
Defines functions rxRename.default rxRename.function rxRename.rxUi rename.function rename.rxUi .rxRename rxRename .rxRenameAll .rxRenameAllMat .rxRenameRecursiveAll .assertRenameErrorModelLine

Documented in .assertRenameErrorModelLine rename.function rename.rxUi rxRename .rxRename rxRename.default rxRename.function rxRename.rxUi

#' This function asserts the requested rename makes sense
#' It returns the new expression, old expression, new variable and old
#' variable
#' @param line quoted call information line
#' @param vars Variables contained within the mdel
#' @return list(new, old, newChar, oldChar)
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.assertRenameErrorModelLine <- function(line, vars) {
  .var.name <- NULL
  if (is.name(line[[2]])) {
    .var.name <- as.character(line[[2]])
  } else {
    stop("to rename a variable you need to use 'newName=oldName' syntax",
  if (!identical(line[[1]], quote(`<-`))) {
    stop("to rename a variable you need to use '", .var.name, "=oldName' syntax",
  if (!is.name(line[[3]])) {
    stop("to rename a variable you need to use '", .var.name, "=oldName' syntax, where oldName is a variable",
  } else {
    .var.name2 <- as.character(line[[3]])
  if (.var.name %in% vars) {
    stop("the new variable '", .var.name, "' is already present in the model; cannot replace '", .var.name2, "' with '",
         .var.name, "'",
  if (!(.var.name2 %in% vars)) {
    stop("the old variable '", .var.name2, "' is not present in the model and cannot be renamed to '", .var.name, "'",
  list(line[[2]], line[[3]], .var.name, .var.name2)
#' Renames everything in one function
#' @param item language item to process
#' @param lst list of renaming from .assertRenameErrorModelLine, ie list(new, old, newChar, oldChar)
#' @param isLhs is the expression the left handed side of the equation
#' @return expression renamed
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.rxRenameRecursiveAll <- function(item, lst, isLhs=FALSE) {
  if (is.atomic(item)) {
  if (is.name(item)) {
    .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    .env$new <- NULL
    lapply(seq_along(lst), function(i) {
      if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(NULL)
      .curLst <- lst[[i]]
      .old <- .curLst[[2]]
      if (identical(item, .old)) {
        .env$new <- .curLst[[1]]
    if (!is.null(.env$new)) {
  } else if (is.call(item)) {
    if (isLhs && identical(item[[1]], quote(`/`))) {
      # handle d/dt() differently so that d doesn't get renamed
      .num <- item[[2]]
      .denom <- item[[3]]
      if (is.call(.num)) .num <- as.call(lapply(.num, .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=TRUE))
      if (is.call(.denom)) .denom <- as.call(lapply(.denom, .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=TRUE))
      return(as.call(c(list(item[[1]]), .num, .denom)))
    } else if (isLhs && length(item) == 2L &&
                 is.numeric(item[[2]])) {
      .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
      .env$new <- NULL
             function(i) {
               if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(NULL)
               .curLst <- lst[[i]]
               .old <- .curLst[[2]]
               if (identical(item[[1]], .old)) {
                 .env$new <- .curLst[[1]]
      if (!is.null(.env$new)) {
        # handle x(0) = items
        return(as.call(c(.env$new, lapply(item[-1], .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=isLhs))))
    if (identical(item[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
          identical(item[[1]], quote(`<-`)) ||
          identical(item[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
      .elhs <- lapply(item[c(-1, -3)], .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=TRUE)
      .erhs <- lapply(item[c(-1, -2)], .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=FALSE)
      return(as.call(c(item[[1]], .elhs, .erhs)))
    } else {
      return(as.call(c(list(item[[1]]), lapply(item[-1], .rxRenameRecursiveAll, lst=lst, isLhs=isLhs))))
  } else {
    stop("unknown expression", call.=FALSE)
#' Rename all items in matrix dimnames
#' @param mat matrix
#' @param lst list for renaming
#' @return renamed matrix
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.rxRenameAllMat <- function(mat, lst) {
  .d <- dimnames(mat)[[1]]
  .d <- vapply(seq_along(.d), function(i) {
    .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    .env$new <- NULL
    .cur <- .d[i]
           function(j) {
             if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(NULL)
             .curLst <- lst[[j]]
             .old <- .curLst[[4]]
             if (.cur == .old) {
               .env$new <- .curLst[[3]]
    if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(.env$new)
  }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  dimnames(mat) <- list(.d, .d)

