# -----------------------
# Functions to perform factoring (such as weighted ANOVA) considering GEVA inputs and quantiles
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al
#' @include asserts.R
#' @include usecasechecks.R
#' @include summarization.R
#' @include quantiles.R
# Returns a vector with the supported methods of p-value adjustment for factors analysis
#' @options [geva.finalize]
#' @order 2
options.factoring.p.adjust <- c('partial.quantiles', stats::p.adjust.methods)
# Creates a model.matrix for a row to be used in weighted fit based on specific factors
row.model.matrix <- function(factors)
if (is.logical(factors)) factors = factor(ifelse(factors, '1', '2'))
factors = as.factor(factors)
x = model.matrix(~ factors)
# Creates a weighted fit (if weights are present) to a numeric row based on specific factors
row.lm.wfit <- function(r, factors, w=NULL, modelmat=NULL, ...)
if (is.null(modelmat))
assert.dim(factors, length=length(r))
modelmat = row.model.matrix(factors)
z = if (is.null(w))
lm.fit(modelmat, r, ...)
w[w < 1e-16] = 1e-16
w = normalize.weights(w, by.min=TRUE)
lm.wfit(modelmat, r, w, ...)
# Calculates the weighted ANOVA of a row based on factors
row.wanova <- function(r, factors, w=NULL, modelmat=NULL, ...)
rlm = row.lm.wfit(r, factors, w, modelmat, ...)
ssr = sum(rlm$residuals^2)
mss = sum(rlm$fitted.values^2)
dfr = rlm$df.residual
p = rlm$rank
if (p > 0L)
p1 = seq_len(p)
comp = rlm$effects[p1]
r = rlm$qr
if (is.null(r)) # Copied check from stats:::qr.lm
stop("lm object does not have a proper 'qr' component.\n Rank zero or should not have used lm(.., qr=FALSE).")
asgn = rlm$assign[r$pivot][p1]
ss = c(vapply(split(comp^2, asgn), sum, 1), ssr)
df = c(lengths(split(asgn, asgn)), dfr)
ss = ssr
df = dfr
ms = ss/df
f = ms/(ssr/dfr)
pval = stats::pf(f, df, dfr, lower.tail = FALSE)[[2]]
# Calculates the silhouette between quantile S indexes and factors
row.factor.sindex.silhouette <- function(vsinds, factors)
lvls = levels(factors)
n = length(vsinds)
if (length(lvls) == 1L) return(rep(1, n))
sil = numeric(n)
flist = tapply(vsinds, factors, list)
fcounts = tapply(vsinds, factors, length)
chfacts = as.character(factors)
for (i in seq_len(n))
f = levels(factors)[factors[i]]
nf = fcounts[f]
if (nf <= 1)
sil[i] = 0
vf = flist[[f]]
xf = vsinds[i]
cfa = sum(abs(xf - vf)) / (nf - 1)
cfb = Inf
for (fj in lvls[lvls != f])
cfbj = mean(abs(flist[[fj]] - xf))
if (cfbj < cfb)
cfb = cfbj
if (cfa == cfb)
sil[i] = 0
sil[i] = (cfb - cfa) / max(c(cfa, cfb))
# Calculates a score for good relationship between S index and factors based on the silhouettes
# Returns a single numeric value from 0 (no similarity) to 1 (total similarity)
row.factor.sindex.similarity.score <- function(vsinds, factors)
n = length(vsinds)
if (n == 0L) return(0)
if (all(vsinds %in% vsinds[1L], na.rm = TRUE)) return(0)
vsil = row.factor.sindex.silhouette(vsinds, factors)
sil = mean(tapply(vsil, factors, mean))
# Calculates the silhouette score between the factors and the predicted quantiles of the input values
# Returns a numeric vector with scores from -1 (negative similarity) to 0 (no similarity) to 1 (total similarity)
factoring.silhouette.partial.quantiles <- function(gobject, gquants=NULL, factors=NULL, ...)
