
##' @title NONMEM estimated data using <%=est.method%> for <%=est.err%>
##' @description
##' The simulated dataset from \code{\link{Wang2007}} where various NONMEM
##' estimation methods (Lapclace FO, FOCE with and without
##' interaction) are described.
##' @format A data frame with 20 rows and 8 rows
##' \describe{
##'   \item{ID}{Siumlated Subject ID}
##'   \item{TIME}{Simulated Time}
##'   \item{ETA1}{Individual ETAs}
##'   \item{IPRE}{Individual Predictions}
##'   \item{DV}{Observations}
##'   \item{PRED}{Population Predictions}
##'   \item{RES}{Residuals}
##'   \item{WRES}{Weighted Residuals}
##' }
##' @source Table 1 from Wang, Y \emph{Derivation of Various NONMEM estimation methods}. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn (2007) 34:575-593.
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