bemkl_supervised_multioutput_regression_variational_test | BEMKL algorithm uses the training model parameters on the... |
compare_immune_response | Comparison of the actual predictions based on different... |
compute.Ayers_expIS | Compute Expanded Immune signature |
compute_CCpair_score | compute_CCpair_score |
compute_CC_pairs_grouped | compute_CC_pairs_grouped |
compute_cell_fractions | Compute immune cell fractions |
compute.chemokines | Compute chemokine score |
compute.CYT | Compute cytolytic activity score |
compute.Davoli_IS | Compute Davoli immune signature |
compute_gold_standards | Compute gold standards |
compute_ICB_genes | Compute the expression of the immune checkpoints genes |
compute.IFNy | Compute IFNy signature score |
compute.IMPRES | Compute Immuno-Predictive Score (IMPRES) |
compute_LR_pairs | Compute ligand-receptor pairs |
compute.MSI | Compute MSI score |
compute_pathways_scores | Compute pathways score |
compute.RIR | Compute Immune resistance program |
compute.Roh_IS | Compute Roh immune score |
compute.Tcell_inflamed | Compute T cell-inflamed signature score |
compute_TF_activity | Compute transription factors activity |
compute.TLS | Compute tertiary lymphoid structures signature |
explore_biomarkers | Examination of possible relevant biomarkers in cancer dataset |
get_OE_bulk | Calculate overall expression (OE) |
get_semi_random_OE | Calculate random scores |
ipsmap | Calculate Immunophenoscore value |
multi_task_EN_test | Multi-task elastic net algorithm implements the model... |
predict_immune_response | Immune response prediction |
predict_with_bemkl | Make predictions using BEMKL |
predict_with_multitaskelasticnet | Make predictions using multi-task elastic net |
standarization | Calculation of a matrix z-score from scratch. |
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