Man pages for nucleosome-dynamics/nucleR
Nucleosome positioning package for R

controlCorrectionCorrect experimental profiles with control sample
coverage.rpmCoverage calculation and normalization to reads per million...
dot-fftRegionFFT Region
dot-getThresholdThreshold getter
dot-loadFilesFile loader Higher order function to import BAM or Bowtie...
dot-loadPairedBamLoad a paired-end-end BAM
dot-loadSingleBamLoad a single-end BAM
dot-midFind midpoints
dot-processStrandProcess a given strand from a BAM file to read
dot-unlist_as_integerUnlist an IRanges object into a vector
dot-vectorizedAllVectorized version of 'all'
dot-xlapplymclapply warapper
export.bedExport ranges in BED format
export.wigExport values in WIG format
filterFFTClean noise and smoothing for genomic data using...
fragmentLenDetectFragments length detection from single-end sequencing samples
mergeCallsAutomatic merging of overlapped nucleosome calls
nucleosome_htseqExample reads from high-troughtput sequencing nucleosome...
nucleosome_tilingExample intensities from Tiling Microarray nucleosome...
nucleR-packageNucleosome positioning package for R
pcKeepCompDetectAuto detection of a fitted 'pcKeepComp' param for filterFFT...
peakDetectionDetect peaks (local maximum) from values series
peakScoringPeak scoring function
plotPeaksNucleosome calling plot function
processReadsProcess reads from High-Troughtput Sequencing experiments
processTilingArrayObtain and clean nucleosome positioning data from tiling...
readBAMImport reads from a list of BAM files.
readBowtieImport reads from a vector of Bowtie files
syntheticNucMapGenerates a synthetic nucleosome map
nucleosome-dynamics/nucleR documentation built on May 6, 2021, 4:47 p.m.