
### split_agg_locations.R --- 
## Filename: split_agg_locations.R
## Description: Split permanent/transect locations and merge more location data
## Author: Noah Peart
## Created: Sat Oct 31 22:37:24 2015 (-0400)
## Last-Updated: Mon Nov  2 15:00:13 2015 (-0500)
##           By: Noah Peart
if (!file.exists(file.path(temploc, "locations.rds")))
locs <- readRDS(file.path(temploc, "locations.rds"))

##                              Permanent Plots
## Add elevcl/aspcl/soilcl
if (!exists("pp")) stop( "Load permanent plot data first." )
agg <- setDT(pp)[,lapply(.SD, unique),by=PPLOT,
                 .SDcols=c("ELEVCL", "ASPCL", "SOILCL","ELEV","ASP")]
agg[, PPLOT:=as.character(PPLOT)]

## Isolate the permanent plot locations
pps <- locs[TYPE == 'PPLOT',]

## merge
res <- left_join(pps, agg, by="PPLOT")
res[, PPLOT := factor(PPLOT, levels=levOrder(PPLOT))]
keeps <- c('PPLOT', 'lng', 'lat', 'DATE', 'INTERP', 'DEMSLOPE', 'ELEVCL',
           'ASPCL', 'SOILCL', 'ELEV', 'ASP', 'LABEL')
pploc <- res[!, keeps, with=FALSE]
setorder(pploc, PPLOT)
setDT(pploc)  # dont wnat the tbl_dt, tbl classes

##                              Transect Plots
if (!exists("tp")) stop( "Load transect data first." )
agg <- setDT(tp)[,lapply(.SD, unique), by=list(TRAN, TPLOT),
                 .SDcols=c('ELEVCL', 'ASPCL', 'ASP', 'ELEV')]

## Isolate transect locations
tps <- locs[TYPE == 'TRAN',]
tps[,TRAN := VALUE]

## merge
res <- left_join(tps, agg, by=c("TRAN", "TPLOT"))
keeps <- c("TRAN", "TPLOT", "lng", "lat", "DATE", "INTERP", "ELEVCL",
           "ASPCL", "ELEV", "ASP", "LABEL")
tploc <- res[!, keeps, with=FALSE]

##                               Labels/Popups
## Create popup labels (wrap in HTML when used)
## Generic popup, variables must be in mooseloc data
## Not actually using this anymore
popFn <- function(dt) {
    pps <- sprintf("Plot: %s<br/>Slope: %.2f", dt$VALUE, dt$DEMSLOPE)
    tps <- sprintf("Transect: %s<br/>Plot: %g", dt$VALUE, dt$TPLOT)
    conts <- sprintf("Contour: %s<br/>Pace: %g", dt$VALUE, dt$STPACE)
    other <- sprintf("Other: %s", dt$VALUE)
## mooseloc[, popup := popFn(.SD), by=TYPE,
##          .SDcols=c("TYPE","DEMSLOPE","TPLOT","STPACE","LABEL","VALUE")]

## Permanent plot
ppPopFn <- function(dat) {
    sprintf("Plot: %s<br/>Elev: %g<br/>Soil: %s", as.character(dat$PPLOT),
            dat$ELEV, as.character(dat$SOILCL))

## Transect
tpPopFn <- function(dat) {
    sprintf("Tran: %s<br/>Plot: %g<br/>Elev: %g", as.character(dat$TRAN),
            dat$TPLOT, dat$ELEV)

## Contours
contPopFn <- function(dat) {
    sprintf("Contour: %s<br/>Pace: %g", dat$VALUE, dat$STPACE)

## Other locations
otherPopFn <- function(dat) {
    sprintf("Other: %s", dat$VALUE)

## Add labels to the subsets for leaflet
## `id` column is going to used to assign layerIds I guess, I was
## having weird problems with rownames and data.tables (or something)
## otherloc will be non permanent/transect data for now
otherloc <- locs[!(TYPE %in% c('TRAN', 'PPLOT', 'CONTNAM')),]
otherloc[, otherLab := otherPopFn(.SD), .SDcols = c('VALUE')]
otherloc[,id :=]

contloc <- locs[TYPE == 'CONTNAM',]
contloc[, contLab := contPopFn(.SD), .SDcols = c('VALUE', 'STPACE')]
contloc[, id :=]

pploc[, ppLab := ppPopFn(.SD), .SDcols = c('PPLOT', 'ELEV', 'SOILCL')]
pploc[, id :=]

tploc[, tpLab := tpPopFn(.SD), .SDcols=c('TRAN', 'TPLOT', 'ELEV')]
tploc[, id :=]

## Save data
saveRDS(otherloc, file.path(temploc, "other_loc.rds"))
saveRDS(contloc, file.path(temploc, "contour_loc.rds"))
saveRDS(pploc, file.path(temploc, "pp_loc.rds"))
saveRDS(tploc, file.path(temploc, "tp_loc.rds"))
nverno/mooseapp documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:54 a.m.