
##' @section nlmixr modeling mini-language:
##' \bold{Rationale}
##' nlmixr estimation routines each have their own way of specifying
##' models.  Often the models are specified in ways that are most
##' intuitive for one estimation routine, but do not make sense for
##' another estimation routine.  Sometimes, legacy estimation
##' routines like \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}} have their own syntax that
##' is outside of the control of the nlmixr package.
##' The unique syntax of each routine makes the routines themselves
##' easier to maintain and expand, and allows interfacing with
##' existing packages that are outside of nlmixr (like
##' \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}).  However, a model definition language
##' that is common between estimation methods, and an output object
##' that is uniform, will make it easier to switch between estimation
##' routines and will facilitate interfacing output with external
##' packages like Xpose.
##' The nlmixr mini-modeling language, attempts to address this issue
##' by incorporating a common language.  This language is inspired by
##' both R and NONMEM, since these languages are familiar to many
##' pharmacometricians.
##' \bold{Initial Estimates and boundaries for population parameters}
##' nlmixr models are contained in a R function with two blocks:
##' \code{ini} and \code{model}.  This R function can be named
##' anything, but is not meant to be called directly from R.  In fact
##' if you try you will likely get an error such as \code{Error: could
##' not find function "ini"}.
##' The \code{ini} model block is meant to hold the initial estimates
##' for the model, and the boundaries of the parameters for estimation
##' routines that support boundaries (note nlmixr's \code{\link{saem}}
##' and \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}} do not currently support parameter boundaries).
##' To explain how these initial estimates are specified we will start
##' with an annotated example:
##' \preformatted{
##' f <- function()\{ ## Note the arguments to the function are currently
##'                  ## ignored by nlmixr
##'     ini(\{
##'         ## Initial conditions for population parameters (sometimes
##'         ## called theta parameters) are defined by either `<-` or '='
##'         lCl <- 1.6      #log Cl (L/hr)
##'         ## Note that simple expressions that evaluate to a number are
##'         ## OK for defining initial conditions (like in R)
##'         lVc = log(90)  #log V (L)
##'         ## Also a comment on a parameter is captured as a parameter label
##'         lKa <- 1 #log Ka (1/hr)
##'         ## Bounds may be specified by c(lower, est, upper), like NONMEM:
##'         ## Residuals errors are assumed to be population parameters
##'         prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
##'     \})
##'     ## The model block will be discussed later
##'     model(\{\})
##' \}
##' }
##' As shown in the above examples:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Simple parameter values are specified as a R-compatible assignment
##' \item Boundaries my be specified by \code{c(lower, est, upper)}.
##' \item Like NONMEM, \code{c(lower,est)} is equivalent to \code{c(lower,est,Inf)}
##' \item Also like NONMEM, \code{c(est)} does not specify a lower bound, and is equivalent
##'   to specifying the parameter  without R's `c` function.
##' \item The initial estimates are specified on the variance scale, and in analogy with
##'      NONMEM, the square roots of the diagonal elements correspond to coefficients of
##'      variation when used in the exponential IIV implementation
##' }
##' These parameters can be named almost any R compatible name.  Please note that:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Residual error estimates should be coded as population estimates (i.e. using an
##'    '=' or '<-' statement, not a '~').
##' \item Naming variables that start with "\code{_}" are not supported.  Note that R does not
##'     allow variable starting with "\code{_}" to be assigned without quoting them.
##' \item Naming variables that start with "\code{rx_}" or "\code{nlmixr_}" is not supported since
##'    \link[RxODE]{RxODE} and nlmixr use these prefixes internally for certain estimation
##'    routines and calculating residuals.
##' \item Variable names are case sensitive, just like they are in R. "\code{CL}" is not the
##'    same as "\code{Cl}".
