
# Copyright 2018 Opening Reproducible Research (https://o2r.info)

context("Packaging sessionInfo saved in .RData file")

# create the test data, also a good way to understand what information from session info is actually used!
test_rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")

test_info <- list()
test_info$R.version <- list()
test_info$R.version$major <- "1"
test_info$R.version$minor <- "2.3"

test_info$basePkgs <- c("stats", "graphics", "grDevices", "utils", "datasets", "methods", "base")

test_info$otherPkgs <- list()
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1 <- list()
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$Version <- "1.0"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$Package <- "testpkg1"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$RemoteType <- "github"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$RemoteRepo <- "pkg1"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$RemoteUsername <- "test"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg1$RemoteSha <- "123456abcdef"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg2 <- list()
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg2$Version <- "1.2.3"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg2$Package <- "testpkg2"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg2$Repository <- "CRAN"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$Version <- "1.0"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$Package <- "testpkg3"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$RemoteType <- "github"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$GithubRepo <- "pkg3"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$GithubUsername <- "test"
test_info$otherPkgs$testpkg3$GithubSHA1 <- "a1b2c3d4e5f6"

test_info$loadedOnly <- list()
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedA <- list()
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedA$Version <- "0.1.2"
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedA$Package <- "loadedA"
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedA$Repository <- "CRAN"
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedB <- list()
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedB$Version <- "1.0-42"
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedB$Package <- "loadedB"
test_info$loadedOnly$loadedB$Repository <- "CRAN"

class(test_info) <- "sessionInfo"
sessionInfo = test_info
save(sessionInfo, file = test_rdata_file)

test_that("R version can be retrieved from sessionInfo", {
  ver <- getRVersionTag(test_info)
  expect_equal(ver, "1.2.3")

test_that("can create Dockerfile object from the file with sessionInfo (with a warning)", {
  output <- capture_output(expect_warning(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = test_rdata_file), "for the given R version"))

test_that("can extract the session from the file (used within Dockerfile)", {
  output <- capture_output(the_session <- extract_session_file(test_rdata_file))
  expect_s3_class(the_session, "sessionInfo")
  expect_equal(the_session, test_info)

test_that("can retrieve version from sessionInfo in file", {
  output <- capture_output(ver <- getRVersionTag(test_rdata_file))
  expect_equal(ver, "1.2.3")

test_that("created Dockerfile content is as expected when including 'loadedOnly' packages", {
  output <- capture_output(
    expect_warning(df_test <- dockerfile(from = test_rdata_file, add_loadedOnly = TRUE))

  # contains attached AND the loaded packages
                                      "^RUN \\[\"install2.r\", \"loadedA\", \"loadedB\", \"remotes\", \"testpkg2\"\\]$")))

test_that("created Dockerfile content is as expected", {
  output <- capture_output(
    expect_warning(df_test <- dockerfile(from = test_rdata_file))

  # contains expected R version
  expect_equal(toString(df_test)[1], "FROM rocker/r-ver:3.1.0")
  # contains attached but not the loaded packages
                                      "^RUN \\[\"install2.r\", \"remotes\", \"testpkg2\"\\]$")))
  # contains GitHub packages
                                      "^RUN \\[\"installGithub.r\", \"test/pkg1@123456abcdef\", \"test/pkg3@a1b2c3d4e5f6\"\\]$")))
  # GitHub reference can be retrieved
  ref <- getGitHubRef("testpkg1", c(test_info$otherPkgs, test_info$loadedOnly))
  expect_equal(ref, "test/pkg1@123456abcdef")

test_that("R version can be retrieved from session_info", {
  info <- list()
  info$platform <- list(version = "R version 7.8.9 (2063-04-05)")
  class(info) <- c("session_info")
  ver <- getRVersionTag(info)
  expect_equal(ver, "7.8.9")

  skip_if(Sys.getenv("R_VERSION") == "devel")

  ver2 <- getRVersionTag(sessioninfo::session_info())
  expect_equal(ver2, paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor), "version extraction from sessioninfo::session_info")

  ver3 <- getRVersionTag(devtools::session_info())
  expect_equal(ver3, paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor), "version extraction from devtools::session_info")

test_that("error if RData file contains more than one object", {
  the_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  a <- "1"
  b <- "2"
  save(a, test_info, b, file = the_file)
  output <- capture_output(expect_error(extract_session_file(the_file), "exactly one"))
  expect_match(object = output, paste0("Reading object(.*)", basename(the_file), "$"))

test_that("Matching image can be retrieved from sessionInfo, with a warning", {
  expect_warning(image <- getImageForVersion(getRVersionTag(test_info)), "No Docker image found")
  expect_equal(toString(image), "FROM rocker/r-ver:3.1.0")

test_that("Object name 'sessioninfo' is accepted.", {
  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  sessioninfo <- test_info
  sessioninfo$R.version <- list(major = "3", minor = "3.3")
  save(sessioninfo, file = rdata_file)
  expect_warning(output <- capture_output(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = rdata_file)),
                 "not inside the working directory")

test_that("Object name 'session_info' is accepted.", {
  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  session_info <- test_info
  session_info$R.version <- list(major = "3", minor = "3.3")
  save(session_info, file = rdata_file)
  expect_warning(output <- capture_output(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = rdata_file)),
                 "not inside the working directory")

test_that("Version tag can be retrieved from .RData file with sessioninfo::session_info", {
  skip_if(Sys.getenv("R_VERSION") == "devel")

  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  session_info <- sessioninfo::session_info()
  save(session_info, file = rdata_file)
  output <- capture_output(ver <- getRVersionTag(rdata_file))
  expect_equal(ver, paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor))

test_that("Version tag can be retrieved from .RData file with devtools::session_info", {
  skip_if(Sys.getenv("R_VERSION") == "devel")

  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  session_info <- devtools::session_info()
  save(session_info, file = rdata_file)
  output <- capture_output(ver2 <- getRVersionTag(rdata_file))
  expect_equal(ver2, paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor))

test_that("sessioninfo::session_info() is supported", {
  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  session_info <- sessioninfo::session_info()
  save(session_info, file = rdata_file)
  expect_warning(output <- capture_output(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = rdata_file)),
                 "not inside the working directory")

test_that("devtools::session_info() is supported", {
  rdata_file <- tempfile(pattern = "containerit_", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".RData")
  session_info <- devtools::session_info()
  save(session_info, file = rdata_file)
  expect_warning(output <- capture_output(the_dockerfile <- dockerfile(from = rdata_file)),
                 "not inside the working directory")
o2r-project/containerit documentation built on June 28, 2021, 2:46 p.m.