#' Calculates mutual information
#' @description Calculate mutual information for two or three
#' categorical variables.
#' @param x,y,z Vectors of class character or factor.
#' @param smooth Additional cell counts for bayesian estimation of
#' probabilities.
#' @param log_base The base of the logarithmic function to be used.
#' @details
#' The mutual information for two variables is calculated by the
#' formula \deqn{MI(x, y) = \sum P(x, y) log(P(x, y) / (P(x)P(y)))}
#' where the sum is over alle possible values of x and y.
#' The mutual information for three variables is calculated by the
#' formula \deqn{MI(x, y, z) = \sum P(x, y, z) log(P(x, y, z) / (P
#' (x)P(y)P(z)))} where the sum is over all possible values of x, y and
#' z.
#' @return The mutual information given by a single numeric value.
#' @author
#' Katrine Kirkeby, \email{enir_tak@@hotmail.com}
#' Maria Knudsen, \email{mariaknudsen@@hotmail.dk}
#' Ninna Vihrs, \email{ninnavihrs@@hotmail.dk}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @references
#' \insertRef{TCJT}{tcherry}
#' \insertRef{EKTS}{tcherry}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{MIk}} for mutual information for k variables.
#' @examples
#' var1 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var2 <- var1 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var3 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var1 <- as.character(var1)
#' var2 <- as.character(var2)
#' var3 <- as.character(var3)
#' MI2(var1, var2, smooth = 1)
#' MI2(var1, var2, smooth = 0.1, log_base = exp(1))
#' MI3(var1, var2, var3, smooth = 1)
#' MI3(var1, var2, var3, smooth = 0.1, log_base = exp(1))
#' @export
MI2 <- function(x, y, smooth = 0, log_base = 2){
if (! all(sapply(list(x, y), function(x){
is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
stop("x and y must be either characters or factors.")
if (length(smooth) > 1){
stop("smooth must be a single non-negative value.")
else if (!is.numeric(smooth)) {
stop("smooth must be numeric.")
else if (smooth < 0){
stop("smooth must be a non-negative numeric value.")
tab_x <- table(x) + smooth
tab_y <- table(y) + smooth
tab_xy <- table(x, y) + smooth
if (0 %in% c(tab_x, tab_xy, tab_y)){
stop("Some probabilities are zero and therefore MI cannot be calculated.
Consider using the smooth argument.")
prop_x <- c(tab_x / sum(tab_x))
prop_y <- c(tab_y / sum(tab_y))
prop_xy <- tab_xy / sum(tab_xy)
frac_prop_MI <- sweep(prop_xy, 1, prop_x, FUN = "/")
frac_prop_MI <- sweep(frac_prop_MI, 2, prop_y, FUN = "/")
MI <- sum(prop_xy * log(frac_prop_MI, base = log_base))
#' @rdname MI2
#' @export
MI3 <- function(x, y, z, smooth = 0, log_base = 2){
if (! all(sapply(list(x, y, z), function(x){
is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
stop("x, y and z must be either characters or factors.")
if (length(smooth) > 1){
stop("smooth must be a single non-negative value.")
else if (!is.numeric(smooth)) {
stop("smooth must be numeric.")
else if (smooth < 0){
stop("smooth must be a non-negative numeric value.")
tab_x <- table(x) + smooth
tab_y <- table(y) + smooth
tab_z <- table(z) + smooth
tab_xyz <- table(x, y, z) + smooth
if (0 %in% c(tab_x, tab_y, tab_z, tab_xyz)){
stop("Some probabilities are zero and therefore MI cannot be calculated.
Consider using the smooth argument.")
prop_x <- c(tab_x / sum(tab_x))
prop_y <- c(tab_y / sum(tab_y))
prop_z <- c(tab_z / sum(tab_z))
prop_xyz <- tab_xyz / sum(tab_xyz)
frac_prop_MI <- sweep(prop_xyz, 1, prop_x, FUN = "/")
frac_prop_MI <- sweep(frac_prop_MI, 2, prop_y, FUN = "/")
frac_prop_MI <- sweep(frac_prop_MI, 3, prop_z, FUN = "/")
MI <- sum(prop_xyz * log(frac_prop_MI, base = log_base))
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