
Defines functions get.series

Documented in get.series

#' @title Get a complete time series from a BETS database
#' @description Extracts a complete time series from either the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) or the Brazilian Institute of Economics (FGV/IBRE).
#' @param code A \code{character}. The unique code that references the time series. This code can be obtained by using the \code{\link{BETSsearch}} function.
#' @param data.frame A \code{boolean}. True if you want the output to be a data frame. True to \code{ts} output.
#' @param from A \code{character} or a \code{Data} object. Starting date of the time series (format YYYY-MM-DD).
#' @param to A \code{character} or a \code{Data} object. Ending date of the time series (format YYYY-MM-DD).
#' @param frequency An \code{integer}. The frequency of the time series. It is not needed. It is going to be used only if the metadata for the series is corrupted. 
#' @keywords get
#' @import RMySQL
#' @import DBI

get.series = function(code, from = "", to = "", data.frame = FALSE, frequency = NULL){
    if(from != ""){
        from = format(as.Date(from), "%d/%m/%Y")  
    if(to != ""){
        to = format(as.Date(to), "%d/%m/%Y")
    code = as.numeric(code)
    aux = tryCatch({
        get.series.bacen(code, from = from, to = to)[[1]]
    }, error = function(e){
    if(nrow(aux) == 0){
        examples <- readRDS(file.path(system.file(package="BETS"),"/examples.rds"))
        examples <- examples[examples$code == code,]
        if(nrow(examples) != 0){
            aux <- examples[,c(1,2)] 
        } else {
            return(invisible(msg(paste(MSG_NOT_SERVER_CONECTION,"Or series is empty in the BACEN databases"))))
    sch = suppressMessages(BETSsearch(code = code, view = F))
    freq = NA
    if("data.frame" %in% class(sch)){
      freq = trimws(sch[1,4])
    no.meta = F
      msg(paste("There is no corresponding entry in the metadata table.\n\n", .WARN_SOFT), warn = TRUE)
      no.meta = T
      freq = ""
    if(freq == "A"){
      freq = 1
    else if(freq == "Q" || freq == "T"){
      freq = 4
    else if(freq == "M"){
      freq = 12
    else if(freq == "W" || freq == "S"){
      freq = 52
    else if(freq == "D"){
      freq = 365
    else {
        msg(paste("Malformed metadata. The value", freq, "is not valid for 'periodicity'\n\n", .WARN_SOFT), warn = TRUE)
        data.frame = T
      else {
        freq = frequency 
  } else {
    freq = 365 
    conn = connection()
    aux = DBI::dbGetQuery(conn,paste0("select date, value from bets.IPC where code = '",code,"' order by date asc"))
    if(nrow(aux) == 0){
      return(invisible(msg(paste(.MSG_NOT_AVAILABLE,"Series is empty in the FGV database"))))
    #- Falta filtrar por datas!
  aux1 = as.numeric(aux[,2])
  try = FALSE
  try = tryCatch({
    aux2 = as.Date(aux[,1], format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    FALSE },
    error = function(err) {
    try = tryCatch({
      aux2 = as.Date(aux[,1], format = "%d/%m/%Y")
      FALSE },
      error = function(err) {
    return(invisible(msg(paste(.MSG_NOT_AVAILABLE,"Date formatting is inadequate."))))
  if(freq != 365 &&!data.frame){
      #year = as.numeric(format(k,"%Y"))
      #month = as.numeric(format(k,"%m"))
      #day = as.numeric(format(k,"%d"))
    start = get.period(aux2[1],freq)
    #start = get.period(c(year,month,day),freq)
    ts <- ts(aux1, start = start, freq = freq)
  }else {
    ts = data.frame(date = aux2, value = aux1)
nmecsys/BETS documentation built on April 8, 2021, 1:54 a.m.