
Defines functions compare_edges compare_edges_SAFEISH make.lattice

Documented in compare_edges compare_edges_SAFEISH make.lattice

#' Quick generate a lattice graph
#' Quick generate a lattice graph
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
make.lattice <- function(num.rows, num.cols, node.names.vec=NULL, cross.linksQ=T, plotQ=F){

  if(num.rows <= 1){
    stop("num.rows > 1")

  if(num.cols <= 1){
    stop("num.cols > 1")

    node.names <- paste0("X.",1:(num.rows*num.cols), sep="")
  } else {
    node.names <- node.names.vec

  jmat <- t(array(node.names ,c(num.rows, num.cols)))

  eq <- NULL

  # Horizontal links
  for(i in 1:nrow(jmat)){
    for(j in 1:(ncol(jmat)-1)){
      htrm <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i,j+1])
      eq <- c(eq, htrm)

  if(cross.linksQ == T) {
    #Cross links and vertical links
    for(i in 1:(nrow(jmat)-1)) {
      for(j in 1:ncol(jmat)){
        if((j != 1)&(j != ncol(jmat))){
          #print(paste(jmat[i,j], "is NOT a corner"))
          #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j-1], "is a neighbor"))
          #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j],   "is a neighbor"))
          #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j+1], "is a neighbor"))

          cterm1 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j-1])
          cterm2 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j])
          cterm3 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j+1])
          eq <- c(eq, cterm1, cterm2, cterm3)
        } else {
          #print(paste(jmat[i,j], "is a corner"))
          if(j == 1) {
            #print("    Start corner")
            #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j],   "is a neighbor"))
            #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j+1], "is a neighbor"))

            cterm2 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j])
            cterm3 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j+1])
            eq <- c(eq, cterm2, cterm3)
          } else {
            #print("    Stop corner")
            #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j-1], "is a neighbor"))
            #print(paste("   ", jmat[i+1,j],   "is a neighbor"))

            cterm1 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j-1])
            cterm2 <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j])
            eq <- c(eq, cterm1, cterm2)

  } else {
    # Vertical links
    for(j in 1:ncol(jmat)){
      for(i in 1:(nrow(jmat)-1)) {
        vtrm <- paste0(jmat[i,j], ":", jmat[i+1,j])
        eq <- c(eq, vtrm)


  the.grphf.eq <- paste0("~", eq[1], sep="")
  for(i in 2:length(eq)){
    the.grphf.eq <- paste0(the.grphf.eq, "+", eq[i], sep="")
  the.grphf.eq <- as.formula(the.grphf.eq)

  # if(plotQ==TRUE){
  #   if(!is.null(dev.list())){
  #     dev.off()
  #     print("Here!")
  #   }
  #   gpp <- ug(the.grphf.eq, result = "graph")
  #   plot(gpp)
  #   #plot(ug(the.grphf.eq, result = "graph"))
  # }



#' Send in two or more models in the form of a list of crf objects or edge matrices and compare edges
#' Send in two or more models in the form of a list of crf objects or edge matrices and compare edges
#' Assumes all models have the same number of nodes and node names are just numbers
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
compare_edges_SAFEISH <- function(model.list, num.nodes=NULL){

  num.models <- length(model.list)

  model.type <- class(model.list[[1]]) # Look at the first element of the list and determine the data's type
  if(model.type == "CRF") {
    print("Models are CRF objects.")

    crf.obj.loc           <- model.list[[1]]
    num.nodes.loc         <- crf.obj.loc$n.nodes
    saturated.edge.matrix <- array(-1, c(num.nodes.loc*(num.nodes.loc-1)/2, 2))