#assert.operator(penalty, `>=` = 0, `<=` = 1)
if (is.null(factors)) factors = factors(gobject)
if (is.null(gquants)) gquants = geva.quantiles(gobject)
selcols = !is.na(factors)
factors = factors[selcols]
qsindexes = sort(unique(qindexes(gquants)$S))
qsthresholds = sort(infolist(gquants)$thresholds$S)
mv = inputvalues(gobject)[,selcols,drop=FALSE]
msinds = t(apply(mv, 1, calc.quantile.nearest.sindex,
gquants=gquants, qsthresholds=qsthresholds, qsindexes=qsindexes))
vsimil = apply(msinds, 1, row.factor.sindex.similarity.score, factors=factors)
# Calculates the factor-dependent p-values from a GEVAInput or GEVASummary object (Fisher method)
# Returns a vector of p-values representing factor dependency
factoring.dep.fisher <- function(gobject, factors=NULL, idxs=NULL, ...)
if (is.null(factors)) factors = factors(gobject)
factors = as.factor(factors)
nr = nrow(gobject)
if (is.null(idxs)) idxs = seq_len(nr)
else if (is.logical(idxs)) idxs = which(idxs)
assert.dim(factors, length=ncol(inputdata(gobject)))
selcols = !is.na(factors)
factors = factors[selcols]
mv = inputvalues(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
mv = clamp(mv, ...)
mw = inputweights(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
vpvals = rep(NA_real_, nr)
modmat = row.model.matrix(factors)
vpvals[idxs] = vapply(idxs, function(i) row.wanova(mv[i,], factors, mw[i,], modmat), NA_real_)
# Calculates the factor-specific p-values from a GEVAInput or GEVASummary object (Fisher method)
# Returns a matrix of p-values representing factor specificity
factoring.spec.fisher <- function(gobject, factors=NULL, idxs=NULL, ...)
if (is.null(factors)) factors = factors(gobject)
factors = as.factor(factors)
ugroup = levels(factors)
ngroups = length(ugroup)
nr = nrow(gobject)
if (is.null(idxs)) idxs = seq_len(nr)
else if (is.logical(idxs)) idxs = which(idxs)
assert.dim(factors, length=ncol(inputdata(gobject)))
selcols = !is.na(factors)
factors = factors[selcols]
mv = inputvalues(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
mw = inputweights(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
mpvals = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nr, ncol=ngroups, dimnames = list(rownames(mv), ugroup))
# Use case: 3 or more levels are required to use fisher
if (ngroups < 3L)
mv = clamp(mv, ...)
for (gi in seq_len(ngroups))
gsel = factors == ugroup[gi]
modelmat = row.model.matrix(gsel)
vpvals = vapply(idxs, function(i) row.wanova(mv[i,], factors, mw[i,], modelmat), NA_real_)
mpvals[idxs,gi] = vpvals
# Calculates the factor-specific p-values from a GEVAInput or GEVASummary object (Levene method)
# Returns a matrix of p-values representing factor specificity
factoring.spec.levene <- function(gobject, factors=NULL, idxs=NULL, summary.method=NA_character_, variation.method=NA_character_, ...)
if (is.null(factors)) factors = factors(gobject)
factors = as.factor(factors)
ugroup = levels(factors)
if (!check.factors.are.specific(factors, warn=FALSE)) stop("'factors' must contain at least 3 levels for factor-specific analysis")
ngroups = length(ugroup)
nr = nrow(gobject)
if (is.null(idxs)) idxs = 1L:nr
else if (is.logical(idxs)) idxs = which(idxs)
assert.dim(factors, length=ncol(inputdata(gobject)))
selcols = !is.na(factors)
factors = factors[selcols]
mv = inputvalues(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
mv = clamp(mv, ...)
