# ESPEN_API_data.R
#' @title A function to request data from the ESPEN portal using API
#' @description Allows users to request data for countries through the ESPEN API. Users provide parameters as specified in <\url{https://admin.espen.afro.who.int/docs/api/data}> or as described below and the function returns a JSON string or data frame.
#' @details See <\url{https://espen.afro.who.int/tools-resources/download-data}> for more details on the data available.
#' @param api_key the API key from ESPEN. You can request the key from ESPEN portal. We reccomend to set up the API key in the R environment as shown in the github repository. In this case you won't need to use this argument.
#' @param country the name of the country. E.g `Ghana`
#' @param iso2 optional: country ISO2 code, e.g. `GH`. you can either specify a country name or the ISO2 code
#' @param disease specify the disease of interest, options are lf , oncho , loa , sch , sth , trachoma , coendemicity
#' @param level specify which the level of the data, options are `iu` and `sitelevel`. iu means implemantation unit.
#' @param type logical: should you want a forcast of MDA or impact assessment. default is FALSE.
#' @param subtype only use when type =TRUE, options are mda and impact_assessment.
#' @param start_year specify the starting year of the data, e.g start_year = 2010
#' @param end_year specify the starting year of the data, e.g end_year = 2020
#' @param limit to specify how many records to return
#' @param offset to specify how many records to skip
#' @param attributes options are IU_ID, Endemicity, MDA, EffMDA. This is basically used to reduce the data.
#' @param df logical: should the function return a dataframe (default) or list containing of the JSON strings.
#' @export
#' @import httr jsonlite
#' @return A dataframe or JSON file of the data
#' @author Olatunji Johnson \email{o.johnson@@lancaster.ac.uk}
#' @examples
#' library(ESPENAPI)
#' # extract the STH data from Kenya at site level for year 2010.
#' data <- ESPEN_API_data(country="Nigeria", disease="sth",
#' level="sitelevel", start_year=2010, end_year=2010)
#' head(data)
ESPEN_API_data <- function(api_key=NULL, country= NULL, iso2=NULL, disease="sth", level="sitelevel", type= FALSE,
subtype= "mda", start_year= NULL, end_year=NULL, limit=NULL, offset=NULL, attributes=NULL, df=TRUE){
api_key = paste0("api_key=", Sys.getenv("ESPEN_API_KEY"))
} else{
api_key = paste0("api_key=", api_key)
path <- "https://admin.espen.afro.who.int/api/data?"
# if(is.null(country) & is.null(iso2)) stop(paste0("Please specify the country you are requesting the data.
# You are either supply the name of the country or ISO2 code for the country.
# E.g country=`Ghana', or iso2=`GH'"))
if(!is.null(country)) {
country <- tolower(country)
country <- paste0(toupper(substr(country, 1, 1)), substr(country, 2, nchar(country))) # capitalise the first letter
country <- paste0("country=", country, "&")
iso2 <- toupper(iso2)
iso2 = paste0("iso2=", iso2, "&")
if(any(disease==c("lf" , "oncho" , "loa" , "sch" , "sth" , "trachoma" , "coendemicity"))==FALSE) stop("disease should be of the following: lf , oncho , loa , sch , sth , trachoma , coendemicity")
disease = paste0("disease=", disease, "&")
if(any(level==c("iu" , "sitelevel"))==FALSE) stop("level should be iu or sitelevel")
level = paste0("level=", level, "&")
if(any(subtype==c("mda" , "impact_assessment"))==FALSE) stop("subtype should be mda or impact_assessment")
type = paste0("type= forecast", "&")
subtype = paste0("subtype=", subtype, "&")
} else{
type <- NULL
subtype <- NULL
if(!is.null(start_year)) start_year = paste0("start_year=", start_year, "&")
if(!is.null(end_year)) end_year = paste0("end_year=", end_year, "&")
param <- paste0(country, iso2, disease, level, type, subtype, start_year,
end_year, limit, offset, attributes, api_key)
api_url <- paste0(path, param)
res <- httr::GET(api_url)
if (http_type(res) != "application/json") {
stop("API did not return json", call. = FALSE)
if (httr::http_error(res)) {
parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(res, "text"), simplifyVector = FALSE)
"ESPEN API request failed [%s]\n%s\n<%s>",
call. = FALSE
result = jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))
### return JSON result
result = structure(
content = rawToChar(res$content),
path = path,
response = res
class = "ESPEN_api"
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