
Defines functions compute_BIC_junction_tree

Documented in compute_BIC_junction_tree

#' Calculates the BIC value
#' @description Calculates the BIC value for a graphical model from a junction tree
#' for the graph.
#' @param cliques A list containing the cliques of the junction tree.
#' @param separators A list containing the separators of the junction
#' tree.
#' @param data A data frame with observations of the variables.
#' @param base_log The base to use for the logarithm.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{loglikelihood}.
#' @details The BIC is calculated as \deqn{loglik - (n_param / 2)
#' * log(n_obs)} where \eqn{loglik} is the value of the log-likelihood
#' function, \eqn{n_param} is the number of free parameters and
#' \eqn{n_obs} is the number of observations in data. A high value of the
#' BIC criterion is to be preferred.
#' @return The BIC value.
#' @author
#' Katrine Kirkeby, \email{enir_tak@@hotmail.com}
#' Maria Knudsen, \email{mariaknudsen@@hotmail.dk}
#' Ninna Vihrs, \email{ninnavihrs@@hotmail.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{loglikelihood}} for calculating the
#' log-likelihood value and \code{\link{n_params_junction_tree}} for
#' determining the number of free parameters in the model.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(43)
#' var1 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var2 <- var1 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var3 <- var1 + c(sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE,
#'                         prob = c(0.9, 0.1)))
#' var4 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var5 <- var2 + var3
#' var6 <- var1 - var4 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var7 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' data <- data.frame("var1" = as.character(var1),
#'                    "var2" = as.character(var2),
#'                    "var3" = as.character(var3),
#'                    "var4" = as.character(var4),
#'                    "var5" = as.character(var5),
#'                    "var6" = as.character(var6),
#'                    "var7" = as.character(var7))
#' cliques <- list(c("var1", "var2", "var3"),
#'                 c("var2", "var3", "var5"),
#'                 c("var5", "var6", "var7"),
#'                 c("var1", "var4"),
#'                 c("var2", "var5", "var6"))
#' separators <- list(c("var1"),
#'                    c("var2", "var3"),
#'                    c("var2", "var5"),
#'                    c("var5", "var6"))
#' # smooth is used to deal with zero probabilities.
#' compute_BIC_junction_tree(cliques, separators, data, smooth = 0.1)
#' @export

compute_BIC_junction_tree <- function(cliques, separators, data,
                              base_log = 2, ...){

  if (any(is.na(data))){
    warning(paste("The data contains NA values.",
                  "Theese will be excluded from tables,",
                  "which may be problematic.",
                  "It is highly recommended to manually take",
                  "care of NA values before using the data as input.",
                  sep = " "))

  if (! (is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))) {
    stop("data must be a data frame or a matrix.")

  if (! all(sapply(data, function(x){
    is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
    stop("Some columns are not characters or factors.")

  if (! is.list(cliques)){
    stop(paste("Cliques must be given in a list, each entry containing",
               "a vector with the names of the variables in the clique.",
               collapse = " "))

  if (! compare::compare(unique(unlist(cliques)), colnames(data),
                         ignoreOrder = TRUE)$result){
    stop(paste("The column names of data must be the same as the",
               "variable names in tch_cliq. All variables in data must",
               "be in at least one clique.", collapse = " "))

  if (! is.list(separators)){
    stop(paste("Separators must be given in a list, each entry containing",
               "a vector with the names of the variables in the separator.",
               collapse = " "))

  if (length(setdiff(unique(unlist(separators)), colnames(data))) != 0){
    stop("All variable names in separators should be in data.")

  loglik <- loglikelihood(cliques, separators, data, ...)

  n_obs <- nrow(data)

  n_param <- n_params_junction_tree(cliques, separators, data)

  loglik - (n_param / 2) * log(n_obs, base = base_log)

nvihrs14/tcherry documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m.