#' Rename all the items in the initialization data frame and model
#' @param rxui the ui to process
#' @param lst the list of old and new expressions (like above)
#' @return Called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.rxRenameAll <- function(rxui, lst) {
  rxui <- rxUiDecompress(rxui)
  .iniDf <- rxui$iniDf
  .iniDf$name <- vapply(seq_along(.iniDf$name),
                        function(i) {
                          .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
                          .env$new <- NULL
                          .cur <- .iniDf$name[i]
                                 function(j) {
                                   if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(NULL)
                                   .curLst <- lst[[j]]
                                   .old <- .curLst[[4]]
                                   if (.cur == .old) {
                                     .env$new <- .curLst[[3]]
                          if (!is.null(.env$new)) return(.env$new)
                        }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  rxui$iniDf <- .iniDf
  if (exists("sigma", rxui)) {
    assign("sigma", .rxRenameAllMat(get("sigma", envir=rxui), lst), envir=rxui)
  if (exists("thetaMat", rxui)) {
    assign("thetaMat", .rxRenameAllMat(get("thetaMat", envir=rxui), lst), envir=rxui)
  if (exists("meta", rxui)) {
    .meta <- get("meta", rxui)
    if (exists("sigma", .meta)) {
      assign("sigma", .rxRenameAllMat(get("sigma", envir=.meta), lst), envir=.meta)
    if (exists("thetaMat", .meta)) {
      assign("thetaMat", .rxRenameAllMat(get("thetaMat", envir=.meta), lst), envir=.meta)
  rxui$lstExpr <- lapply(seq_along(rxui$lstExpr),
                         function(i) {
                           .rxRenameRecursiveAll(rxui$lstExpr[[i]], lst=lst)

#' Rename items inside of a `rxode2` ui model
#' `rxRename()` changes the names of individual variables, lhs, and ode states using
#' `new_name = old_name` syntax
#' @param .data rxode2 ui function, named data to be consistent with `dplyr::rename()`
#' @param ... rename items
#' @param envir Environment for evaluation
#' @return New model with items renamed
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @details
#' This is similar to `dplyr`'s `rename()` function.  When `dplyr` is
#' loaded, the `s3` methods work for the ui objects.
#' Note that the `.rxRename()` is the internal function that is called
#' when renaming and is likely not what you need to call unless you
#' are writing your own extension of the function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ocmt <- function() {
#'   ini({
#'     tka <- exp(0.45) # Ka
#'     tcl <- exp(1) # Cl
#'     ## This works with interactive models
#'     ## You may also label the preceding line with label("label text")
#'     tv <- exp(3.45) # log V
#'     ## the label("Label name") works with all models
#'     add.sd <- 0.7
#'   })
#'   model({
#'     ka <- tka
#'     cl <- tcl
#'     v <- tv
#'     d/dt(depot) = -ka * depot
#'     d/dt(center) = ka * depot - cl / v * center
#'     cp = center / v
#'     cp ~ add(add.sd)
#'   })
#' }
#' ocmt %>% rxRename(cpParent=cp)
rxRename <- function(.data, ..., envir=parent.frame()) {

#' @rdname rxRename
#' @export
.rxRename <- function(.data, ..., envir=parent.frame()) {
  .inCompress <- FALSE
  if (inherits(.data, "rxUi") &&
        inherits(.data, "raw")) {
    .inCompress <- TRUE
  rxui <- assertRxUi(.data)
  if (inherits(rxui, "raw")) {
    rxui <- rxUiDecompress(rxui)
  .vars <- unique(c(rxui$mv0$state, rxui$mv0$params, rxui$mv0$lhs, rxui$predDf$var, rxui$predDf$cond, rxui$iniDf$name))
  .modelLines <- .quoteCallInfoLines(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-(1:2)], envir=envir)
  .lst <- lapply(seq_along(.modelLines), function(i) {
    .assertRenameErrorModelLine(.modelLines[[i]], .vars)
  rxui <- .copyUi(rxui) # copy ui so effects do not affect original
  .rxRenameAll(rxui, .lst)
  .ret <- rxui$fun()
  if (inherits(.data, "rxUi")) {
    ## .x <- rxUiDecompress(.data)
    .ret <- .newModelAdjust(.ret, rxui, rename=TRUE)
    if (.inCompress) {
      .ret <- rxUiCompress(.ret)
    .cls <- setdiff(class(.data), class(.ret))
    if (length(.cls) > 0) {
      class(.ret) <- c(.cls, class(.ret))
#' @rdname rxRename
rename.rxUi <- function(.data, ...) {
  .lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  .lst$.data <- .data
  do.call(.rxRename, c(.lst, list(envir=parent.frame(2))))
#' @rdname rxRename
rename.function <- function(.data, ...) {
  .lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  .lst$.data <- .data
  do.call(.rxRename, c(.lst, list(envir=parent.frame(2))))
#' @export
#' @rdname rxRename
rxRename.rxUi <- function(.data, ...) {
  .lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  .lst$.data <- .data
  do.call(.rxRename, c(.lst, list(envir=parent.frame(2))))
#' @export
#' @rdname rxRename
rxRename.function <- function(.data, ...) {
  .lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  .lst$.data <- .data
  do.call(.rxRename, c(.lst, list(envir=parent.frame(2))))
#' @export
#' @rdname rxRename
rxRename.default <- function(.data, ...) {
  .lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
  .lst$.data <- .data
  do.call(.rxRename, c(.lst, list(envir=parent.frame(2))))
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.