##' }
##' \bold{Initial Estimates for between subject error distribution (NONMEM's  $OMEGA)}
##' In mixture models, multivariate normal individual deviations from
##' the population parameters are estimated (in NONMEM these are
##' called \code{eta} parameters).  Additionally the
##' variance/covariance matrix of these deviations is also estimated
##' (in NONMEM this is the OMEGA matrix).  These also have initial
##' estimates.  In nlmixr these are specified by the `~` operator that
##' is typically used in R for "modeled by", and was chosen to
##' distinguish these estimates from the population and residual error
##' parameters.
##' Continuing the prior example, we can annotate the estimates for
##' the between subject error distribution
##' \preformatted{
##' f <- function()\{
##'     ini(\{
##'         lCl <- 1.6      #log Cl (L/hr)
##'         lVc = log(90)  #log V (L)
##'         lKa <- 1 #log Ka (1/hr)
##'         prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
##'         ## Initial estimate for ka IIV variance
##'         ## Labels work for single parameters
##'         eta.ka ~ 0.1 # BSV Ka
##'         ## For correlated parameters, you specify the names of each
##'         ## correlated parameter separated by a addition operator `+`
##'         ## and the left handed side specifies the lower triangular
##'         ## matrix initial of the covariance matrix.
##' + ~ c(0.1,
##'                             0.005, 0.1)
##'         ## Note that labels do not currently work for correlated
##'         ## parameters.  Also do not put comments inside the lower
##'         ## triangular matrix as this will currently break the model.
##'     \})
##'     ## The model block will be discussed later
##'     model(\{\})
##' \}
##' }
##'  As shown in the above examples:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Simple variances are specified by the variable name  and the
##'    estimate separated by `~`.
##' \item Correlated parameters are specified by the sum of the variable
##'    labels and then the lower triangular matrix of the covariance is
##'    specified on the left handed side of the equation. This is also
##'    separated by `~`.
##' }
##' Currently the model syntax does not allow comments inside the
##' lower triangular matrix.
##' \bold{Model Syntax for ODE based models (NONMEM's $PK, $PRED, $DES and $ERROR)}
##' Once the initialization block has been defined, you can define a
##' model in terms of the defined variables in the \code{ini} block.  You can
##' also mix in RxODE blocks into the model.
##' The current method of defining a nlmixr model is to specify the
##' parameters, and then possibly the RxODE lines:
##' Continuing describing the syntax with an annotated example:
##' \preformatted{
##' f <- function()\{
##'     ini(\{
##'         lCl <- 1.6      #log Cl (L/hr)
##'         lVc <- log(90)   #log Vc (L)
##'         lKA <- 0.1      #log Ka (1/hr)
##'         prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
##'         eta.Cl ~ 0.1 ## BSV Cl
##'         eta.Vc ~ 0.1 ## BSV Vc
##'         eta.KA ~ 0.1 ## BSV Ka
##'     \})
##'     model(\{
##'         ## First parameters are defined in terms of the initial estimates
##'         ## parameter names.
##'         Cl <- exp(lCl + eta.Cl)
##'         Vc = exp(lVc + eta.Vc)
##'         KA <- exp(lKA + eta.KA)
##'         ## After the differential equations are defined
##'         kel <- Cl / Vc;
##'         d/dt(depot)    = -KA*depot;
##'         d/dt(centr)  =  KA*depot-kel*centr;
##'         ## And the concentration is then calculated
##'         cp = centr / Vc;
##'         ## Last, nlmixr is told that the plasma concentration follows
##'         ## a proportional error (estimated by the parameter prop.err)
##'         cp ~ prop(prop.err)
##'     \})
##' \}
##' }
##' A few points to note:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Parameters are defined before the differential equations.  Currently
##'      directly defining the differential equations in terms of the population
##'      parameters is not supported.
##' \item The differential equations, parameters and error terms are in a single
##'      block, instead of multiple sections.
##' \item State names, calculated variables cannot start with either "\code{rx_}"
##'      or "\code{nlmixr_}" since these are used internally in some estimation routines.
##' \item Errors are specified using the `~`.  Currently you can use either \code{add(parameter)}
##'      for additive error,  prop(parameter) for proportional error or \code{add(parameter1) + prop(parameter2)}
##'      for additive plus proportional error.  You can also specify \code{norm(parameter)} for the additive error,
##'      since it follows a normal distribution.
