#' Produce a movie from frame-drawing function
#' @importFrom grDevices png dev.off
#' @importFrom plotrix draw.circle
#' @importFrom graphics arrows par
#' @importFrom png readPNG writePNG
#' @description Generates an MP4-movie provided a custom function that plots individual frames. The routine has been developed and tested for MacOS and it requires on a working installation of ffmpeg.
#' @param frame.draw function that plots an individual frame. This function must have exactly one argument 'x', which can be integer (e.g. a simple frame index) or real (e.g. a time).
#' @param frame.index list of frame indices 'x' to be included in the movie
#' @param output.path character specifying the directory, where the movie and temporary frames are saved
#' @param output.filename movie filename without path. This filename should end on the extension '.mp4'.
#' @param width integer number of pixels along the horizontal axis
#' @param height integer number of pixels along the vertical axis
#' @param cex number defining the overall scaling of line widths, font sizes, etc.
#' @param oversampling integer specifying the oversampling factor along both dimensions. If larger than 1, frames are plotted with (width*oversampling)-by-(height*oversampling) pixels and then resized back to width-by-height. This can be used to make line objects and text move more smoothly.
#' @param fps number of frames per second
#' @param keep.frames logical flag specifying whether the temporary directory with the individual frame files should be kept. If \code{manual} is set to \code{TRUE}, the frames are always kept.
#' @param quiet logical flag; if true, all console outputs produced by 'ffmpeg' are suppressed
#' @param separator filename separate of the system ('/' for Mac, Linux, Unix; '\' for Windows)
#' @param ffmpeg.cmd command used to call ffmpeg form a terminal. Normally, this is just 'ffmpeg'.
#' @param ffmpeg.opt compression and formatting options used with ffmpeg
#' @param manual logical flag; if true, ffmpeg is not called from within the code and the frames are never deleted. The suggested linux command line is returned as output.
#' @param first.index integer specifying the first index of the vector frame.index to consider. Choosing a value larger than the default (1) can be used to continue a previously interrupted call of makemovie and/or to call makemovie from different R sessions in parallel.
#' @param last.index integer specifying the last index of the vector frame.index to consider. Choosing a value smaller than the default (length(frame.index)) can be used to continue a previously interrupted call of makemovie and/or to call makemovie from different R sessions in parallel.
#' @return Linux command line to convert frames into movie using ffmpeg.
#' @author Danail Obreschkow
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeframe}}
#' @examples
#' ## Example: Movie of a manual clock
#' # Function to draw a single clock face with two hands
#' frame = function(time) {
#' oldpar = graphics::par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
#' nplot(xlim=c(-1.1,1.1),ylim=c(-1.1,1.1),pty='s')
#' plotrix::draw.circle(0,0,1,col='#aaaaff')
#' radius = c(0.5,0.9)
#' speed = 2*pi/c(720,60)
#' lwd = c(4,2)
#' graphics::arrows(0,0,radius*sin(speed*time),radius*cos(speed*time),lwd=lwd)
#' graphics::par(oldpar)
#' }
#' # Produce movie
#' \dontrun{
#' makemovie(frame,seq(0,60,0.5),'~/testmovie','movie.mp4',200,200)
#' }
#' @export
makemovie = function(frame.draw,frame.index,
keep.frames=FALSE, quiet=FALSE, separator='/',
ffmpeg.opt='-vcodec libx264 -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p',
last.index=length(frame.index)) {
if (oversampling<1) stop('oversampling cannot be smaller than 1.')
if (oversampling!=round(oversampling)) stop('oversampling should be an integer')
if (oversampling>1) {
if (!requireNamespace("EBImage", quietly=TRUE)) {
stop('Package EBImage is needed in function makemovie.')
# make output path, if needed
if (substr(output.path,nchar(output.path),nchar(output.path))!=separator) {
call = sprintf('mkdir -p %s',output.path)
# make new path for frames
frame.path = sprintf('%s%.0f%s',output.path,
call = sprintf('mkdir -p %s',frame.path)
# write frames
nframes = length(frame.index)
dt = rep(NA,nframes)
t = k = 0
for (i in seq(first.index,last.index)) {
cat(sprintf('Write frame %d/%d.',i,nframes))
fn = file.path(frame.path,sprintf('frame_%0.8d.png',i))
if (oversampling>1) {
img = png::readPNG(fn)
img = EBImage::resize(img,height,width,antialias=TRUE)
png::writePNG(img, fn)
dt[i] = as.double(pracma::toc(echo = F))
t = t+dt[i]
k = k+1
cat(sprintf(' (%0.3fs, FPS=%0.1f)\n',dt[i],k/t))
# convert into movie
.linuxspaces = function(txt) gsub(' ','\\\\ ',txt)
call = sprintf('%s -y -r %d -f image2 -s %dx%d -i %sframe_%%08d.png %s %s%s %s',
ifelse(quiet,'-loglevel quiet',''))
if (manual) {
cat('To make movie from frames, call:\n')
} else {
cat(sprintf('Write movie file %s\n',output.filename))
# remove frames
if (!keep.frames & !manual) {
cat('Delete individual frames.')
delcall = sprintf('rm -rf %s',frame.path)
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