#' Replace strings with numbers for the strAssign
#' @param lhs string for the left hand side of equation or variable
#' that is trying to be replaced with an integer
#' @param ret expression that will be returned if no replacement is
#' made
#' @param strAssign The `strAssign` list from the model variables
#' @return either `ret` or the integer that corresponds to the string
#' assignment
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.rxPruneStrAssign <- function(lhs, ret, strAssign=list()) {
if (length(strAssign) == 0L) return(ret)
.w <- which(lhs %in% names(strAssign))
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
# Replace with integer
.w <- which(vapply(seq_along(strAssign[[.w]]),
function(i) {
identical(ret, strAssign[[.w]][i])
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
#' Internal Pruning function
#' @param x List of quoted lines
#' @param envir Environment where information is stored
#' @param strAssign string assignment list from model variables
#' @return Pruned model code
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.rxPrune <- function(x, envir = parent.frame(),
strAssign=list()) {
if (is.name(x) || is.atomic(x)) {
if (is.character(x)) {
} else if (is.call(x)) {
if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`if`))) {
.if <- envir$.if
.if[length(.if) + 1] <- .rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
envir$.if <- .if
.x2 <- x[-(1:2)]
if (length(.x2) == 2) {
.ret1 <- .rxPrune(.x2[[1]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.if[length(.if)] <- paste0("1-(", .if[length(.if)], ")")
envir$.if <- .if
.else <- envir$.else
envir$.else <- unique(c(findLhs(eval(parse(text = paste0("quote({", .ret1, "})"))))))
.ret2 <- .rxPrune(.x2[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
envir$.else <- .else
.ret <- paste0(.ret1, "\n", .ret2)
} else if (length(.x2) == 1) {
.ret <- .rxPrune(.x2[[1]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.if <- .if[-length(.if)]
envir$.if <- .if
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`(`))) {
return(paste0("(", .rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), ")"))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
.x2 <- x[-1]
return(paste0(lapply(.x2, .rxPrune, envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), collapse = "\n"))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`==`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`!=`))) {
## These cases can be strings that are assigned to integers.
## Here we need to check left/right hand sides
.x2 <- deparse1(x[[2]])
.x3 <- deparse1(x[[3]])
x[[2]] <- .rxPruneStrAssign(.x3, x[[2]], strAssign=strAssign)
x[[3]] <- .rxPruneStrAssign(.x2, x[[3]], strAssign=strAssign)
.ret <- paste0(
.rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), as.character(x[[1]]),
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`>=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`>`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`&&`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`||`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`&`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`|`))) {
.ret <- paste0(
.rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), as.character(x[[1]]),
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`<-`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
.lhs <- deparse1(x[[2]])
x[[3]] <- .rxPruneStrAssign(.lhs, x[[3]], strAssign=strAssign)
if (length(envir$.if > 0)) {
.f2 <- .rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.if <- paste0(paste0("(", envir$.if, ")"), collapse = "*")
if (any(envir$.def1 == .f2)) {
.ret <- paste0(
.f2, as.character(x[[1]]), .if, "*(",
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign), ")+(1-(", .if, "))*(",
.f2, ")"
} else {
.ret <- paste0(
.f2, as.character(x[[1]]), .if, "*(",
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), ")",
ifelse(any(envir$.else == .f2),
paste0("+", .f2), ""
assign(".def1", unique(c(envir$.def1, .f2)), envir)
} else {
.f2 <- .rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
assign(".def1", unique(c(envir$.def1, .f2)), envir)
.f2, as.character(x[[1]]),
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`*`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`^`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`+`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`-`)) ||
identical(x[[1]], quote(`/`))) {
if (length(x) == 3) {
.rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign), as.character(x[[1]]),
.rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
} else {
## Unary Operators
.rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`ifelse`))) {
.f2 <- .rxPrune(x[[2]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.f3 <- .rxPrune(x[[3]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.f4 <- .rxPrune(x[[4]], envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
return(paste0("((", .f2, ")*(", .f3, ")+(1-(", .f2, "))*(", .f4, "))"))
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`[`))) {
.type <- toupper(as.character(x[[2]]))
## Since only THETA/ETA are allowed with rxode2 pruning
## only will take legal rxode2; Therefore just paste these.
return(paste0(.type, "[", x[[3]], "]"))
} else {
.ret0 <- lapply(x, .rxPrune, envir = envir, strAssign=strAssign)
.ret <- paste0(.ret0[[1]], "(")
.ret0 <- .ret0[-1]
.ret <- paste0(.ret, paste0(unlist(.ret0), collapse = ", "), ")")
} else { ## nocov start
## is.pairlist OR is.atomic OR unknown...
stop("unsupported expression", call. = FALSE)
} ## nocov end
#' Prune branches (ie if/else) from rxode2
#' This prunes branches (ie if/else) from rxode2.
#' @param x rxode2 model that can be accessed by rxNorm
#' @return Pruned rxode2 model text.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxPrune <- function(x) {
.env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.mv <- rxModelVars(x)
.env$.if <- NULL
.env$.def1 <- NULL
.ret <- .rxPrune(eval(parse(text = paste0("quote({", rxNorm(x), "})"))), envir = .env, strAssign=.mv$strAssign)
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