

test_that("fun_list is merged with new args", {
  funs <- funs(fn = bar)
  funs <- as_fun_list(funs, quo(bar), env(), baz = "baz")
  expect_identical(funs$fn, quo(bar(., baz = "baz")))

test_that("funs() works with namespaced calls", {
  expect_identical(summarise_all(mtcars, funs(base::mean(.))), summarise_all(mtcars, funs(mean(.))))
  expect_identical(summarise_all(mtcars, funs(base::mean)), summarise_all(mtcars, funs(mean(.))))

test_that("funs() accepts quoted functions", {
  expect_identical(funs(mean), funs("mean"))

test_that("funs() accepts unquoted functions", {
  funs <- funs(fn = !!mean)
  expect_identical(funs$fn, new_quosure(lang(base::mean, quote(.))))

test_that("funs() accepts quoted calls", {
  expect_identical(funs(mean), funs(mean(.)))

test_that("funs() gives a clear error message (#3368)", {
    funs(function(si) { mp[si] }),
    glue("`function(si) {{
         }}` must be a function name (quoted or unquoted) or an unquoted call, not `function`"),
    fixed = TRUE

    "`~mp[.]` must be a function name (quoted or unquoted) or an unquoted call, not `~`",
    fixed = TRUE

test_that("funs() can be merged with new arguments", {
  fns <- funs(foo(.))
  expect_identical(as_fun_list(fns, ~ NULL, get_env(), foo = 1L), funs(foo(., foo = 1L)))

enfun <- function(.funs, ...) {
  as_fun_list(.funs, enquo(.funs), caller_env(), ...)

test_that("can enfun() literal functions", {
  expect_identical(enfun(identity(mean)), funs(!!mean))

test_that("can enfun() named functions by expression", {
  expect_identical(enfun(mean), funs(mean(.)))

test_that("local objects are not treated as symbols", {
  mean <- funs(my_mean(.))
  expect_identical(enfun(mean), mean)

test_that("can enfun() character vectors", {
  expect_identical(enfun(c("min", "max")), funs(min, max))

test_that("can enfun() quosures", {
  expect_identical(enfun(quo(mean(.))), funs(mean(.)))

test_that("can enfun() purrr-style lambdas", {
  my_mean <- as_function(~ mean(.x))
  expect_identical(enfun(~ mean(.x)), funs(!!my_mean))
olascodgreat/samife documentation built on May 13, 2019, 6:11 p.m.