#' Assign the model block in the rxode2 related object
#' @param x rxode2 related object
#' @param envir Environment where assignment occurs
#' @param value Value of the object
#' @return rxode2 related object
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
`model<-` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
#' @export
`model<-.default` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
.ret <- try(as.rxUi(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
stop("cannot figure out what to do with model assignment", call.=FALSE)
.model <- as.model(force(value))
.ini <- .ret$iniFun
.fun <- function() {} # nolint
body(.fun) <- as.call(list(quote(`{`), .ini, .model))
rxode2(x) <- .fun
#' Assign the ini block in the rxode2 related object
#' @param x rxode2 related object
#' @param envir Environment where assignment occurs
#' @param value Value of the object
#' @return rxode2 related object
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
`ini<-` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
#' @export
`ini<-.default` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
.ret <- try(as.rxUi(x), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
stop("cannot figure out what to do with ini assignment", call.=FALSE)
.ini <- as.ini(force(value))
.model <- .ret$modelFun
.fun <- function() {} # nolint
body(.fun) <- as.call(list(quote(`{`), .ini, .model))
rxode2(x) <- .fun
#' This gets all the significant items in the model
#' @param model uncompresseg model to check
#' @return all significant items to assign
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.getAllSigEnv <- function(model) {
.lsModel <- ls(envir=model)
setdiff(.lsModel, .rxUiBlessed)
#' This gets the dropped items if a significant item changed
#' @param model uncompressed model to check
#' @return Character vector of items to be dropped
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.getDropEnv <- function(model) {
.lsModel <- ls(envir=model)
setdiff(.lsModel, c(.rxUiBlessed, model$sticky))
#' This gets the additional items kept if a significant item changed
#' @param model uncompressed model to check
#' @return Character vector of additional items to be kept
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.getKeepEnv <- function(model) {
.lsModel <- ls(envir=model)
.ret <- setdiff(.lsModel, .rxUiBlessed)
.ret[.ret %in% model$sticky]
#' Checks to see if the models are nearly the same
#' @param newModel New rxode2 model
#' @param oldModel old rxode2 model
#' @return boolean to say if the models are nearly the same
#' @noRd
#' @details
#' Nearly the same models has the same model block, the same
#' estimates, but can change in fixed/unfixed, upper/lower limits and
#' labels.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.modelsNearlySame <- function(newModel, oldModel) {
# first check to see if this is a "significant" change.
if (identical(newModel$modelFun, oldModel$modelFun)) {
.pre <- oldModel$iniDf[,c("name", "est")]
names(.pre)[2] <- "estPre"
.post <- newModel$iniDf[,c("name", "est")]
.both <- merge(.pre, .post, all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE, by="name")
if (any(is.na(.both$est))) return(FALSE)
if (any(is.na(.both$estPre))) return(FALSE)
if (all(abs(.both$est - .both$estPre) < 1e-10)) {
#' Adjust new and old model
#' @param newModel new model to adjust (uncompressed)
#' @param oldModel old model to get information from (uncompressed)
#' @param rename if this operation is a rename operation, it is
#' considered an insignificant operation
#' @return new model adjusted to match oldModel as much as reasonable.
