
# This file contains all the code needed to parse and print various sections of your CV
# from data. Feel free to tweak it as you desire!

#' Create a CV_Printer object.
#' @param data_location Path of the spreadsheets holding all your data. This can be
#'   either a URL to a google sheet with multiple sheets containing the four
#'   data types or a path to a folder containing four `.csv`s with the neccesary
#'   data.
#' @param source_location Where is the code to build your CV hosted?
#' @param pdf_mode Is the output being rendered into a pdf? Aka do links need
#'   to be stripped?
#' @param sheet_is_publicly_readable If you're using google sheets for data,
#'   is the sheet publicly available? (Makes authorization easier.)
#' @return A new `CV_Printer` object.
create_CV_object <- function(data_location,
                             pdf_mode = FALSE,
                             resume_mode = FALSE,
                             sheet_is_publicly_readable = TRUE) {
  cv <- list(
    pdf_mode = pdf_mode,
    links = c()

  is_google_sheets_location <- stringr::str_detect(data_location, "docs\\.google\\.com")

  if (is_google_sheets_location) {
    if (sheet_is_publicly_readable) {
      # This tells google sheets to not try and authenticate. Note that this will only
      # work if your sheet has sharing set to "anyone with link can view"
    } else {
      # My info is in a public sheet so there's no need to do authentication but if you want
      # to use a private sheet, then this is the way you need to do it.
      # designate project-specific cache so we can render Rmd without problems
      options(gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets")

    read_gsheet <- function(sheet_id) {
      googlesheets4::read_sheet(data_location, sheet = sheet_id, skip = 1, col_types = "c")
    cv$entries_data <- read_gsheet(sheet_id = "entries")
    cv$skills <- read_gsheet(sheet_id = "language_skills")
    cv$text_blocks <- read_gsheet(sheet_id = "text_blocks")
    cv$contact_info <- read_gsheet(sheet_id = "contact_info")
  } else {
    # Want to go old-school with csvs?
    cv$entries_data <- readr::read_csv(paste0(data_location, "entries.csv"), skip = 1)
    cv$skills <- readr::read_csv(paste0(data_location, "language_skills.csv"), skip = 1)
    cv$text_blocks <- readr::read_csv(paste0(data_location, "text_blocks.csv"), skip = 1)
    cv$contact_info <- readr::read_csv(paste0(data_location, "contact_info.csv"), skip = 1)

  extract_year <- function(dates) {
    date_year <- stringr::str_extract(dates, "(20|19)[0-9]{2}")
    date_year[] <- lubridate::year(lubridate::ymd(Sys.Date())) + 10


  parse_dates <- function(dates) {
    date_month <- stringr::str_extract(dates, "(\\w+|\\d+)(?=(\\s|\\/|-)(20|19)[0-9]{2})")
    date_month[] <- "1"

    paste("1", date_month, extract_year(dates), sep = "-") |>

  cv$entries_data <- cv$entries_data |>
      !resume_mode | in_resume == "TRUE"

  # Check if the column "description_md" exists in the entries_data dataframe
  if ("description_md" %in% colnames(cv$entries_data)) {
    cv$entries_data <- cv$entries_data |>
      dplyr::rename(description_bullets = description_md)
  } else {
    # Assume we're using old bullet_1, bullet_2, etc. columns
    cv$entries_data <- cv$entries_data |>
        col = "description_bullets",
        sep = "\n- ",
        na.rm = TRUE
      ) |>
        description_bullets = ifelse(description_bullets != "", paste0("- ", description_bullets), "")

  # Clean up entries dataframe to format we need it for printing
  cv$entries_data <- cv$entries_data |>
      start = ifelse(start == "NULL", NA, start),
      end = ifelse(end == "NULL", NA, end),
      start_year = extract_year(start),
      end_year = extract_year(end),
      no_start =,
      has_start = !no_start,
      no_end =,
      has_end = !no_end,
      start_end_are_same = start == end,
      timeline = dplyr::case_when(
        no_start & no_end ~ "N/A",
        no_start & has_end ~ as.character(end),
        start_end_are_same ~ as.character(end),
        has_start & no_end ~ paste("Current", "-", start),
        TRUE ~ paste(end, "-", start)
    ) |>
    dplyr::arrange(desc(parse_dates(end))) |>
    dplyr::mutate_all(~ ifelse(, "N/A", .))


# Remove links from a text block and add to internal list
sanitize_links <- function(cv, text) {
  if (cv$pdf_mode) {
    link_titles <- stringr::str_extract_all(text, "(?<=\\[).+?(?=\\])")[[1]]
    link_destinations <- stringr::str_extract_all(text, "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))")[[1]]

    n_links <- length(cv$links)
    n_new_links <- length(link_titles)

    if (n_new_links > 0) {
      # add links to links array
      cv$links <- c(cv$links, link_destinations)

      # Build map of link destination to superscript
      link_superscript_mappings <- purrr::set_names(
        paste0("<sup>", (1:n_new_links) + n_links, "</sup>"),
        paste0("(", link_destinations, ")")

      # Replace the link destination and remove square brackets for title
      text <- text |>
        stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::fixed(link_superscript_mappings)) |>
        stringr::str_replace_all("\\[(.+?)\\]", "\\1")

  list(cv = cv, text = text)

#' @description Take a position data frame and the section id desired and prints the section to markdown.
#' @param section_id ID of the entries section to be printed as encoded by the `section` column of the `entries` table
print_section <- function(cv, section_id, glue_template = "default") {
  if (glue_template == "default") {
    glue_template <- "
### {title}





  section_data <- dplyr::filter(cv$entries_data, section == section_id)

  if (length(section_data) == 0) {
    stop(glue::glue("Tried to print section {section_id} with no entries. Make sure everything is spelled correctly or remove this section."))

  # Take entire entries data frame and removes the links in descending order
  # so links for the same position are right next to each other in number.
  for (i in 1:nrow(section_data)) {
    for (col in c("title", "description_bullets")) {
      strip_res <- sanitize_links(cv, section_data[i, col])
      section_data[i, col] <- strip_res$text
      cv <- strip_res$cv

  print(glue::glue_data(section_data, glue_template))


#' @description Prints out text block identified by a given label.
#' @param label ID of the text block to print as encoded in `label` column of `text_blocks` table.
print_text_block <- function(cv, label) {
  text_block <- dplyr::filter(cv$text_blocks, loc == label) |>

  strip_res <- sanitize_links(cv, text_block)



#' @description Construct a bar chart of skills
#' @param out_of The relative maximum for skills. Used to set what a fully filled in skill bar is.
print_skill_bars <- function(cv, out_of = 5, bar_color = "#969696", bar_background = "#d9d9d9", glue_template = "default") {
  if (glue_template == "default") {
    glue_template <- "
class = 'skill-bar'
style = \"background:linear-gradient(to right,
           {bar_color} {width_percent}%,
           {bar_background} {width_percent}% 100%)\"
  cv$skills |>
    dplyr::mutate(width_percent = round(100 * as.numeric(level) / out_of)) |>
    glue::glue_data(glue_template) |>


#' @description List of all links in document labeled by their superscript integer.
print_links <- function(cv) {
  n_links <- length(cv$links)
  if (n_links > 0) {
Links {data-icon=link}



    purrr::walk2(cv$links, 1:n_links, function(link, index) {
      print(glue::glue("{index}. {link}"))


#' @description Contact information section with icons
print_contact_info <- function(cv) {
    "- <i class='fa fa-{icon}'></i> {contact}"
  ) |> print()

nstrayer/datadrivencv documentation built on June 25, 2024, 3:23 a.m.