
Defines functions one_ONI_rep ONI_reps Q_reps

Documented in one_ONI_rep ONI_reps Q_reps

#' ONI replicate
#' Create one replicate of ONI time series using equation (4) in Burgers (1999) and parameter values reported in the same paper.
#' @param num.years Number of years to simulate.
#' @return A vector of the ONI time series.
#' @export
one_ONI_rep <- function(num.years) {

    a  <- 0.94
    b  <- 0.13
    k  <- 0.86
    ve <- 0.24 # variance of epsilon

    num.months <- num.years * 12
    epsilon  <- rnorm(num.months, 0, sqrt(ve)) # white noise
    x    <- rep(0, num.months)
    x[1] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(ve))   # x0 = 0, x1 = epsilon0
    x[2] <- 2*a*x[1] + epsilon[1] - k*x[1]

    for (i in 2:(num.months - 1)){
        x[i+1] <- 2*a*x[i] - (a^2 + b^2)*x[i-1] + epsilon[i] - k*epsilon[i-1]


#' ONI replicates
#' Generate multiple stochastic replicates of ONI time series according to Burgers (1999).
#' @param ONI.obs A data frame of observed ONI with three columns (year, month, ONI). By default, the replicates will have the same years as ONI.obs, unless `years` is provided.
#' @param years If provided, the replicates will have these years.
#' @param num.reps Number of replicates to be generated. Default is 100.
#' @param var.cor Whether variance correction is performed. Setting `var.cor = TRUE` will ignore `trim`.
#' @param trim Used to cut off values that are too high or too low. Values that are more than `trim * max(abs(obs))` will be set to `max(abs(obs))`. Default is 2. Supply `trim = NULL` if you don't want trimming.
#' @return A data.table of 4 columns (rep, year, month, ONI).
#' @export
ONI_reps <- function(ONI.obs, years = NULL, num.reps = 100, trim = 2, var.cor = TRUE) {

    if (is.null(years)) years <- unique(ONI.obs$year)
    num.years <- length(years)
    # This returns a matrix, one row for each time step, one column for each replicate
    reps <- replicate(num.reps, one_ONI_rep(num.years))
    # Trim or variance correction if necessary
    if (var.cor) {
        hist.sd <- sd(ONI.obs$ONI)
        rep.sd <- sd(c(reps))
        reps <- reps / rep.sd * hist.sd
    } else if (!is.null(trim)) {
        norm.val <- trim * max(abs(ONI.obs$ONI))
        reps[which(reps >  norm.val)] <-  norm.val
        reps[which(reps < -norm.val)] <- -norm.val

    data.table(rep = rep(1:num.reps, each = 12*num.years),
               year = rep(years, each = 12),
               month = rep(1:12, times = num.reps),
               ONI = c(reps))

#' Stochastic streamflow replicates
#' Generate stochastic replicates of monthly streamflow time series.
#' @param Q.obs A data frame of observed streamflow with three columns (year, month, Q). By default, the replicates will have the same years as Q.obs, unless `years` is provided.
#' @param method Either 'arima' or 'arimax'. 'parma' will be included soon.
#' @param order A vector of ARIMA model order. See `forecast::Arima` for details.
#' @param X.obs Observed exogeneous input, a data frame with 3 columns (year, month, X). If there are more than 3 columns, the desirable column name to be used as exogenous input should be given in `X.name`; otherwise the function will take the 3th column by default.
#' @param X.reps Replicates of X. See [ONI_reps].
#' @param X.name String, the name of the column used to represent the exogenous input.
#' @param X.lag Integer, time lag of X for model fitting
#' @param years If provided, the replicates will be indexed by these years.
#' @param num.reps Number of replicates to be generated. Default is 100.
#' @param trim Used to cut off values that are too high or too low. Values that are more than `trim * max(abs(obs))` will be set to `max(abs(obs))`. Default is 2. Supply `trim = NULL` if you don't want trimming.
#' @param Q.trans The pre-processing transformation that will be applied to Q.obs before fitting.
#' \describe{
#'     \item{log}{Log-transformation.}
#'     \item{std}{Standardization: substracting monthly mean and dividing by monthly standard deviation.}
#'     \item{log-std}{First take log-transform, then do standardization.}
#' }
#' @param X.trans Same as `Q.trans` but applied on `X.obs` and `X.reps`.
#' @return A data.table with the following collumns: year, month, X (if `method == 'armax'`) and Q.
#' @details First, an ARMA or ARMAX model will be fitted using the overlapping period of `Q.obs` and `X.obs`. Then, an ARMA model will be fitted using `forecast::Arima`. Finally, stochastic time series will be generated using `stats::simulate`.
#' @export
Q_reps <- function(Q.obs, method, order,
                   X.obs = NULL, X.reps = NULL, X.name = NULL, X.lag = 0,
                   years = NULL, num.reps = 100, trim = 2, Q.trans = 'log-std', X.trans = 'std') {

    Q.obs <- as.data.table(Q.obs)

    # Transform flow
    Q.log <- length(grep('log', Q.trans)) > 0
    Q.std <- length(grep('std', Q.trans)) > 0
    Q.obs[, Q2 := if (Q.log) log(Q) else Q
      ][, Q3 := if (Q.std) (Q2 - mean(Q2)) / sd(Q2) else Q2, by = month]

    if (method == 'arma') {
        if (is.null(years)) years <- unique(Q.obs$year)
        num.years <- length(years)
        model <- forecast::Arima(Q.obs$Q3, order = order)
        Q.sim <- data.table(rep = rep(1:num.reps, each = 12*num.years),
                            year = rep(years, each = 12) %>% rep(num.reps),
                            month = rep(1:12, num.reps),
                            Qsim = c(replicate(num.reps, as.numeric(stats::simulate(model))))) %>%
            merge(Q.obs, by = c('year', 'month'))
    } else if (method == 'armax') {
        X.obs <- as.data.table(X.obs)
        X.reps <- as.data.table(X.reps)
        if (is.null(X.name)) X.name <- colnames(X.reps)[4]
        setnames(X.obs, old = X.name, new = 'X')
        setnames(X.reps, old = X.name, new = 'X')
        if (length(grep('std', X.trans)) > 0) {
            X.obs[, X := (X - mean(X)) / sd(X), by = month]
            X.reps[, X := (X - mean(X)) / sd(X), by = month]
        dt <- merge(Q.obs, X.obs[, .(year, month, X = shift(X, X.lag))], by = c('year', 'month'))
        model <- forecast::Arima(dt$Q3, order = order, xreg = dt$X)
        X.reps[year %in% dt$year, Qsim := as.numeric(stats::simulate(model, xreg = X)), by = rep
               ][, X := NULL]
        Q.sim <- merge(X.reps, Q.obs, by = c('year', 'month'), all.X = TRUE)

    } else warning("Only arma and armax methods are supported at the moment.")

    # Transform back
    if (Q.std) Q.sim[, Qsim := Qsim * sd(Q2) + mean(Q2), by = month]
    if (Q.log) Q.sim[, Qsim := exp(Qsim)]
    # Tidy up
    Q.sim[, c('Q', 'Q2', 'Q3') := NULL]
    setnames(Q.sim, 'Qsim', 'Q')
    # Trim
    if (!is.null(trim)) Q.sim[Q > trim*max(Q.obs$Q), Q := trim*max(Q.obs$Q)]


ntthung/shy documentation built on May 7, 2019, 4:42 p.m.