
Defines functions addCDC getCDC

Documented in addCDC getCDC

#' Calculate CDC Growth Reference z-score for given anthropometric
#' measurement/s.
#' The first function, [getCDC()], is usually called by the [addCDC()]
#' function but could be used as a stand-alone calculator for getting z-score
#' for a given anthropometric measurement.
#' [addCDC()] adds the CDC Growth Reference z-scores to a data frame of
#' anthropometric data for weight, height or length, head circumference, and
#' body mass index (BMI)
#' @param data A survey dataset as a data.frame object
#' @param sex A vector specifying the sex of the subject or a character value
#'   for the name of the variable in `data` specifying the sex of the subject.
#'   This must be coded as `1 = male` and `2 = female`. Give a quoted variable
#'   name as in (e.g.) `"sex"`.
#' @param firstPart A vector or a character value for the name of the variable
#'   in `data` specifying:
#'   * Weight (kg) for BMI/A, W/A, W/H, or W/L
#'   * Head circumference (cm) for HC/A
#'   * Height (cm) for BMI/A for H/A
#'   * Length (cm) for L/A
#'   If name of variable in `data`, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.)
#'   `"weight"`. Be careful with units (weight in kg; height, length, head
#'   circumference in cm).
#' @param secondPart A vector or a character value for the name of variable
#'   in `data` specifying:
#'   * Age (days) for H/A, HC/A, or L/A
#'   * Height (cm) BMI/A or W/H
#'   * Length (cm) for W/L
#'   If name of variable in `data`, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.)
#'   `"age"`. Be careful with units (age in months; height and length in cm).
#' @param thirdPart A vector or a character value for the name of variable
#'   in `data` specifying age (in months) for BMI/A. If name of variable in
#'   `data`, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) `"age"`. Be careful with
#'   units (age in months).
#' @param index The index to be calculated. One of:
#'   | **Index** | **Definition** |
#'   | :--- | :--- |
#'   | `bfa` | BMI for age |
#'   | `hca` | Head circumference for age |
#'   | `hfa` | Height for age |
#'   | `lfa` | Length for age |
#'   | `wfa` | Weight for age |
#'   | `wfh` | Weight for height |
#'   | `wfl` | Weight for length |
#'  Give a quoted index name as in (e.g.) `"wfh"`.
#' @param standing A vector or a character value for name of variable in `data`
#'   specifying how stature was measured. If NULL then age (for `"hfa"` or
#'   `"lfa"`) or height rules (for `"wfh"` or `"wfl"`) will be applied.
#'   This must be coded as `1 = Standing`; `2 = Supine`; `3 = Unknown`. All
#'   other values will be recoded to `3 = Unknown`. If name of variable in
#'   `data`, give a quoted variable name as in (e.g.) `"measured"` or a single
#'   value (e.g. `"measured = 1`). If no value (or NULL) is specified then age
#'   rules will be applied.
#' @param output The name of the column containing the specified index to be
#'   added to the dataset. This is an optional parameter. If you do not specify
#'   a value for output then the added column will take the name of the
#'   specified index with a `"z"` appended.
#' @param digits The number of decimal places for `output`. Defaults to 2 d.p.
#' @return A data.frame of the survey dataset with the calculated z-scores
#'   added.
#' @examples
#' # Given a male child 10 months old with a weight of 5.7 kgs, height of 64.2
#' # cms, and MUAC of 125 mm:
#' #
#' # Calculate weight-for-height
#' getCDC(sex = 1,
#'        firstPart = 5.7,
#'        secondPart = 64.2,
#'        index = "wfh",
#'        standing = 3)
#' # calculate weight-for-age
#' getCDC(sex = 1,
#'        firstPart = 5.7,
#'        secondPart = 10,
#'        index = "wfa",
#'        standing = 3)
#' # calculate height-for-age
#' getCDC(sex = 1,
#'        firstPart = 64.2,
#'        secondPart = 10,
#'        index = "hfa",
#'        standing = 3)
#' @rdname cdc
#' @export