##' \item Some routines, like \code{\link{saem}} require  parameters in terms of \code{Pop.Parameter + Individual.Deviation.Parameter + Covariate*Covariate.Parameter}.
##'      The order of these parameters do not matter.  This is similar to NONMEM's mu-referencing, though
##'      not quite so restrictive.
##' \item The type of parameter in the model is determined by the initial block;  Covariates used in the
##'      model are missing in the \code{ini} block.  These variables need to be present in the modeling
##'      dataset for the model to run.
##' }
##' \bold{Model Syntax for solved PK systems}
##' Solved PK systems are also currently supported by nlmixr with the
##' `linCmt()` pseudo-function.  An annotated example of a solved
##' system is below:
##' ##' \preformatted{
##' f <- function()\{
##'     ini(\{
##'         lCl <- 1.6      #log Cl (L/hr)
##'         lVc <- log(90)   #log Vc (L)
##'         lKA <- 0.1      #log Ka (1/hr)
##'         prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
##'         eta.Cl ~ 0.1 ## BSV Cl
##'         eta.Vc ~ 0.1 ## BSV Vc
##'         eta.KA ~ 0.1 ## BSV Ka
##'     \})
##'     model(\{
##'         Cl <- exp(lCl + eta.Cl)
##'         Vc = exp(lVc + eta.Vc)
##'         KA <- exp(lKA + eta.KA)
##'         ## Instead of specifying the ODEs, you can use
##'         ## the linCmt() function to use the solved system.
##'         ##
##'         ## This function determines the type of PK solved system
##'         ## to use by the parameters that are defined.  In this case
##'         ## it knows that this is a one-compartment model with first-order
##'         ## absorption.
##'         linCmt() ~ prop(prop.err)
##'     \})
##' \}
##' }
##' A few things to keep in mind:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Currently the solved systems support either oral dosing, IV dosing
##'      or IV infusion dosing and does not allow mixing the dosing types.
##' \item While RxODE allows mixing of solved systems and ODEs, this has not
##'      been implemented in nlmixr yet.
##' \item The solved systems implemented are the one, two and three compartment
##'       models with or without first-order absorption.  Each of the models support a
##'       lag time with a tlag parameter.
##' \item In general the linear compartment model figures out the model by the parameter names.
##'       nlmixr currently knows about numbered volumes, Vc/Vp, Clearances in terms of both Cl and
##'       Q/CLD.  Additionally nlmixr knows about elimination micro-constants (ie K12).  Mixing of
##'       these parameters for these models is currently not supported.
##' }
##'  \bold{Checking model syntax}
##' After specifying the model syntax you can check that nlmixr is
##' interpreting it correctly by using the \code{nlmixr} function on
##' it.
##' Using the above function we can get:
##' \preformatted{
##' > nlmixr(f)
##' ## 1-compartment model with first-order absorption in terms of Cl
##' ## Initialization:
##' ################################################################################
##' Fixed Effects ($theta):
##'     lCl     lVc     lKA
##' 1.60000 4.49981 0.10000
##' Omega ($omega):
##'      [,1] [,2] [,3]
##' [1,]  0.1  0.0  0.0
##' [2,]  0.0  0.1  0.0
##' [3,]  0.0  0.0  0.1
##' ## Model:
##' ################################################################################
##' Cl <- exp(lCl + eta.Cl)
##' Vc = exp(lVc + eta.Vc)
##' KA <- exp(lKA + eta.KA)
##' ## Instead of specifying the ODEs, you can use
##' ## the linCmt() function to use the solved system.
##' ##
##' ## This function determines the type of PK solved system
##' ## to use by the parameters that are defined.  In this case
##' ## it knows that this is a one-compartment model with first-order
##' ## absorption.
##' linCmt() ~ prop(prop.err)
##' }
##' In general this gives you information about the model (what type
##' of solved system/RxODE), initial estimates as well as the code for
##' the model block.
