
  if (!.Call(`_rxode2_isIntel`)) {
    ## Example 3.1 from
    ## "Solving Differential Equations in R" by Soetaert et al (2012)
    ## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/diffEq/vignettes/ODEinR.pdf Example #1
    df.test <- qs::qread(test_path("test-example-3-1.qs"))

    ms <- c("liblsoda", "lsoda", "dop853")
    ode <- rxode2(model = "d/dt(y) = r * y * (1.0 - y/K);")
    .rxWithOptions(list(digits = 6), {
      for (meth in ms) {
        # context(sprintf("Example 3-1 (%s)", meth))

        ## create event table with times at which we observe the system
        et <- eventTable(time.units = NA)
        et$add.sampling(seq(from = 0, to = 20, by = 0.2))

        ## same model, different initial values (2 and 12)
        out1 <- ode$solve(params = c(r = 1, K = 10), events = et, inits = c(y = 2))
        out2 <- ode$solve(params = c(r = 1, K = 10), events = et, inits = c(y = 12))

        ## matplot(x = out1[,1], y = cbind(out1[,2], out2[,2]), type = "l",
        ##    main = "logistic growth", xlab="time", ylab="")

        ## Now use a non-stiff solver
        out2.ns <-
          ode$solve(params = c(r = 1, K = 10), events = et, inits = c(y = 12), method = "dop853")

        df <- round(cbind(out1, out2, out2.ns), 3)

        test_that("Runs example 3.1 correctly", {
          expect_equal(df, round(df.test, 3))

        head(cbind(out1, out2, out2.ns), n = 15)
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.