mw = inputweights(gobject)[idxs,selcols,drop=FALSE]
if (is.na(summary.method))
if (inherits(gobject, 'GEVASummary')) summary.method = sv.method(gobject)$S
else summary.method = options.summary[1]
if (is.na(variation.method))
if (inherits(gobject, 'GEVASummary')) variation.method = sv.method(gobject)$V
else variation.method = options.variation[1]
mpvals = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nr, ncol=ngroups, dimnames = list(rownames(mv), ugroup))
meds = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(mv), ncol=2L, dimnames=list(rownames(mv)[idxs], c('1', '2')))
mvars = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nrow(mv), ncol=2L, dimnames=list(rownames(mv)[idxs], c('1', '2')))
prevent.zeroweights <- function(w) if(sum(w) == 0) rep(1, length(w)) else w
for (gi in seq_len(ngroups))
gsel = factors == ugroup[gi]
mw.partial <- mw
mw.partial[, gsel] = t(apply(mw.partial[, gsel,drop=FALSE], 1, prevent.zeroweights))
mw.partial[, !gsel] = t(apply(mw.partial[, !gsel,drop=FALSE], 1, prevent.zeroweights))
meds[,1L] = rows.weighted.summary(mv[,gsel,drop=FALSE], mw.partial[,gsel,drop=FALSE], summary.method)
meds[,2L] = rows.weighted.summary(mv[,!gsel,drop=FALSE], mw.partial[,!gsel,drop=FALSE], summary.method)
mvars[,1L] = rows.weighted.variation(mv[,gsel,drop=FALSE], mw.partial[,gsel,drop=FALSE], centers = meds[,1L], variation.method)
mvars[,2L] = rows.weighted.variation(mv[,!gsel,drop=FALSE], mw.partial[,!gsel,drop=FALSE], centers = meds[,2L], variation.method)
sel.invars = mvars[,1L] > mvars[,2L]
mresp = abs(mv - meds[,ifelse(gsel, 1L, 2L)])
modelmat = row.model.matrix(gsel)
vpvals = apply(mresp, 1, row.wanova, factors = gsel, modelmat = modelmat)
# p-values become NA if the variation in current group is greater than the other groups
# This adjustment prevents selecting specific factors with greater variation
vpvals[sel.invars] = NA_real_
mpvals[idxs,gi] = vpvals
# Gets a data.frame with the classification for specific factors from a p-value matrix
factoring.table.spec <- function(mpvals, p.cutoff)
facts = colnames(mpvals)
dtfac = data.frame(row.names=rownames(mpvals))
mpvals[is.na(mpvals)] = 1
mpvals = clamp(mpvals, 0, 1)
mpsigs = mpvals < p.cutoff
vspec.count = base::rowSums(mpsigs)
sel.spec = vspec.count == 1
ind.min.pval = apply(mpvals, 1, base::which.min)
dtfac$spec.count = vspec.count
dtfac$is.spec = sel.spec
dtfac$min.pval = apply(mpvals, 1, base::min)
dtfac$min.pval.index = ind.min.pval
# Initializes the classification table for factoring analysis
factoring.init.cltable <- function(gq)
rnames = names(scores(gq))
nprobes = length(rnames)
cltable = data.frame(row.names = rnames,
qindex.summary = rep(NA_integer_, nprobes),
qindex.variation = rep(NA_integer_, nprobes),
factoring.dep.pval = rep(NA_real_, nprobes),
factoring.spec.pval = rep(NA_real_, nprobes))
cltable$qindex.summary = as.integer(qindexes(gq)$S[groups(gq)])
cltable$qindex.variation = as.integer(qindexes(gq)$V[groups(gq)])
# Combines the specific p-value matrices, selecting the most suitable row between both matrices
# Returns data.frame (similar to factoring.table.spec) with the best classification
factoring.combine.spec.classif <- function(mpvals.levene, mpvals.fisher, p.cutoff)
dtfac.levene = factoring.table.spec(mpvals.levene, p.cutoff)
dtfac.fisher = factoring.table.spec(mpvals.fisher, p.cutoff)
dtfac = dtfac.levene
sel.conflicts = dtfac.levene$is.spec & dtfac.fisher$is.spec
sel.usefisher = !sel.conflicts & dtfac.fisher$is.spec
mpvals = mpvals.levene
facts = colnames(mpvals)
if (any(sel.conflicts))
sel.usefisher = sel.usefisher | sel.conflicts & (dtfac.fisher$min.pval < dtfac.levene$min.pval)
if (any(sel.usefisher))
dtfac[sel.usefisher,] = dtfac.fisher[sel.usefisher,]
mpvals[sel.usefisher,] = mpvals.fisher[sel.usefisher,]
nr = nrow(dtfac)
fspec.name = factor(rep(NA_character_, nr), levels=colnames(mpvals))
if (any(dtfac$is.spec))
inds.facts = as.integer(dtfac$min.pval.index[which(dtfac$is.spec)])
fspec.name[inds.facts] = levels(fspec.name)[inds.facts]
dtfac$spec.name = fspec.name
for (fcolnm in facts)
fnewcolnm = sprintf("spec.pval.levene.%s", fcolnm)
dtfac[,fnewcolnm] = mpvals.levene[,fcolnm]
for (fcolnm in facts)
fnewcolnm = sprintf("spec.pval.fisher.%s", fcolnm)
dtfac[,fnewcolnm] = mpvals.fisher[,fcolnm]
# Adjusts the p-values
factoring.pval.adjust <- function(pvals, gobject, gq, facts=NULL,
p.val.adjust=options.factoring.p.adjust, ...)