#' The class needs to be adjusted and needs to be compressed
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.newModelAdjust <- function(newModel, oldModel, rename=FALSE) {
newModel <- rxUiDecompress(newModel)
oldModel <- rxUiDecompress(oldModel)
lapply(c("meta", "sticky", "model", "modelName"), function(x) {
if (exists(x, envir=oldModel)) assign(x, get(x, envir=oldModel), envir=newModel)
if (rename || .modelsNearlySame(newModel, oldModel)) {
function(x) {
assign(x, get(x, envir=oldModel), envir=newModel)
.drop <- .getDropEnv(oldModel)
.keep <- .getKeepEnv(oldModel)
lapply(.keep, function(v) {
assign(v, get(v, envir=oldModel), envir=newModel)
lapply(.drop, function(v) {
if (exists(v, envir=newModel)) rm(list=v, envir=newModel)
if ( length(.drop) > 0 ) {
cli::cli_alert("significant model change detected")
if (length(.keep) > 0) {
cli::cli_alert(sprintf("kept in model: '%s'",
paste(paste0("$", .keep), collapse="', '")))
cli::cli_alert(sprintf("removed from model: '%s'",
paste(paste0("$", .drop), collapse="', '")))
#' Set the body of the rxode2 related function
#' @param fun function for setting the body
#' @param envir environment where this is assigned
#' @param value value that will be assigned
#' @return new rxode2 function with meta information retained
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler & Bill Denney
.bodySetRxUi <- function(x, envir = parent.frame(), value) {
if (is.function(value)) {
value <- body(value)
.clsModel <- class(x)
.model <- rxUiDecompress(x)
.modelFun <- .model$fun # don't use as-function to avoid environment issues
if (!inherits(.modelFun, "function")) stop("wrong input for 'x' in .bodySetRxUi", call.=FALSE)
body(.modelFun) <- value
#' Set the function body of an rxUi object while retaining other object
#' information (like data)
#' @param x The rxUi object
#' @param envir environment where the assignment ocurs
#' @param value the value that will be assigned
#' @return The rxode2 ui/function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' one.compartment <- function() {
#' ini({
#' tka <- log(1.57); label("Ka")
#' tcl <- log(2.72); label("Cl")
#' tv <- log(31.5); label("V")
#' eta.ka ~ 0.6
#' eta.cl ~ 0.3
#' eta.v ~ 0.1
#' add.sd <- 0.7
#' })
#' model({
#' ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
#' cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
#' v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
#' d/dt(depot) = -ka * depot
#' d/dt(center) = ka * depot - cl / v * center
#' cp = center / v
#' cp ~ add(add.sd)
#' })
#' }
#' two.compartment <- function() {
#' ini({
#' lka <- 0.45 ; label("Absorption rate (Ka)")
#' lcl <- 1 ; label("Clearance (CL)")
#' lvc <- 3 ; label("Central volume of distribution (V)")
#' lvp <- 5 ; label("Peripheral volume of distribution (Vp)")
#' lq <- 0.1 ; label("Intercompartmental clearance (Q)")
#' propSd <- 0.5 ; label("Proportional residual error (fraction)")
#' })
#' model({
#' ka <- exp(lka)
#' cl <- exp(lcl)
#' vc <- exp(lvc)
#' vp <- exp(lvp)
#' q <- exp(lq)
#' kel <- cl/vc
#' k12 <- q/vc
#' k21 <- q/vp
#' d/dt(depot) <- -ka*depot
#' d/dt(central) <- ka*depot - kel*central - k12*central + k21*peripheral1
#' d/dt(peripheral1) <- k12*central - k21*peripheral1
#' cp <- central / vc
#' cp ~ prop(propSd)
#' })
#' }
#' ui <- rxode2(one.compartment)
#' rxode2(ui) <- two.compartment
`rxode2<-` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
#' @rdname rxode2-set
#' @export
`rxode2<-.function` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
.val <- force(value)
if (inherits(.val, "{")) {
.fun <- function() {} #nolint
body(.fun) <- .val
} else if (!inherits(value, "function")) {
stop("cannot figure out how to assign this to the with rxode()<-",
#' @rdname rxode2-set
#' @export
`rxode2<-.default` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
.v <- value
if (inherits(value, "function")) {
value <- body(value)
} else if (inherits(value, "rxUi")) {
value <- body(as.function(value))
} else if (!inherits(value, "{")) {
stop("do not know how to assign this", call.=FALSE)
.ret <- .bodySetRxUi(x, envir = parent.frame(), value)
if (inherits(x, "rxUi")) {
.ret <- .newModelAdjust(.ret, x)
.ret <- rxUiCompress(.ret)
if (inherits(x, "rxUi")) {
.cls <- setdiff(class(x), class(.ret))
if (length(.cls) > 0) {
class(.ret) <- c(.cls, class(.ret))
#'@rdname rxode2-set
`rxode<-` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
#'@rdname rxode2-set
`RxODE<-` <- function(x, envir=environment(x), value) {
#' @export
`$<-.rxUi` <- function(x, name, value) {
.raw <- inherits(x, "raw")
if (!.raw) {
assign(name, value, envir=x)
.x <- x
if (name %in% c("ini", "iniDf")) {
ini(x) <- value
if (name == "model") {
model(x) <- value
.x <- rxUiDecompress(.x)
if (exists(name, .x)) {
stop("'", name, "' is a fixed UI component and should not be overwritten",
.meta <- get("meta", .x)
assign(name, value, envir=.meta)
.x <- rxUiCompress(.x)
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