
Defines functions dmm.RModel dmm.JModel dmm.JConjugateModel dmm.JNonConjugateModel dmm.addfile dmm.BaseModel dmm.model dmm.model.NULL dmm.model.function dmm.model.character

Documented in dmm.addfile dmm.BaseModel dmm.JConjugateModel dmm.JModel dmm.JNonConjugateModel dmm.model dmm.model.character dmm.model.function dmm.model.NULL dmm.RModel

## Model functions for the jDirichletMixtureModels Package

#' Create a model using R fucntions
#' *NOTE: This function is not avaible in the current version of jDirichletMixtureModels.*
#'  Create an model object to be used in the \code{dmm.cluster} function, using user given R functions.
#'  @usage model <- dmm.Rmodel(pdf_fct, sample_fct, marg_fct, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' @param pdf_func A function that takes as input \code{(data, likelihoodparams, params)}. It returns the value of the probability density function likelihood at \code{(data,likelihoodparams)} given \code{params}.
#' @param sample_fct Optional for nonconjugate models. A function takes as input \code{(data, params)}. It returns the value of the sample posterior function at \code{data} given \code{params}.
#' @param marg_fct Only needed for conjugate models. A function takes as input \code{(data, params)}. It returns the value of the marginal likelihood funciton at \code{data} given \code{params}..
#' @param params A list of all hyperparameters needed for the above three functions.
#' @param isconjugate A logical. \code{TRUE} (default) if the user specfied model is conjugate, \code{FALSE} if not.
#' @return A model object of type RModel which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' #@export
dmm.RModel <- function(pdf_func, sample_func=NULL, marg_func=NULL, params, isconjugate=TRUE){
  stop("This function is not avaible in the current version of jDirichletMixtureModels")
  if (isconjugate & (is.null(marg_fct) | is.null(sample_func)) ){
    stop("Error: A marg_fct and sample_func are requried for conjugate models.")
  if (isconjugate){
    model <- list(pdf_likelihood=pdf_func, sample_posterior=sample_func,
                marginal_likelihood=marg_func, params = params, isconjugate=isconjugate)
  attr(model, "class") <- "RModel"

#' Create a model using Julia fucntions
#' Create an model object to be used in the \code{dmm.cluster} function, using user given Julia functions. Must call \code{dmm.addfile} to import files, in which the Julia functions are stored, before using \code{dmm.cluster} on a JModel.
#' Functions \code{dmm.JConjugateModel} and \code{dmm.JNonConjugateModel} are alternatives.
#' @usage \code{dmm.addfile(filename)}
#' \code{model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)}
#' \code{model <- dmm.Jmodel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)}
#' \code{model <- dmm.JConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params)}
#' \code{model <- dmm.JNonConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, params)}
#' @param pdf_name A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the probability density function likelihood. The function should be of the form \code{pdf_name(y::Float64, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)} or \code{pdf_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param sample_name  A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the sample posterior function for conjugate case or the sample prior for nonconjugate case. The function should be of the form \code{sample_name(y::Float64, params::Tuple)}, \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, params::Tuple)} or \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,2}, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param marg_name  A string. For conjugate case only. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the marginal likelihood. The function should be of the form \code{marg_name(y::Float64, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param params A list of all hyperparameters needed for the above three functions.
#' @param isconjugate A logical. \code{TRUE} (default) if the user specfied model is conjugate, \code{FALSE} if not.
#' @details \code{marg_name} is only requried for conjugate models.
#' @return A model object of type JModel which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' @examples dmm.addfile(filename)
#' # The following all make models using Julia functions
#' model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' model <- dmm.Jmodel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' model <- dmm.JConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params)
#' model <- dmm.JNonConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, params)
#' @export
dmm.JModel <- function(pdf_name, sample_name=NULL, marg_name=NULL, params, isconjugate=TRUE){
  if (isconjugate) {
    model <- list(pdf_likelihood=pdf_name, sample_posterior=sample_name,
                  marginal_likelihood=marg_name, params = params)
    attr(model, "class") <- "JConjugateModel"
  } else {
    model <- list(pdf_likelihood=pdf_name, sample_prior=sample_name,
                  params = params)
    attr(model, "class") <- "JNonConjugateModel"
  if (isconjugate & is.null(marg_name)){
    stop("Error: A marg_name and sample_name are requried for conjugate models.")

#' Create a conjugate model using Julia fucntions
#' Create an model object to be used in the \code{dmm.cluster} function, using user given Julia functions. Must call \code{dmm.addfile} to import files, in which the Julia functions are stored, before using \code{dmm.cluster} on a JModel.
#' Functions \code{dmm.JModel} and \code{dmm.model} are alternatives.
#' @usage dmm.addfile(filename)
#' model <- dmm.JConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params)
#' @param pdf_name A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the probability density function likelihood. The function should be of the form \code{pdf_name(y::Float64, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)} or \code{pdf_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param sample_name  A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the sample posterior function. The function should be of the form \code{sample_name(y::Float64, params::Tuple)}, \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, params::Tuple)} or \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,2}, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param marg_name  A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the marginal likelihood. The function should be of the form \code{marg_name(y::Float64, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param params A list of all hyperparameters needed for the above three functions.
#' @param isconjugate A logical. \code{TRUE} (default) if the user specfied model is conjugate, \code{FALSE} if not.
#' @return A model object of type JModel which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' @examples dmm.addfile(filename)
#' # The following all make conjugate models using Julia functions
#' model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' model <- dmm.Jmodel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' model <- dmm.JConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params)
#' @export
dmm.JConjugateModel <- function(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params){
  model <- list(pdf_likelihood=pdf_name, sample_posterior=sample_name,
                marginal_likelihood=marg_name, params = params)
  attr(model, "class") <- "JConjugateModel"

