
Defines functions spline.correlog2D

Documented in spline.correlog2D

#' @title Anisotropic nonparametric (cross-)correlation function for univariate spatial data
#' @description \code{spline.correlog2D} is the function to estimate the anisotropic nonparametric correlation function in 8 (or arbitrary) directions (North - Southeast) for univariate data. Correlation functions are calculated for each different bearing. The function assumes univariate observations at each location. (use \code{\link{Sncf2D}} otherwise).
#' @param x vector of length n representing the x coordinates.
#' @param y vector of length n representing the y coordinates.
#' @param z vector of length n representing the observation at each location.
#' @param w an optional second vector of length n for variable 2 (to estimate spatial or lagged cross-correlation functions).
#' @param df degrees-of-freedom for the spline. Default is sqrt(n).
#' @param type takes the value "boot" (default) to generate a bootstrap distribution or "perm" to generate a null distribution for the estimator
#' @param resamp the number of resamples for the bootstrap or the null distribution.
#' @param npoints the number of points at which to save the value for the spline function (and confidence envelope / null distribution).
#' @param save If TRUE, the whole matrix of output from the resampling is saved (an resamp x npoints dimensional matrix).
#' @param max.it the maximum iteration for the Newton method used to estimate the intercepts.
#' @param xmax If FALSE, the max observed in the data is used. Otherwise all distances greater than xmax is omitted.
#' @param na.rm If TRUE, NA's will be dealt with through pairwise deletion of missing values for each pair of time series -- it will dump if any one pair has less than two (temporally) overlapping observations.
#' @param jitter If TRUE, jitters the distance matrix to avoid problems associated with fitting the function to data on regular grids.
#' @param quiet If TRUE, the counter is suppressed during execution.
#' @param angle specifies number of cardinal directions and angles for which to calculate correlation functions. Default are 8 directions between 0 and 180.
#' @return An object of class "Sncf2D" is returned. See \code{\link{Sncf2D}} for details.
#' @details see \code{\link{Sncf2D}}
#' @note The function to estimate the UNIvariate anisotropic nonparametric (cross-)correlation function in arbitrary directions. In particular it was developed to calculate the univariate lagged cross-correlation function used in (Humston et al. 2005). Note that this 2D spline correlogram does the anisotropic analysis NOT by doing the angle-with-tolerance-wedge-style of Oden and Sokal (1986) but by projecting the the spatial coordinates of all locations on a sequence of cardinal angles (a la Sncf2D). Hence, all data points are used every time, it is only their relative distances that are changed. For example \{0, 0\} and \{0, 10\} are distance zero in the zero-degree direction but at distance 10 in the 90-degree direction.
#' @references Oden, N.L. and Sokal, R.R. 1986. Directional autocorrelation: an extension of spatial correlograms to two dimensions. Systematic Zoology 35: 608-617. <doi:10.2307/2413120>
#'   @references Humston, R., Mortensen, D. and Bjornstad, O.N. 2005. Anthropogenic forcing on the spatial dynamics of an agricultural weed: the case of the common sunflower. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 863-872. <doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.01066.x>
#' @seealso \code{\link{Sncf2D}}
#' @keywords smooth regression
#' @export
spline.correlog2D <- function(x, y, z, w = NULL, df = NULL, type = "boot", 
                              resamp = 1000, npoints = 300, save = FALSE, max.it = 25, 
                              xmax = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, jitter = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, 
                              angle = c(0, 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90, 112.5, 135, 157.5)) {
  # spline.correlog2D is the function to estimate the anisotropic nonparametric covariance function
  # (using a smoothing spline as an equivalent kernel) in 8 (or arbitrary) directions (North - Southeast) 
  # through calculateing projected distances onto the different bearings (i.e. all 
  # data are used for each direction = 0, 22.5, 45, 67.5, 90, 112.5, 135, 157.5)
  # the following sets up the output:
  real <- lapply(unlist(lapply(angle, as.name)), as.null)
  names(real) <- unlist(lapply(angle, as.name))
  for (i in 1:length(angle)) {
    real[[i]] <- list(x.intercept = NA, e.intercept = NA, y.intercept = NA, 
                      cbar.intercept = NA, 
                      predicted = list(x = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = npoints), 
                                       y = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = npoints)))
  real$cbar <- NA
  if (resamp == 0) {
    boot <- lapply(unlist(lapply(angle, as.name)), as.null)
    names(boot) <- unlist(lapply(angle, as.name))
  } else {
    boot <- lapply(unlist(lapply(angle, as.name)), as.null)
    names(boot) <- unlist(lapply(angle, as.name))
    for (i in 1:length(angle)) {
      boot[[i]] <- list(boot.summary = 
                          list(cbar = matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = resamp), 
                               x.intercept = matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = resamp), 
