
Defines functions edge.marginal node.marginal pass.message get.incoming.messages nex message.type init.loopy.message.storage init.message.storage make.v2f.msg make.f2v.msg mrf2pwfg get.root.paths get.path

Documented in edge.marginal get.incoming.messages get.path get.root.paths init.loopy.message.storage init.message.storage make.f2v.msg make.v2f.msg message.type mrf2pwfg nex node.marginal pass.message

#' Get a (shortest) path between two nodes
#' Get a (shortest) path between two nodes
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
get.path <- function(a.graphnel.obj, start.node, end.node){

  path.info <- sp.between(a.graphnel.obj, as.character(start.node), as.character(end.node))[[1]]
  if(is.na(path.info[1])) {
    #print("No path!")
    sepath <- NULL
  } else {
    sepath <- path.info$path_detail


#' Get all paths from chosen root node to all leaf nodes
#' Get all paths from chosen root node to all leaf nodes
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
get.root.paths <- function(graph.obj, root.node, serial.schedsQ=FALSE) {

  if(class(graph.obj) == "formula") {
    und.gph    <- ug(graph.obj)
  } else if(class(graph.obj) == "graphNEL") {
    und.gph    <- graph.obj
  } else {
    stop("Must enter a formula or graphNEL object for the graph.obj arguement.")
  leaf.nodes <- leaves(und.gph)

  all.root.pths <- lapply(1:length(leaf.nodes), function(xx){get.path(und.gph, root.node, leaf.nodes[xx])})

  # Check and see if any of the paths are NULL. Probably chose a leaf node as root in that case:
  null.pthsQ <- sapply(1:length(all.root.pths), function(xx){is.null(all.root.pths[[xx]])})
  drp.pths   <- which(null.pthsQ == TRUE)
  if(length(drp.pths) !=0) {
    all.root.pths <- all.root.pths[-drp.pths]

  if(serial.schedsQ == TRUE) {
    sched.mat.forward  <- array(NA,c(length(all.root.pths), max(sapply(1:length(all.root.pths), function(xx){length(all.root.pths[[xx]])}))))
    sched.mat.backward <- array(NA,c(length(all.root.pths), max(sapply(1:length(all.root.pths), function(xx){length(all.root.pths[[xx]])}))))
    for(i in 1:length(all.root.pths)) {
      rev.pth <- rev(all.root.pths[[i]])
      pth     <- all.root.pths[[i]]
      for(j in 1:length(all.root.pths[[i]])) {
        sched.mat.forward[i,j]  <- rev.pth[j]
        sched.mat.backward[i,j] <- pth[j]
    all.root.pths <- list(sched.mat.forward, sched.mat.backward)
    names(all.root.pths) <- c("forward", "backward")



#' Convert Markov Random Field to pairwise (two-body) factor graph:
#' Convert Markov Random Field to pairwise (two-body) factor graph:
#' This version allows for nodes names to be characters. It just spits out a warning if they are.
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
mrf2pwfg <- function(graph.obj, plotQ=FALSE) {

  if(class(graph.obj) == "formula") {
    und.gph    <- ug(graph.obj)
  } else if(class(graph.obj) == "graphNEL") {
    und.gph    <- graph.obj
  } else {
    stop("Must enter a formula or graphNEL object for the graph.obj arguement.")

  # XXXX BELOW WE REALLY DON'T NEED THE IF, SINCE WE Re-ORDER nodes in either case (numeric or character node names)
  node.names          <- und.gph@nodes
  node.names.numericQ <- !(NA %in% as.numeric(node.names)) # This will throw a warning is names are not numeric. Just ignore it.
  orig.node.names     <- node.names
  if(node.names.numericQ == FALSE){

    warning("Node names are not numeric. Assigning nodes a cononical order.")

    und.gph <- graph_from_graphnel(und.gph)
    V(und.gph)$name <- 1:length(node.names)
    und.gph <- as_graphnel(und.gph)
  } else { # XXXXXXXXXX