##' \bold{Using the model syntax for estimating a model}
##' Once the model function has been created, you can use it and a
##' dataset to estimate the parameters for a model given a dataset.
##' This dataset has to have RxODE compatible events IDs.  Both
##' Monolix and NONMEM use a different dataset description.  You may
##' convert these datasets to RxODE-compatible datasets with the
##' \code{\link{nmDataConvert}} function.  Note that steady state
##' doses are not supported by RxODE, and therefore not supported by
##' the conversion function.
##' As an example, you can use a simulated rich 1-compartment dataset.
##' \preformatted{
##'  d <- Oral_1CPT
##'  d <- d[,names(d) != "SS"];
##'  d <- nmDataConvert(d);
##' }
##' Once the data has been converted to the appropriate format, you
##' can use the \code{nlmixr} function to run the appropriate code.
##' The method to estimate the model is:
##' \preformatted{
##' fit <- nlmixr(model.function, rxode.dataset, est="est",control=estControl(options))
##' }
##' Currently \code{\link[nlme]{nlme}} and \code{\link{saem}} are implemented.  For example, to run the
##' above model with \code{\link{saem}}, we could have the following:
##' > f <- function()\{
##'     ini(\{
##'         lCl <- 1.6      #log Cl (L/hr)
##'         lVc <- log(90)   #log Vc (L)
##'         lKA <- 0.1      #log Ka (1/hr)
##'         prop.err <- c(0, 0.2, 1)
##'         eta.Cl ~ 0.1 ## BSV Cl
##'         eta.Vc ~ 0.1 ## BSV Vc
##'         eta.KA ~ 0.1 ## BSV Ka
##'     \})
##'     model(\{
##'         ## First parameters are defined in terms of the initial estimates
##'         ## parameter names.
##'         Cl <- exp(lCl + eta.Cl)
##'         Vc = exp(lVc + eta.Vc)
##'         KA <- exp(lKA + eta.KA)
##'         ## After the differential equations are defined
##'         kel <- Cl / Vc;
##'         d/dt(depot)    = -KA*depot;
##'         d/dt(centr)  =  KA*depot-kel*centr;
##'         ## And the concentration is then calculated
##'         cp = centr / Vc;
##'         ## Last, nlmixr is told that the plasma concentration follows
##'         ## a proportional error (estimated by the parameter prop.err)
##'         cp ~ prop(prop.err)
##'     \})
##' \}
##' > fit.s <- nlmixr(f,d,est="saem",control=saemControl(n.burn=50,n.em=100,print=50));
##' Compiling RxODE differential equations...done.
##' c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++  -I"c:/R/R-34~1.1/include" -DNDEBUG     -I"d:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/include"  -Ic:/nlmixr/inst/include -Ic:/R/R-34~1.1/library/STANHE~1/include -Ic:/R/R-34~1.1/library/Rcpp/include -Ic:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPAR~1/include -Ic:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPEI~1/include -Ic:/R/R-34~1.1/library/BH/include   -O2 -Wall  -mtune=core2 -c saem3090757b4bd1x64.cpp -o saem3090757b4bd1x64.o
##' In file included from c:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPAR~1/include/armadillo:52:0,
##'                  from c:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPAR~1/include/RcppArmadilloForward.h:46,
##'                  from c:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPAR~1/include/RcppArmadillo.h:31,
##'                  from saem3090757b4bd1x64.cpp:1:
##' c:/R/R-34~1.1/library/RCPPAR~1/include/armadillo_bits/compiler_setup.hpp:474:96: note: #pragma message: WARNING: use of OpenMP disabled; this compiler doesn't support OpenMP 3.0+
##'    #pragma message ("WARNING: use of OpenMP disabled; this compiler doesn't support OpenMP 3.0+")
##'                                                                                                 ^
##' c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/g++ -shared -s -static-libgcc -o saem3090757b4bd1x64.dll tmp.def saem3090757b4bd1x64.o c:/nlmixr/R/rx_855815def56a50f0e7a80e48811d947c_x64.dll -Lc:/R/R-34~1.1/bin/x64 -lRblas -Lc:/R/R-34~1.1/bin/x64 -lRlapack -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath -Ld:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/lib/x64 -Ld:/Compiler/gcc-4.9.3/local330/lib -Lc:/R/R-34~1.1/bin/x64 -lR
##' done.