p.val.adjust = match.arg(p.val.adjust)
if (p.val.adjust == 'none') return(pvals)
if (is.null(facts))
facts = as.factor(factors(gobject))
if (p.val.adjust %in% stats::p.adjust.methods)
return(stats::p.adjust(pvals, p.val.adjust))
argls = list(...)
if (p.val.adjust == 'partial.quantiles')
vqsil = argls[['partial.quantiles']]
if (is.null(vqsil))
vqsil = factoring.silhouette.partial.quantiles(gobject, gquants = gq, factors = facts)
vqsil = 0.5 + vqsil
vqsil[vqsil < 1e-16] = 1e-16
pvals = pvals^vqsil
# Performs factors analysis if factors are present
# Returns a list where:
# $factable = factoring results
# $cltable = classification results
# $spec.name = name of factor-specific variation results
geva.factoring <- function(gsummary, gq, facts=NULL, cltable=NULL, p.value=0.05,
constraint.factors=TRUE, ...)
verbose = is.verbose()
if (is.null(facts))
facts = as.factor(factors(gsummary))
if (is.null(cltable))
cltable = factoring.init.cltable(gq)
nprobes = nrow(gsummary)
vspec.name = factor(rep(NA_character_, nprobes))
levels(vspec.name) = levels(facts)
min.value = NA_real_
max.value = NA_real_
if (constraint.factors)
vscents = centroids(gq)$S
if (length(vscents) != 0L)
vrange = range(vscents)
min.value = min(vrange)
max.value = max(vrange)
if (verbose)
catline("Searching for dependent factors...")
vdep.pvals = factoring.dep.fisher(gsummary, facts,
min.value=min.value, max.value=max.value)
vdep.pvals = factoring.pval.adjust(vdep.pvals, gsummary, gq, facts, p.val.adjust)
cltable$factoring.dep.pval = vdep.pvals
factable = data.frame(row.names = rownames(gsummary),
dep.pval = cltable$factoring.dep.pval)
if (check.factors.are.specific(facts, warn=FALSE, msg=verbose))
if (verbose)
catline("Searching for specific factors...")
mpvals.levene = factoring.spec.levene(gsummary,
min.value=min.value, max.value=max.value)
mpvals.fisher = factoring.spec.fisher(gsummary,
min.value=min.value, max.value=max.value)
partquants = NULL
for (fact in levels(facts))
pfacts = as.factor(ifelse(fact == facts, '1', '2'))
if ('partial.quantiles' %in% p.val.adjust)
partquants = factoring.silhouette.partial.quantiles(gsummary, gquants = gq, factors = pfacts)
mpvals.levene[,fact] = factoring.pval.adjust(mpvals.levene[,fact], gsummary, gq, pfacts, p.val.adjust,
partial.quantiles = partquants)
mpvals.fisher[,fact] = factoring.pval.adjust(mpvals.fisher[,fact], gsummary, gq, pfacts, p.val.adjust,
partial.quantiles = partquants)
factable.spec = factoring.combine.spec.classif(mpvals.levene, mpvals.fisher, p.value)
factable = cbind(factable, factable.spec)
sel.spec = factable.spec$is.spec
if (any(sel.spec))
cltable$factoring.spec.pval[sel.spec] = factable.spec$min.pval[sel.spec]
vspec.name[sel.spec] = levels(facts)[factable.spec$min.pval.index][sel.spec]
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