    # Reorder anyway?? Having problems with numerical nodes out of order..... XXXXXXXXXX
    # Long and short of it, we dont need this if-else. Clean up at some point
    warning("Temporarily assigning nodes a cononical order.")

    und.gph <- graph_from_graphnel(und.gph)
    V(und.gph)$name <- 1:length(node.names)
    und.gph <- as_graphnel(und.gph)

  }       # XXXXXXXXXX

  # Use igraph functionality to build pair-wise factor graph from UG model
  adjmat <- as(und.gph, "matrix")
  adjmat.uptri <- upper.tri(adjmat) * adjmat

  # edges:
  edgmat <- which(adjmat.uptri == 1, arr.ind = T)
  edgmat <- cbind(
    as.numeric(rownames(adjmat)[edgmat[,1]]),  # This means that input graph nodes must be numbers....
    as.numeric(colnames(adjmat)[edgmat[,2]])   # Can we remove this restriction or try to get around it?
  edgmat <- t(sapply(1:nrow(edgmat), function(xx){sort(edgmat[xx,])}))

  # In case orig node names were characters
  edgmatC <- cbind(orig.node.names[edgmat[,1]], orig.node.names[edgmat[,2]])

  edgmat2  <- NULL
  edgmat2C <- NULL # In case orig node names were characters
  # add edge factors between connected nodes:
  for(i in 1:nrow(edgmat)) {
    factor.nme  <- paste0("f",edgmat[i,1],"-",edgmat[i,2])   # PROBLEM WAS HERE. EG f12 edge name gets confused with f12 node name. Added in the - to the name
    factor.nmeC <- paste0("f",edgmatC[i,1],"-",edgmatC[i,2]) # In case orig node names were characters

    edgmat2 <- rbind(
      c(edgmat[i,1], factor.nme),
      c(factor.nme, edgmat[i,2])

    # In case orig node names were characters
    edgmat2C <- rbind(
      c(edgmatC[i,1], factor.nmeC),
      c(factor.nmeC, edgmatC[i,2])


  # tack on node factors:
  edgmat2 <- rbind(
  # In case orig node names were characters
  edgmat2C <- rbind(

  fg <- graph_from_data_frame(data.frame(edgmat2), directed = FALSE)
  # In case orig node names were characters
  fgC <- graph_from_data_frame(data.frame(edgmat2C), directed = FALSE)
  #print(cbind(edgmat2, edgmat2C)) # Compare node number names to input node character names. Look ok?

  nde.nms     <- V(fg)$name
  V(fg)$type  <- sapply(1:length(nde.nms), function(xx){length(strsplit(nde.nms[xx], split = "f")[[1]])})
  node.types  <- V(fg)$type # For plotting in case node names are converted to characters
  V(fgC)$type <- node.types # In case orig node names were characters

    # Plot factor graph:
    cols <- c("steelblue", "red")
    shps <- c("circle", "rectangle")

    # Shut off the plot screen if it's on:

         vertex.color = cols[as.numeric(node.types)],
         vertex.shape = shps[as.numeric(node.types)]

  # Convert back to graphNEL format:
  fg  <- igraph.to.graphNEL(fg)  # Should we return the ordinal node name version too?? We had been doing that....
  fgC <- igraph.to.graphNEL(fgC) # In case orig node names were characters



#' Make factor to variable (node) message
#' Make factor to variable (node) message
#' \mu_{f\rightarrow X} = \sum_{\backslash X} \Big( f(X) \prod_{Y \in \text{ne}(f)\backslash X} \mu_{Y\rightarrow f} \Big)
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
make.f2v.msg <- function(in.v.msgs.list, f.msg, out.v.nme, normalizeQ=F){

  if(is.null(names(in.v.msgs.list))) { # There will be no incoming message names for leaf nodes
    msg.out <- f.msg # For case where f.msg is a leaf node
  } else {
    msg.prod <- f.msg %a*% tabProd(in.v.msgs.list)
    msg.out  <- tabMarg(msg.prod, out.v.nme)

  if(normalizeQ == T){
    msg.out <- tabNormalize(msg.out, type = 2)

  return(msg.out) # Guarantee sending this out as a list?????