##' 1:    1.8174   4.6328   0.0553   0.0950   0.0950   0.0950   0.6357
##' 50:    1.3900   4.2039   0.0001   0.0679   0.0784   0.1082   0.1992
##' 100:    1.3894   4.2054   0.0107   0.0686   0.0777   0.1111   0.1981
##' 150:    1.3885   4.2041   0.0089   0.0683   0.0778   0.1117   0.1980
##' Using sympy via SnakeCharmR
##' ## Calculate ETA-based prediction and error derivatives:
##' Calculate Jacobian...................done.
##' Calculate sensitivities.......
##' done.
##' ## Calculate d(f)/d(eta)
##' ## ...
##' ## done
##' ## ...
##' ## done
##' The model-based sensitivities have been calculated
##' Calculating Table Variables...
##' done
##' }
##' The options for \code{\link{saem}} are controlled by \code{\link{saemControl}}.
##' You may wish to make sure the minimization is complete in the case
##' of \code{\link{saem}}.  You can do that with \code{\link{traceplot}} which shows the
##' iteration history with the divided by burn-in and EM phases.  In
##' this case, the burn in seems reasonable; you may wish to increase
##' the number of iterations in the EM phase of the estimation.
##' Overall it is probably a semi-reasonable solution.
##' \bold{nlmixr output objects}
##' In addition to unifying the modeling language sent to each of the
##' estimation routines, the outputs currently have a unified structure.
##' You can see the fit object by typing the object name:
##' \preformatted{
##' > fit.s
##'  -- nlmixr SAEM fit (ODE); OBJF calculated from FOCEi approximation -------------
##'       OBJF      AIC      BIC Log-likelihood Condition Number
##'   62337.09 62351.09 62399.01      -31168.55          82.6086
##'  -- Time (sec; fit.s$time): -----------------------------------------------------
##'            saem setup Likelihood Calculation covariance table
##'  elapsed 430.25 31.64                   1.19          0  3.44
##'  -- Parameters (fit.s$par.fixed): -----------------------------------------------
##'               Parameter Estimate     SE  %RSE Back-transformed(95%CI) BSV(CV%)
##'  lCl      log Cl (L/hr)     1.39 0.0240  1.73       4.01 (3.83, 4.20)    26.6%
##'  lVc         log Vc (L)     4.20 0.0256 0.608       67.0 (63.7, 70.4)    28.5%
##'  lKA      log Ka (1/hr)  0.00924 0.0323  349.      1.01 (0.947, 1.08)    34.3%
##'  prop.err      prop.err    0.198                             19.8%
##'           Shrink(SD)%
##'  lCl          0.248%
##'  lVc           1.09%
##'  lKA           4.19%
##'  prop.err      1.81%
##'    No correlations in between subject variability (BSV) matrix
##'    Full BSV covariance (fit.s$omega) or correlation (fit.s$omega.R; diagonals=SDs)
##'    Distribution stats (mean/skewness/kurtosis/p-value) available in fit.s$shrink
##'  -- Fit Data (object fit.s is a modified data.frame): ---------------------------
##'  # A tibble: 6,947 x 22
##'  * <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##'  1 1      0.25  205.  198.   6.60  0.0741  189.  16.2  0.434  198.   6.78
##'  2 1      0.5   311.  349. -38.7  -0.261   330. -19.0 -0.291  349. -38.3
##'  3 1      0.75  389.  464. -74.5  -0.398   434. -45.2 -0.526  463. -73.9
##'  # ... with 6,944 more rows, and 11 more variables: CWRES <dbl>, eta.Cl <dbl>,
##'  #   eta.Vc <dbl>, eta.KA <dbl>, depot <dbl>, centr <dbl>, Cl <dbl>, Vc <dbl>,
#   KA <dbl>, kel <dbl>, cp <dbl>##'
##' }
##' This example shows what is typical printout of a nlmixr fit object.  The elements of the fit are:
##' \itemize{
##'  \item The type of fit (\code{\link[nlme]{nlme}}, \code{\link{saem}}, etc)
##'  \item Metrics of goodness of fit (\code{\link{AIC}}, \code{\link{BIC}},
##'    and \code{\link{logLik}}).