getCDC <- function(sex,
                   firstPart, secondPart, thirdPart = NA,
                   index = NA, standing = NA) {
  ## Get WGS reference data
  cdcData <- referenceData[["cdc"]]
  ## Avoid missing and impossible values in 'standing' by coding NA and
  ## other values to '3'
  if (is.na(standing) | !(standing %in% c(1, 2, 3))) {
    standing = 3
  ## Unknown index specified - return NA
  if (!(index %in% c("bfa", "hca", "hfa", "lfa",
                    "wfa", "wfh", "wfl"))) {
  ## Missing data for 'sex', 'firstPart', or 'secondPart' - return NA
  if (is.na(sex) | is.na(firstPart) | is.na(secondPart)) {
  ## 'sex' must be male (1) or female (2)
  if (!(sex %in% c(1, 2))) {
  ## 'firstPart' or 'secondPart' are not numeric - return NA
  if (!is.numeric(firstPart) | !is.numeric(secondPart)) {
  ## Missing 'thirdPart' (age) is missing for BMI-for-age - return NA
  if (index == "bfa" & is.na(thirdPart)) {
  ## 'thirdPart' (age) is not numeric for BMI-for-age - return NA
  if (index == "bfa" & !is.numeric(thirdPart)) {
  ## 'secondPart' is zero then BMI cannot be calculated
  if (index == "bfa" & secondPart == 0) {
  ## Round lengths to nearest 0.1 cm
  if (index %in% c("wfh", "wfl")) {
    secondPart <- round(secondPart, 1)
  ## Round ages to the nearest day
  if (index %in% c("hca", "hfa", "lfa", "wfa")) {
    secondPart <- round(secondPart, digits = 0)
  if (index == "bfa") {
    thirdPart <- round(thirdPart, 0)
  ## Rules for length-for-age and height-for-age indices
  if (standing == 1 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart < 24) {
    index <- "lfa"
    firstPart <- firstPart + 0.8
  if (standing == 2 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart < 24) {
    index <- "lfa"
  if (standing == 3 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart < 24) {
    index <- "lfa"
  if (standing == 1 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart >= 24) {
    index <- "hfa"
  if (standing == 2 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart >= 24) {
    index <- "hfa"
    firstPart <- firstPart - 0.8
  if (standing == 3 & (index == "lfa" | index == "hfa") & secondPart >= 24) {
    index <- "hfa"
  ## Rules for weight-for-length and weight-for-height indices
  #if(standing == 1 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart < 65) {
  #  index = "wfl"
  #  secondPart <- secondPart + 0.8
  #if(standing == 1 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart >= 65) {
  #  index = "wfh"
  #if(standing == 2 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart <= 110) {
  #  index = "wfl"
  #if(standing == 2 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart > 110) {
  #  index = "wfh"
  #  secondPart <- secondPart - 0.8
  #if(standing == 3 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart < 87) {
  #  index = "wfl"
  #if(standing == 3 & (index == "wfl" | index == "wfh") & secondPart >= 87) {
  #  index = "wfh"
  ## Rules for BMI-for-age index
  if (standing == 1 & index == "bfa" & thirdPart < 24) {
    secondPart <- secondPart + 0.8
  if (standing == 2 & index == "bfa" & thirdPart >= 24) {
    secondPart <- secondPart - 0.8
  ## Calculate BMI (as 'firstPart') and place age in 'secondPart'
  if (index == "bfa") {
    firstPart <- firstPart / (secondPart / 100) ^ 2
    secondPart <- thirdPart
  ## 'secondPart' is out of range for specified 'index' - return NA
  rangeSecondPart <- range(cdcData$given[cdcData$index == index])
  if (secondPart < rangeSecondPart[1] | secondPart > rangeSecondPart[2]) {
  ## Adjust age in months based on CDC recommendation for age-based secondPart
  #if (index %in% c("bfa", "hca", "hfa", "lfa", "wfa")) {
  #  secondPart <- ifelse(secondPart >= 0 & secondPart < 0.5, 0,
  #                       as.integer(secondPart + 0.5) - 0.5)
  ## Lookup reference values and calculate z-score
  lkpIndexSex <- cdcData[cdcData$index == index & cdcData$sex == sex, ]
  L <- approx(lkpIndexSex$given, lkpIndexSex$l,
              xout = secondPart, ties = "ordered")$y
  M <- approx(lkpIndexSex$given, lkpIndexSex$m,
              xout = secondPart, ties = "ordered")$y
  S <- approx(lkpIndexSex$given, lkpIndexSex$s,
              xout = secondPart, ties = "ordered")$y
  z <- (((firstPart / M) ^ L) - 1) / (L * S)
  #SD3pos <- M * (1 + L * S * (+3))^(1 / L)
  #SD2pos <- M * (1 + L * S * (+2))^(1 / L)
  #SD23pos <- SD3pos - SD2pos
  #SD3neg <- M * (1 + L * S * (-3))^(1 / L)
  #SD2neg <- M * (1 + L * S * (-2))^(1 / L)
  #SD23neg <- SD2neg - SD3neg
  #if(z >  3) z <-  3 + ((firstPart - SD3pos) / SD23pos)
  #if(z < -3) z <- -3 + ((firstPart - SD3neg) / SD23neg)

#' @examples
#' # Calculate weight-for-height (wfh) for the anthro3 dataset
#' addCDC(data = anthro3,
#'        sex = "sex",
#'        firstPart = "weight",
#'        secondPart = "height",
#'        index = "wfh")
#' # Calculate weight-for-age (wfa) for the anthro3 dataset
#' addCDC(data = anthro3,
#'        sex = "sex",
#'        firstPart = "weight",
#'        secondPart = "age",
#'        index = "wfa")
#' # Calculate height-for-age (hfa) for the anthro3 dataset
#' addCDC(data = anthro3,
#'        sex = "sex",
#'        firstPart = "height",
#'        secondPart = "age",
#'        index = "hfa")
#' @rdname cdc
#' @export

addCDC <- function(data, sex,
                   firstPart, secondPart, thirdPart = NA,
                   index = NA, standing = NULL,
                   output = paste(index, "z", sep = ""), digits = 2) {
  ## If 'standing' is not specified then create a column in 'data' holding
  ## 3 (unknown) for all rows
  addedStanding <- FALSE
  if(is.null(standing)) {
    ## Random column name for 'standing'
    standing <- paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS), size = 16, replace = TRUE),
                      collapse = "")
    data[[standing]] <- 3
    addedStanding <- TRUE
  ## Calculate specified index
  z <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(data))
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(data), style = 1)
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
    z[i] <- ifelse(!is.na(thirdPart),
                   getCDC(sex = data[[sex]][i],
                          firstPart = data[[firstPart]][i],
                          secondPart = data[[secondPart]][i],
                          index = index, standing = data[[standing]][i],
                          thirdPart = data[[thirdPart]][i]),
                   getCDC(sex = data[[sex]][i],
                          firstPart = data[[firstPart]][i],
                          secondPart = data[[secondPart]][i],
                          index = index, standing = data[[standing]][i]))
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  cat("\n", sep = "")
  ## Remove	added 'standing' column from 'data'
  if(addedStanding) {
    data[[standing]] <- NULL
  ## Add index to 'data' and return 'data'
  data[[output]] <- round(z, digits = digits)
nutriverse/zscorer documentation built on Dec. 28, 2020, 10:32 p.m.