#' Make factor to variable (node) message
#' Make variable (node) to factormessage
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
make.v2f.msg <- function(in.f.msgs.list, normalizeQ=F){

  if(is.null(names(in.f.msgs.list))) { # v with no incoming f occur in Bayes nets.
    msg.out <- NULL # For initialization case. Was "id". Is there a better option????
  } else {
    msg.out <- tabProd(in.f.msgs.list)

  if(normalizeQ == T){
    msg.out <- tabNormalize(msg.out, type = 2)



#' Initialize an empty set of list containers to hold messages
#' Initialize an empty set of list containers to hold messages
#' A NULL message can be interpreted as an id message if necessary??
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param a.schedule A message passing schedule to a root node.
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
init.message.storage <- function(a.schedule){

  a.mailroom        <- NULL
  message.names     <- NULL
  message.names.mat <- NULL

  # Determine message passing schedule first:

  # Initialize forward messages:
  for(i in 1:nrow(a.schedule$forward)){
    for(j in 1:(ncol(a.schedule$forward) - 1)){

      if(is.na(a.schedule$forward[i, j+1])) {
      } else {
        msg.symb      <- paste0(a.schedule$forward[i, j], ".", a.schedule$forward[i, j+1])
        message.names <- c(message.names, msg.symb)

        # Another format for the messages passed. Includes the schedule index j
        message.names.mat <- rbind(message.names.mat, c(j, a.schedule$forward[i, j], a.schedule$forward[i, j+1], msg.symb))


  # Initialize backward messages:
  back.pass.off <- ncol(a.schedule$forward) # Offset index for backwards pass schedule
  for(i in 1:nrow(a.schedule$backward)){
    for(j in 1:(ncol(a.schedule$backward) - 1)){

      if(is.na(a.schedule$backward[i, j+1])) {
      } else {

        msg.symb      <- paste0(a.schedule$backward[i, j], ".", a.schedule$backward[i, j+1])
        message.names <- c(message.names, msg.symb)

        # Another format for the messages passed. Includes the schedule index j + ncol(a.schedule$forward)
        message.names.mat <- rbind(message.names.mat, c(j+back.pass.off, a.schedule$backward[i, j], a.schedule$backward[i, j+1], msg.symb))


  # A little reformatting for message.names.mat
  message.names.mat <- data.frame(as.numeric(message.names.mat[,1]), message.names.mat[,c(2:4)])
  colnames(message.names.mat) <- c("pass.num", "start.node", "end.node", "msg.symb")

  # At this point some messages are repeated because they came in on multiple paths to
  # the root. When doing sequential message passing, a node can't send out a message
  # until it has received all its incoming messages. So a messages pass number in the schedule
  # should correspond to the latest time it shows up in all the pass sequences. We can get that by
  # choosing the max pass number for a message in message.names.mat. That's what we do now:
  unique.messages          <- unique(message.names.mat[,4])
  message.names.mat.pruned <- NULL

  for(i in 1:length(unique.messages)) {
    message.idxs          <- which(message.names.mat[,4] == unique.messages[i])
    message.names.mat.sub <- message.names.mat[message.idxs,]

    message.pass.nums <- message.names.mat.sub[,1]

    # Choose the last appearance of the message,
    # as it should have received all incoming messages
    # at that point. If there are many of the same max, just grab the first.
    max.message.pass.idx <- which(message.pass.nums == max(message.pass.nums))[1]

    message.names.mat.pruned <- rbind(message.names.mat.pruned, message.names.mat.sub[max.message.pass.idx,])

  message.names.mat <- message.names.mat.pruned
  message.names.mat <- message.names.mat[order(message.names.mat[,1]), ] # Re-order rows by scheduled pass number


  # Re-number the pass numbers to be consecutive in case they are not:
  pass.nums <- sort(unique(message.names.mat[,1]))
  for(i in 1:length(pass.nums)){
    message.names.mat[which(message.names.mat[,1] == pass.nums[i]), 1] <- i