#' Create a nonconjugate model using Julia fucntions
#' Create an model object to be used in the \code{dmm.cluster} function, using user given Julia functions. Must call \code{dmm.addfile} to import files, in which the Julia functions are stored, before using \code{dmm.cluster} on a JModel.
#' Functions \code{dmm.JModel} and \code{dmm.model} are alternatives..
#' @usage dmm.addfile(filename)
#' model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' @param pdf_name A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the probability density function likelihood. The function should be of the form \code{pdf_name(y::Float64, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)} or \code{pdf_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, theta::Tuple, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param sample_name  A string. The name of the Julia function in \code{filename} that returns the sample prior. The function should be of the form \code{sample_name(y::Float64, params::Tuple)}, \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,1}, params::Tuple)} or \code{sample_name(y::Array{Float64,2}, params::Tuple)}.
#' @param params A list of all hyperparameters needed for the above three functions.
#' @return A model object of type JModel which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' @examples dmm.addfile(filename)
#' # The following all make nonconjugate models using Julia functions
#' model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, params, isconjugate=FALSE)
#' model <- dmm.Jmodel(pdf_name, sample_name, params, isconjugate=FALSE)
#' model <- dmm.JNonConjugateModel(pdf_name, sample_name, params)
#' @export
dmm.JNonConjugateModel <- function(pdf_name, sample_name, params){
  model <- list(pdf_likelihood=pdf_name, sample_prior=sample_name,
                params = params)
  attr(model, "class") <- "JNonConjugateModel"

#' Add a Julia file to be accessible.
#' This function must be called before runnning the \code{dmm.cluster} function using a JModel (see \code{dmm.JModel}).
#' @usage dmm.addfile(filename)
#' @param filename The name of the Julia file.
#' @export
dmm.addfile <- function(filename){

#' Create a model using bulit-in conjugate models
#' Create an model object to be used in the \code{dmm.cluster} function, using the packages bulit-in conjugate models.
#' Function \code{dmm.model} is an alternative method.
#' @usage model <- dmm.BaseModel(typename, params)
#' @param typename A string. The name of the predefined conjugate prior you wish to use. Options listed under details.
#'                  "MultivariateNormalModel" is the default.
#' @param params A list of the hyperparameter values for the likelihood functions. Many model have default \code{params} values and thus can be made without passing any \code{params}.
#'               See documentation for what parameters a given model may take.
#' @param data In lieu of explicit hyperparameter values, some models can infer good hyperparameter values from given data.
#'               This option is supported for MultivariateNormalModel and UnivariateNormalModel, as well as UnivariateNormalKnownSigma.

#' @details Bulit-in models avaible are:
#'                        "MultivariateNormalModel" (default),
#'                        "UnivariateNormalModel",
#'                        "UnivariateNormalKnownSigma",
#'                        "UnivariateExponentialModel".
#' @return A model object of type BaseModel which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' @export
dmm.BaseModel <- function(typename = "MultivariateNormalModel", params=NULL, data=NULL){
  if (!is.null(data)){
    if(!(typename=="MultivariateNormalModel" || typename=="UnivariateNormalModel" || typename=="UniivariateNormalKnownSigma")){
      stop("Error: this option is only supported for the MultivariateNormalModel, UnivariateNormalModel and UnivariateNormalKnownSigma")
  if (!is.null(params) & !is.null(data)){
    stop("Error: Provide either hyperparameters or a dataset, not both")
  model <- list(model_type=typename, params=params, data=data)
  attr(model, "class") <- "BaseModel"

#' Create a model
#' Make a model object to be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}. If not passed any argurments a conjugate multivariate normal likelihood model with default parameters will be used.
#' @usage dmm.model(...)
#' @details Depending on what argurments are passed to \code{dmm.model()} either a BaseModel (see \code{dmm.BaseModel}),
#' a RModel (see \code{dmm.RModel}), or JModel (see \code{dmm.JModel}) will be made.
#' *NOTE: The use of RModels is not avaible in the current version of jDirichletMixtureModels*
#' @return A model object which can be passed to \code{dmm.cluster}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example of using a multivariate normal conjugate prior (the default)
#' model <- dmm.model()
#' # Example of using a bulit-in conjugate prior
#' model <- dmm.model(typename, params)
#' # Using a user specified R functions
#'model <- dmm.model(pdf_fct, sample_fct, marg_fct, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' # Using a user specified Julia functions located in a .jl file called filename
#' dmm.addfile(filename)
#' model <- dmm.model(pdf_name, sample_name, marg_name, params, isconjugate=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
dmm.model <- function(...){

#' Create a model object
#' If nothing is passed to \code{dmm.model} it will create and return a BaseModel using a multivariate normal conjugate model with default parameters (see \code{dmm.BaseModel}).
#' @export
dmm.model.NULL <- function(...){

#' Create a model object
#' If a function is passed as the first input to \code{dmm.model} it will create and return an Rmodel (see \code{dmm.RModel}).
#' @export
dmm.model.function <- function(...){
  arguments <- list(...)

#' Create a model object
#' If a string is passed as the first input to \code{dmm.model} it will create and return either a BaseModel (if passed one string, plus an optional \code{params}) (see \code{dmm.BaseModel}),
#' or a JModel (see \code{dmm.JModel})
#' @export
dmm.model.character <- function(...){
  arguments <- list(...)

  if (length(arguments) < 3){
  else {
nsdumont/jDirichletMixtureModels documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:51 p.m.