
# PowerSimStatDataGenerator.R
# 2018-09-04
# Curtis Miller
# Generates a data file containing results of power simulations

if (suppressPackageStartupMessages(!require("optparse"))) {

# Main function; executes the program
# See cl_args definition for description of arguments
main <- function(filemeta, statmeta, prefix = "", outfile = "out.csv",
  alpha = 0.05, help = FALSE) {
  power_sim_stat_df_creator <- CPAT:::power_sim_stat_df_creator

  # Be aware: perc_Zn_theo, perc_Vn_theo, perc_de_theo, and perc_hs_theo are a
  # part of the function definition of power_sim_stat_df_creator
  power_sim_stat_data <- power_sim_stat_df_creator(filemeta, statmeta, prefix,
  write.csv(power_sim_stat_data, file = outfile, row.names = FALSE)

if (sys.nframe() == 0) {
  cl_args <- parse_args(OptionParser(
      description = paste("Generates a data file containing the results of",
                          "power simulations, stored in .Rda."),
      option_list = list(
          make_option(c("--filemeta", "-f"), type = "character",
                      help = paste("CSV file containing the names of files and",
                                   "which statistics they represent")),
          make_option(c("--statmeta", "-s"), type = "character",
                      help = "CSV file containing statistic metadata"),
          make_option(c("--prefix", "-p"), type = "character", default = "",
                      help = "Prefix to prepend to file names (say, location)"),
          make_option(c("--outfile", "-o"), type = "character",
                      default = "out.csv",
                      help = "Name of the destination CSV file"),
          make_option(c("--alpha", "-a"), type = "double", default = 0.05,
                      help = "Significance level of tests")

  do.call(main, cl_args)
ntguardian/CPAT documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:20 p.m.