  # Container to hold all the messages passed over the network
  a.mailroom        <- rep(list(NULL), nrow(message.names.mat))
  names(a.mailroom) <- message.names.mat[,4]

  rownames(message.names.mat)   <- NULL
  message.container.info        <- list(a.mailroom, message.names.mat)
  names(message.container.info) <- c("message.container", "message.schedule.mat")



#' Initialize an empty set of list containers to hold messages for loopy belief propagation
#' Initialize an empty set of list containers to hold messages for loopy belief propagation
#' No scheduled required to be passed in as all messages are passed at every BP iteration.
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param factor.graph.obj A factor graph in graphNEL or igraph format.
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
init.loopy.message.storage <- function(factor.graph.obj, node.levels=c("up","dn")){

  if(class(factor.graph.obj) == "graphNEL") {
    f.igph    <- graph_from_graphnel(factor.graph.obj)
  } else if(class(graph.obj) == "igraph") {
    f.igph    <- factor.graph.obj
  } else {
    stop("Must enter a igraph or graphNEL (factor graph) object for the graph.obj arguement.")

  # Since no schedule is required (i.e. we are using a "flooding schedule"), we just need to
  # generate the message names off the factor graph.
  edge.mat <- as_edgelist(f.igph)

  forward.message.names  <- paste0(edge.mat[,1], ".", edge.mat[,2])
  backward.message.names <- paste0(edge.mat[,2], ".", edge.mat[,1])
  #message.names          <- c(forward.message.names, backward.message.names)

  message.names.mat <- rbind(
    cbind(rep(1,nrow(edge.mat)), edge.mat[,1], edge.mat[,2], forward.message.names),
    cbind(rep(1,nrow(edge.mat)), edge.mat[,2], edge.mat[,1], backward.message.names)

  # A little reformatting for message.names.mat
  message.names.mat <- data.frame(as.numeric(message.names.mat[,1]), message.names.mat[,c(2:4)])
  colnames(message.names.mat) <- c("pass.num", "start.node", "end.node", "msg.symb")

  # Container to hold all the messages passed over the network
  a.mailroom        <- rep(list(NULL), nrow(message.names.mat))
  names(a.mailroom) <- message.names.mat[,4]

  # initalize all messages to an identity message
  id.message <- tabNew(c("id"), levels=list(id=node.levels), values=rep(1,length(node.levels)))
  for(i in 1:length(a.mailroom)) {
    a.mailroom[[i]] <- id.message

  message.container.info        <- list(a.mailroom, message.names.mat)
  names(message.container.info) <- c("message.container", "message.schedule.mat")



#' Get message type depending on name
#' Get message type depending on name
#' a.name can me the message name or the name of the first node in the message
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param a.name a.name can me the message name or the name of the first node in the messageThe XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
message.type <- function(a.name) {

  # a.name can me the message name or the name of the first node in the message
  f.nodeQ <- ("f" ==  unlist(strsplit(x = a.name, split = ""))[1])

  if(f.nodeQ == T){
    mtyp <- "f2v"
  } else {
    mtyp <- "v2f"



#' Get all neighbors of start.node except end.node
#' Get all neighbors of start.node except end.node
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param a.name a.name can me the message name or the name of the first node in the messageThe XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
nex <- function(a.graphnel.obj, start.node, end.node) {

  # The neighbors:
  t.nes <- adj(a.graphnel.obj, start.node)[[1]]
  t.nes <- t.nes[-which(t.nes == end.node)]



#' Grab incoming messages from the neighboring nodes and put into a list
#' Grab incoming messages from the neighboring nodes and put into a list
#' Needed for constructing outgoing messages. NOTE: neighbor node set are all neighbors of
#' the start.node EXCEPT the end.node.
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param a.name a.name can me the message name or the name of the first node in the messageThe XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
get.incoming.messages <- function(start.node, end.node, factorgraph, message.list) {

  neibs             <- nex(factorgraph, start.node, end.node) # neighbors of start node except end node
  incoming.messages <- paste0(neibs, ".", start.node)         # incoming messages to start node

  message.names         <- names(message.list)
  message.idxs          <- sapply(1:length(incoming.messages), function(xx){which(message.names == incoming.messages[xx])})

  if(length(message.idxs[[1]]) == 0){   # The starting node was a leaf, so no incoming messages
    # No names for this list indicates that the start node had no neighbors (except the end node)
    incoming.message.list <- list(NULL)
  } else {
    incoming.message.list <- message.list[message.idxs]



