mv=mv)
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.