
Defines functions manual_checkbox_label_suffixes manual_checkbox_suffixes checkbox_suffixes

Documented in checkbox_suffixes

#' @name checkbox_suffixes 
#' @title Checkbox Suffixes
#' @description Checkbox variables return one vector of data for each option defined
#'   in the variable.  The variables are returned with the suffix `___[option]`.
#'   `exportRecords` needs these suffixes in order to retrieve all of the 
#'   variables and to apply the correct labels.
#' @param fields The current field names of interest
#' @param meta_data The metadata data frame.
#' @export

checkbox_suffixes <- function(fields, meta_data)
  name_suffix <- sapply(X = fields, 
                        FUN = manual_checkbox_suffixes, 
                        simplify = FALSE)

  label_suffix <- 
    sapply(X = fields,
           FUN = manual_checkbox_label_suffixes,
           simplify = FALSE)
  list(name_suffix = unlist(name_suffix),
       label_suffix = unlist(label_suffix))

#* Unexported methods

#* Get full variable names (appends ___[option] to checkboxes)
manual_checkbox_suffixes <- function(x, meta_data)
  #* If x is a checkbox variable
  if (meta_data$field_type[meta_data$field_name %in% x] == "checkbox"){
    field_choice <- meta_data$select_choices_or_calculations[meta_data$field_name %in% x]
    opts <- fieldChoiceMapping(field_choice, x)
    opts <- tolower(opts)[, 1]
    x <- paste(x, opts, sep="___")

#* Get full variable label (appends ": [option label]" for checkboxes)
manual_checkbox_label_suffixes <- function(x, meta_data)
  #* If x is a checkbox variable
  if (meta_data$field_type[meta_data$field_name %in% x] == "checkbox"){
    #* Select choices
    field_choice <- meta_data$select_choices_or_calculations[meta_data$field_name %in% x]
    opts <- fieldChoiceMapping(field_choice, x)[, 2]

    paste0(meta_data$field_label[meta_data$field_name %in% x], ": ", opts)
    meta_data$field_label[meta_data$field_name %in% x]
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.