                               e.intercept = matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = resamp), 
                               y.intercept = matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = resamp), 
                               cbar.intercept = matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = resamp)
                        predicted = list(x = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = npoints), 
                                         y = matrix(NA, nrow = resamp, ncol = npoints)))
  type <- charmatch(type, c("boot", "perm"), nomatch = NA)
  if (is.na(type))
    stop("method should be \"boot\", or \"perm\"")
  # check for missing values
  if (any(!is.finite(z))) {
    if (na.rm) {
      warning("Missing values exist; Pairwise deletion will be used")
      NAO <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Missing values exist; use na.rm = TRUE for pariwise deletion")
  # This generates the moran distances for cross-correlation
  # the odd adding of zero is just to ensure that all vectors 
  # are treated as numeric
  n <- length(z)
  #p <- dim(z)[2]
  #z <- as.matrix(z) + 0
  #moran <- cor2(t(z), circ = FALSE)
  zscal <- (scale(z, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)[, 1])/(sqrt((n - 1)/n))
  if (is.null(w)) {
    moran <- t(outer(zscal, zscal))
  } else {
    wscal <- (scale(w, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)[, 1])/(sqrt((n - 1)/n))
    zw <- c(zscal, wscal)
    moran <- t(outer(zw, zw))[1:n, (n + 1):(2*n)]
  if (is.null(df)) {
    df <- sqrt(n)
  maxdist <- ifelse(!xmax, max(sqrt(outer(x, x, "-")^2 + outer(y, y, "-")^2)), xmax)
  xpoints <- seq(-maxdist, maxdist, length = npoints)
  # loop over directions
  ang <- (2*pi)*angle/360
  for (d in 1:length(ang)) {
    # The next fits the spline function
    # then generating geographic distances
    y2 <- x * sin(ang[d]) + y * cos(ang[d])
    xdist <- outer(y2, y2, "-")
    if (jitter == TRUE) {
      # xdist <- jitter(xdist)
      xdist <- apply(xdist, 2, jitter)
    mdist <- max(xdist)
    if (is.null(w)) {
      triang <- col(xdist) != row(xdist)
    } else {
      triang <- xdist
      triang[,] <- TRUE
      triang <- triang == 1
    u <- xdist[triang]
    v <- moran[triang]
    sel <- is.finite(v) & is.finite(u)
    u <- u[sel]
    v <- v[sel]
    v <- v[abs(u) <= maxdist]
    u <- u[abs(u) <= maxdist]
    out <- gather(u = u, v = v, w = w, moran = moran, df = df, xpoints = xpoints, 
                  filter = FALSE, fw = 0)
    real$cbar <- mean(v)
    if (is.null(w)) {
      real[[d]]$y.intercept <- out$yint
    } else {
      real[[d]]$y.intercept <-  mean(diag(moran))
    real[[d]]$predicted <- list(x = out$x, y = out$y)
    real[[d]]$predicted$y[abs(real[[d]]$predicted$x) > mdist] <- NA
    real[[d]]$x.intercept <- out$xint
    real[[d]]$e.intercept <- out$eint
    real[[d]]$cbar.intercept <- out$cint
    ## end of spline fit
    if (resamp != 0) {
      # here is the bootstrapping/randomization
      boot[[d]]$predicted$x[1, ] <- xpoints
      for (i in 1:resamp) {
        whn <- pretty(c(1, resamp), n = 10)
        if (!quiet & any(i == whn)) {
          cat(i, " of ", resamp, "(direction", d, "of ", length(ang), ")\r")
        if (type == 1) {
          trekkx <- sample(1:n, replace = TRUE)
          trekky <- trekkx
        if (type == 2) {
          trekky <- sample(1:n, replace = FALSE)
          trekkx <- 1:n
        xdistb <- xdist[trekkx, trekkx]
        if (is.null(w)) {
          triang <- col(xdistb) != row(xdistb)
        } else {
          triang <- xdistb
          triang[,] <- TRUE
          triang <- triang == 1
        xdistb <- xdistb[triang]
        moranb <- moran[trekky, trekky][triang]
        if (type == 1 & is.null(w)) {
          moranb <- moranb[!(xdistb == 0)]
          xdistb <- xdistb[!(xdistb == 0)]
        u <- xdistb
        v <- moranb
        sel <- is.finite(v) & is.finite(u)
        u <- u[sel]
        v <- v[sel]
        v <- v[u <= maxdist]
        u <- u[u <= maxdist]
        out <- gather(u = u, v = v, w = w, moran = moranb, df = df, xpoints = xpoints, 
                      filter = FALSE, fw = 0)
        boot[[d]]$boot.summary$cbar[i, 1] <- mean(v)		
        if (is.null(w)) {
          boot[[d]]$boot.summary$y.intercept[i, 1] <- out$yint
        } else {
          boot[[d]]$boot.summary$y.intercept[i, 1] <- mean(diag(moran[trekky, trekky]))
        boot[[d]]$predicted$y[i, ] <- out$y
        boot[[d]]$predicted$y[i, ][abs(boot[[d]]$predicted$x[1, ]) > mdist] <- NA
        boot[[d]]$boot.summary$x.intercept[i, 1] <- out$xint
        boot[[d]]$boot.summary$e.intercept[i, 1] <- out$eint
        boot[[d]]$boot.summary$cbar.intercept[i, 1]  <- out$cint
      ## end of bootstrap loop!
      if (save == TRUE) {
        boot[[d]]$boot <- list(predicted = boot[[d]]$predicted)
      } else {
        boot[[d]]$boot <- NULL
      ty <- apply(boot[[d]]$predicted$y, 2, quantile, 
                  probs = c(0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 1), 
                  na.rm = TRUE)
      dimnames(ty) <- list(c(0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975, 1), NULL)
      tx <- boot[[d]]$predicted$x
      boot[[d]]$boot.summary$predicted <- list(x = tx, y = ty)
  res <- list(real = real, boot = boot, max.distance = maxdist, angle = angle, 
              call = deparse(match.call()))
  class(res) <- "Sncf2D"
objornstad/ncf documentation built on June 1, 2022, 2:04 a.m.