##'    \itemize{
##'      \item To align the comparison between methods, the FOCEi likelihood objective is calculated
##'           regardless of the method used and used for goodness of fit metrics.
##'      \item This FOCEi likelihood has been compared to NONMEM's objective function and gives
##'          the same values (based on the data in Wang 2007)
##'       \item Also note that \code{\link{saem}} does not calculate an objective function,
##'             and the FOCEi is used as the only objective function for the fit.
##'       \item Even though the objective functions are calculated in the same manner, caution should
##'          be used when comparing fits from various estimation routines.
##'  }
##'  \item The next item is the timing of each of the steps of the fit.
##' \itemize{
##' \item These can be also accessed by (\code{fit.s$time}).
##' \item As a mnemonic, the access for this item is shown in the printout.  This is true for
##'     almost all of the other items in the printout.
##' }
##' \item After the timing of the fit, the parameter estimates are displayed (can be accessed by
##'      \code{fit.s$par.fixed})
##' \itemize{
##' \item While the items are rounded for R printing, each estimate without rounding is still accessible by the `$` syntax.
##'   For example, the `$Untransformed` gives the untransformed parameter values.
##' \item The Untransformed parameter takes log-space parameters and back-transforms them to normal parameters.  Not the CIs
##'         are listed on the back-transformed parameter space.
##' \item Proportional Errors are converted to %CV on the untransformed space
##' }
##' \item Omega block (accessed by \code{fit.s$omega})
##' \item The table of fit data. Please note:
##' \itemize{
##' \item A nlmixr fit object is actually a data frame.  Saving it as a Rdata object and then loading it
##'     without nlmixr will just show the data by itself.  Don't worry; the fit information has not vanished,
##'     you can bring it back by simply loading nlmixr, and then accessing the data.
##' \item Special access to fit information (like the \code{$omega}) needs nlmixr to extract the information.
##' \item If you use the \code{$} to access information, the order of precedence is:
##' \itemize{
##' \item Fit data from the overall data.frame
##' \item Information about the parsed nlmixr model (via \code{$uif})
##' \item Parameter history if available (via \code{$par.hist} and \code{$par.hist.stacked})
##' \item Fixed effects table (via \code{$par.fixed})
##' \item Individual differences from the typical population parameters (via \code{$eta})
##' \item Fit information from the list of information generated during the post-hoc
##'      residual calculation.
##' \item Fit information from the environment where the post-hoc residual were calculated
##' \item Fit information about how the data and options interacted with the specified model
##'      (such as estimation options or if the solved system is for an infusion or an IV bolus).
##' }
##' \item While the printout may displays the data as a \code{data.table} object or \code{tbl}
##'     object, the data is NOT any of these objects, but rather a derived data frame.
##' \item Since the object \emph{is} a data.frame, you can treat it like one.
##' }
##' }
##' In addition to the above properties of the fit object, there are a
##' few additional that may be helpful for the modeler:
##' \itemize{
##' \item \code{$theta} gives the fixed effects parameter estimates (in NONMEM the
##'      \code{theta}s). This can also be accessed in \code{\link[nlme]{fixed.effects}}
##'      function. Note that the residual variability is treated as a fixed effect parameter
##'      and is included in this list.
##' \item \code{$eta} gives the random effects parameter estimates, or in NONMEM the
##'       \code{eta}s.  This can also be accessed in using the \code{\link{random.effects}}
##' function.
##' }
nlmixrdevelopment/nlmixr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 2:16 p.m.