    # Enumerate all possible edges. This will be the reference to compare models
    count <- 1
    for(i in 1:num.nodes.loc) {
      for(j in 1:num.nodes.loc) {
        if(i < j) {
          saturated.edge.matrix[count, 1] <- i
          saturated.edge.matrix[count, 2] <- j
          count <- count + 1

    edgeQ.mat <- NULL
    for(i in 1:num.models){

      crf.obj.loc <- model.list[[i]]
      edge.mat.loc <- crf.obj.loc$edges

      #edgeQ.vec <- numeric(nrow(saturated.edge.matrix))
      edgeQ.vec <- array(-1, nrow(saturated.edge.matrix))
      for(j in 1:nrow(saturated.edge.matrix)) {
        # Number of times (possible) edge observed in edge matrix of graph. Should be 0 or 1.
        # If two or more, throw an error.
        num.times.edge.obs <- sum(sapply(1:nrow(edge.mat.loc), function(xx){sum(sort(saturated.edge.matrix[j,]) == sort(edge.mat.loc[xx,])) == 2}))
        if(num.times.edge.obs >= 2) {
          stop(paste0("Edge above appears in edge matrix of graph ", i, "  more than once. Something is wrong!"))

        edgeQ.vec[j] <- num.times.edge.obs # Should be 0 or 1 at this point

      #print(cbind(saturated.edge.matrix, edgeQ.vec))
      edgeQ.mat <- cbind(edgeQ.mat, edgeQ.vec)


  } else if( ("matrix" %in% model.type) | ("array" %in% model.type) ) {
    print("Models are edge matrices.")

    # *********Need num.nodes for these

  } else {
    stop("model.list must be a list of CRF objects or edge matrices!")

  print(data.frame(saturated.edge.matrix, edgeQ.mat))


#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
compare_edges <- function(model.list, num.nodes=NULL){

  # All elements in the model.list need to be the same type, either crf.obj or edge matrices.
  # Look at the first element of the list, determine the type and pull out general info we
  # need subsequently.
  model.type <- class(model.list[[1]])
  model.loc  <- model.list[[1]]
  if(model.type == "CRF") {                   # Models are CRF objects.

    num.nodes.loc <- model.loc$n.nodes

  } else if("matrix" %in% model.type) { # Models are edge matrices.

    if(is.null(num.nodes)) {
      stop("num.nodes must be specified if model.list is a list of edge matrices!")
    } else {
      num.nodes.loc <- num.nodes

  } else {
    stop("model.list should be a list of CRF objects or edge matrices!")

  # Given the number of nodes, enumerate all possible edges. This will be the reference
  # to compare models.
  saturated.edge.matrix <- array(-1, c(num.nodes.loc*(num.nodes.loc-1)/2, 2))
  count <- 1
  for(i in 1:num.nodes.loc) {
    for(j in 1:num.nodes.loc) {
      if(i < j) {
        saturated.edge.matrix[count, 1] <- i
        saturated.edge.matrix[count, 2] <- j
        count <- count + 1

  # Loop over the model.list and determine what edges the models have in common with the
  # saturated edge matrix.
  num.models <- length(model.list)
  edgeQ.mat  <- NULL
  for(i in 1:num.models){

    model.loc    <- model.list[[i]]

    # Get the edge matrix of a model in the list
    if(model.type == "CRF") {
      edge.mat.loc <- model.loc$edges
    } else if("matrix" %in% model.type) {
      edge.mat.loc <- model.loc
    } else {
      stop("model.list elements should be a list of CRF objects or edge matrices!")

    edgeQ.vec <- array(-1, nrow(saturated.edge.matrix))
    for(j in 1:nrow(saturated.edge.matrix)) {
      # Number of times (possible) edge observed in edge matrix of graph. Should be 0 or 1.
      # If two or more, throw an error.
      num.times.edge.obs <- sum(sapply(1:nrow(edge.mat.loc), function(xx){sum(sort(saturated.edge.matrix[j,]) == sort(edge.mat.loc[xx,])) == 2}))
      if(num.times.edge.obs >= 2) {
        stop(paste0("Edge above appears in edge matrix of graph ", i, "  more than once. Something is wrong!"))

      edgeQ.vec[j] <- num.times.edge.obs # Should be 0 or 1 at this point

    edgeQ.mat <- cbind(edgeQ.mat, edgeQ.vec)


  print(data.frame(saturated.edge.matrix, edgeQ.mat))
npetraco/CRFutil documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 11:30 a.m.