#' Pass a message over an edge on a factor graph
#' Pass a message over an edge on a factor graph
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
pass.message <- function(start.node, end.node, factor.graph, pots.list, mailboxes.list, printQ=F){

  # Determine is f2v of v2f type message
  message.name <- paste0(start.node,".",end.node)
  message.typ  <- message.type(message.name)
  if(printQ == T){
    print(paste("Message name:", message.name))
    print(paste("Message type:", message.typ))

  # Get messages coming into the start.node:
  incoming.messages <- get.incoming.messages(start.node   = start.node,
                                             end.node     = end.node,
                                             factorgraph  = factor.graph,
                                             message.list = mailboxes.list)
  if(printQ == T){
    print(paste("Incoming messages:"))
    incoming.message.names <- names(incoming.messages)
      print("     No incoming messages. Must be a leaf node")
    } else {
      print(paste0("     ", incoming.message.names, collapse = ""))

  # Mailbox address where to deliver message
  message.idx <- which(names(mailboxes.list) == message.name)

  # Pass:
  if(message.typ == "f2v"){
    f.pot           <- pots.list[[which(names(pots.list) == start.node)]]
    passed.message  <- make.f2v.msg(in.v.msgs.list = incoming.messages, f.msg = f.pot, out.v.nme = end.node, normalizeQ = T)
  } else if(message.typ == "v2f"){
    passed.message <- make.v2f.msg(in.f.msgs.list = incoming.messages, normalizeQ = T)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid message pass requested!")

  if(printQ == T){
    print(paste0("Message: ", start.node,"-->",end.node,":"))

  message.info <- list(passed.message, message.idx)
  names(message.info) <- c("message", "mailbox.idx")


#' Compute a node marginal
#' Compute a node marginal
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
node.marginal <- function(v.node.name, factor.graph, mailbox.list){

  incoming.message.names <- paste0(adj(factor.graph, v.node.name)[[1]], ".", v.node.name)
  incoming.message.idxs  <- sapply(1:length(incoming.message.names), function(xx){which(names(mailbox.list) == incoming.message.names[xx])})
  incoming.messages      <- mailbox.list[incoming.message.idxs]
  the.node.marginal      <- tabNormalize(tabProd(incoming.messages),type = 2)



#' Compute an edge marginal
#' Compute a edge marginal
#' The function will XXXX
#' @param XX The XX
#' @return The function will XX
#' @export
edge.marginal <- function(v.start.node, v.end.node, factor.graph, pots.list, mailbox.list){

  edge.pot.name <- paste0("f",v.start.node,"-",v.end.node)

  #Check node order. If edge potential is not found, reverse node order:
  if(length(which(names(pots.list) == edge.pot.name)) == 0){

    edge.pot.name <- paste0("f",v.end.node,"-",v.start.node)

    if(length(which(names(pots.list) == edge.pot.name)) == 0){
      stop(paste(v.start.node,"-", v.end.node, "not an edge in the graph!"))

  incoming.message.names <- paste0(adj(factor.graph, edge.pot.name)[[1]], ".", edge.pot.name)
  incoming.message.idxs  <- sapply(1:length(incoming.message.names), function(xx){which(names(mailbox.list) == incoming.message.names[xx])})
  incoming.messages      <- mailbox.list[incoming.message.idxs]
  the.edge.pot           <- pots.list[which(names(pots.list) == edge.pot.name)]
  the.edge.marginal      <- tabNormalize(tabProd(union(the.edge.pot, incoming.messages)), type = 2)


npetraco/CRFutil documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 11:30 a.m.