
Defines functions CMD_Render CMD_Rscript .arguments_cmd_shell .arguments_cmd_exec Cmd

Documented in Cmd CMD_Render CMD_Rscript

# Copyright 2018 Opening Reproducible Research (https://o2r.info)

#' An S4 class to represent a CMD instruction
#' @include Class-Instruction.R
#' See official documentation at \url{https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#cmd}.
#' @slot exec exectuable, character
#' @slot params parameters, character (vector)
#' @slot form the form to use for output (exec or shell)
#' @return object of class cmd
#' @family instruction classes
#' @export
         slots = list(exec = "character",
               params = "character",
               form = "character"),
         contains = "Instruction"

#' create objects representing a CMD instruction
#' @param exec character argument naming the executable
#' @param params paramterer arguments
#' @param form form to render the instruction to (exec or shell)
#' @return An S4 object of class \linkS4class{Cmd}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' toString(Cmd("R", "--vanilla"))
Cmd <- function(exec = NA_character_, params = NA_character_, form = "exec") {
  methods::new("Cmd",  exec = exec, params = params, form = form)

  method = function(object) {
    exec <- methods::slot(object, "exec")
    params <- methods::slot(object, "params")
    form <- methods::slot(object, "form")

    if (form != "shell" && form != "exec")
      return(paste0("Form must bei either 'exec' or 'shell', '", form, "' not supported"))

    if (!is.na(exec) &&
        length(exec) == 1 && stringr::str_length(exec) > 0)
    if (is.na(exec) &&
        !any(is.na(params)) &&
        all(stringr::str_length(params) > 0)) {
    if (length(exec) > 1)
      return("More than one exec parameter was given: ", paste(exec, sep = ", "))
    if ( (length(params) > 1 && any(is.na(params)) ) ||
        any(stringr::str_length(params) == 0))
      return("If parameters are given for CMD, they cannot be empty strings or NA")

      "A Cmd instruction must at least have one non-empty exec-argument or one or more parameters given (i.e. as default for an entrypoint)."

# create arguments in exec form, i.e. ["executable","param1","param2"]
# or ["param1","param2"] (for CMD as default parameters to ENTRYPOINT)
.arguments_cmd_exec <- function(obj) {
  exec <- methods::slot(obj, "exec")
  params <- methods::slot(obj, "params")
  string <- "["
  if (!is.na(exec)) {
    string <- paste0(string, sprintf('"%s"', exec))
    if (!any(is.na(params)))
      string <- paste0(string, ", ")

  if (!any(is.na(params))) {
    paramstr <- sprintf('"%s"', params)
    paramstr <- paste(paramstr, collapse = ", ")
    string <- paste0(string, paramstr)
  string <- paste0(string, "]")


# create arguments in shell form, i.e. executable param1 param2
.arguments_cmd_shell <- function(obj) {
  exec <- methods::slot(obj, "exec")
  params <- methods::slot(obj, "params")

  string <- ""
  if (!is.na(exec)) {
    string <- sprintf('%s', exec)

  if (!any(is.na(params))) {
    paramstr <- sprintf('%s', params)
    paramstr <- paste(paramstr, collapse = " ")
    string <- paste0(string, " ", paramstr)


          signature(obj = "Cmd"),
          function(obj) {
            form <- methods::slot(obj, "form")
            if(form == "exec") {
            } else if (form == "shell") {
            } else {
              stop("The provided 'form' ", form, " is not supported.")

#' Create CMD instruction for running an R script
#' Schema: R [--options] [file] [args]
#' @param path The name of the R script that should run on startup or a path relative to the working directory
#' @param options (optional) Options or flags to be passed to Rscript
#' @param args (otional) Argumands to be passed to the R script
#' @param vanilla Whether R should startup in vanilla mode. Default: TRUE
#' @return A CMD instruction
#' @export
CMD_Rscript <-
           options = character(0),
           args = character(0),
           vanilla = TRUE) {
    if (vanilla)
      options <- append(options, "--vanilla")
    params <- append(options, c("-f", path))
    params <- append(params, args)
    Cmd("R", params = params)

#' Create CMD instruction for rendering a markdown file
#' Schema: R [--options] -e \"rmarkdown::render(input = [path], output_format = [output_format]\""
#' @param path The name of the R markdown file that should run on startup, or a path relative to the working directory
#' @param options (optional) Options or flags to be passed to Rscript
#' @param output_format The output format as in \code{rmarkdown::render(...)}
#' @param output_dir The output dir as in \code{rmarkdown::render(...)}
#' @param output_file The output file name as in \code{rmarkdown::render(...)}
#' @param vanilla Whether R should startup in vanilla mode. Default: TRUE
#' @seealso \link[rmarkdown]{render}
#' @return A CMD instruction
#' @export
CMD_Render <-
           options = character(0),
           output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(),
           output_dir = NULL,
           output_file = NULL,
           vanilla = TRUE) {
    params <- options
    if (vanilla)
      params <- append(params, "--vanilla")

    # http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Expressions.html#calls

    render_call <-
      quote(rmarkdown::render(input = "path",
                              output_format = "format",
                              output_dir = NULL,
                              output_file = NULL))
    futile.logger::flog.debug(paste("Unprocessed render call:", toString(render_call)))

    render_call[[2]] <- path
    render_call[[3]] <- substitute(output_format)

    the_next = 4
    render_call[[the_next]] <- substitute(output_dir)
      the_next <- the_next +1
    render_call[[the_next]] <- substitute(output_file)

    render_call <- deparse(render_call, width.cutoff = 500)
    render_call <- deparse(render_call, width.cutoff = 500) #yes, twice! (command line expects R commands as strings)
    render_call <- stringr::str_replace_all(render_call, "^\\\"|\\\"$", "")

    expr <- c("-e", render_call)
    params <- append(params , expr)
    params <- as.character(params)

    futile.logger::flog.debug(paste("Created render call parameter string:", toString(params)))
    Cmd("R", params = params)
o2r-project/containerit documentation built on June 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.