
Defines functions LabelSchemaFactory

Documented in LabelSchemaFactory

# Copyright 2018 Opening Reproducible Research (https://o2r.info)

#' Create Build-time labels according to Label Schema Convention
#' This is a convenience function that generates method for conveniently creating metadata-labels with arguments according to schema version 1.0.0-rc.1
#' For details about the Label Schema, see http://label-schema.org/rc1/
#' @return The returned function alows to create labels using the defined label names, e.g. version for org.label-schema.version.
#' For convenience, dashes are replaced by underscores in argument names. Also, the schema-version is set by default as part of the label.
#' The names that can be used according to are the following:
#' schema_version, version, build_date, name, description, usage, url, vcs_url, vcs_ref, vendor, docker.cmd, docker.cmd.devel,
#' docker.cmd.test, docker.debug, docker.cmd.help, docker.params, rkt.cmd, rkt.cmd.devel, rkt.cmd.test, rkt.debug, rkt.cmd.help, rkt.params
#' @export
#' @family label
#' @examples
#' the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(clean_session())
#' factory <- LabelSchemaFactory()
#' label <- factory(name = "ImageName",
#'   description = "Description of the image",
#'   build_date = Sys.time()
#'  )
#' addInstruction(the_dockerfile) <- label
#' cat(format(the_dockerfile))
LabelSchemaFactory <- function() {
  schema_version = "1.0.0-rc.1"
  keys <-
      "label-schema_", schema_version, ".txt"
    ), package = "containerit"))
  names <- stringr::str_replace(keys, "^org.label-schema.", "")
  names <- stringr::str_replace(names, "-", "_")
  keyMap <- keys
  names(keyMap) <- names

  namesArgs <- rep(NA_character_, length(names))
  names(namesArgs) <- names

  namesArgs[["schema_version"]] <- schema_version

  ## sligthly modified helper function from
  ## applied, becaus build date needs to follow schema RFC 3339
  ## https://github.com/eddelbuettel/anytime/blob/master/R/formats.R
  rfc3339 <- function(pt) {
    if (is.character(pt))
      if (inherits(pt, "POSIXt"))
        return(format.POSIXct(pt, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z"))
    else if (inherits(pt, "Date"))
      return(format.Date(pt, "%Y-%m-%d"))

    warning("Inapplicable object: ", pt)

  factory <- function() {
    label_data <- list()
    sapply(names, function(arg) {
      if (is.na(get(arg))) {
        # print(arg)
      } else {
        if (arg == "build_date") {
          value <- rfc3339(get(arg))
          label_data[[keyMap[[arg]]]] <<- value
        } else
          label_data[[keyMap[[arg]]]] <<- get(arg)
      #message("Argument ", arg, "is set to ", get(arg))

    return(new("Label", data = label_data, multi_line = TRUE))
  formals(factory) <- namesArgs

  futile.logger::flog.info("According to Label Schema Convention %s you can use the following arguments for constructing metadata labels:",
                           schema_version, paste(names, collapse = ", "))
o2r-project/containerit documentation built on June 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.