
Code package to post process IVA contigs before they are used to assemble a de novo reference genome for mapping of short reads.



This R package requires third party code before installation:

After these dependencies are installed, the easiest way to install PANGEAhaircut is via the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")

After installation, you may need to make the installed Rscripts executable:

chmod 775 /export71/home/or105/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/3.2/PANGEAhaircut/*Rscript

To work with this R package: fire up R, and type



Rscript haircut.pipeline.Rscript -in.raw=path/raw_contigs.fasta  -in.cut=path/cut_contigs.fasta -out=path/output.fasta -CNF.contig.idx=1

where haircut.pipeline.Rscript is found in the R package installation directory and -in.raw must be specified at a minimum. Another popular option is to type in R:

indir.cut       <- paste(DATA, 'contigs_150408_unaligned_cut', sep='/' )
indir.raw       <- paste(DATA, 'contigs_150408_unaligned_raw', sep='/' )
outdir      <- paste(DATA, 'contigs_150408_model150816a', sep='/' )     
cat(cmd.haircut.pipeline(indir.cut, indir.raw, outdir, batch.n=200,

This produces:

# start: run haircut.pipeline

echo $CWD
mkdir -p $CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27
mkdir -p $CWD/cutstat_15-08-26-11-52-27
mkdir -p $CWD/call_15-08-26-11-52-27

# start: run cmdwrap.align.contigs.with.ref
mafft --anysymbol --add /Users/Oliver/Dropbox\ \(Infectious\ Disease\)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_unaligned_cut/12559_1_1_hiv_cut.fasta --auto $CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 > /Users/Oliver/Dropbox\ \(Infectious\ Disease\)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_unaligned_raw/12559_1_1_cut_wRefs.fasta
mafft --anysymbol --add /Users/Oliver/Dropbox\ \(Infectious\ Disease\)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_unaligned_cut/13557_1_84_hiv_cut.fasta --auto $CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 > /Users/Oliver/Dropbox\ \(Infectious\ Disease\)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_unaligned_raw/13557_1_84_cut_wRefs.fasta
# end: run cmdwrap.align.contigs.with.ref

# start: run haircut.check.alignment.Rscript
echo 'run Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.check.alignment.Rscript'
 Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.check.alignment.Rscript -indir=$CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 -outdir=$CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 
echo 'end Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.check.alignment.Rscript'
# end: run haircut.check.alignment.Rscript

# start: run haircut.cutstat.contigs.Rscript
echo 'run Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.cutstat.contigs.Rscript'
 Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.cutstat.contigs.Rscript -indir=$CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 -outdir=$CWD/cutstat_15-08-26-11-52-27 
echo 'end Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/haircut.cutstat.contigs.Rscript'
# end: run haircut.cutstat.contigs.Rscript

# start: run
echo 'run Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/'
 Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/$CWD/cutstat_15-08-26-11-52-27 (Infectious Disease)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_wref -outdir=$CWD/call_15-08-26-11-52-27 
echo 'end Rscript /Users/Oliver/Library/R/3.1/library/PANGEAhaircut/'
# end: run

mv $CWD/call_15-08-26-11-52-27/* /Users/Oliver/Dropbox (Infectious Disease)/OR_Work/2015/2015_PANGEA_haircut/contigs_150408_model150816a
rm -d $CWD/algnd_15-08-26-11-52-27 $CWD/call_15-08-26-11-52-27 $CWD/cutstat_15-08-26-11-52-27

# end: run haircut.pipeline

How it works:

The haircutting procedures is divided into several separate steps:

Aligning cut/raw/ref contigs in multiple ways

The procedure starts by aligning cut and raw IVA contigs against a set of reference HIV sequences. The raw contigs are produced by IVA. The cut contigs are spliced or reverse versions of the raw contigs. MAFFT --add is used obtain different alignments: (1) raw+ref, (2) cut+ref, (3) raw+cut+ref, (4) raw+cut+ref with length kept at the length of the cut+ref alignment. The raw+cut+ref alignment is produced by adding the raw contigs to alignment (2). Alignment (4) is created with the additional options --keeplength --op 0.1.

Keeping one of the cut/raw/ref contig alignments for further analysis

The next step is to decide which of the alignments (1-4) are used in subsequent steps. This procedure aims to handle very large insertions into the reference alignment. These arise occasionally when raw IVA contigs correspond to the reverse of an actual part of the HIV genome. The current rule is: if alignment (3) has length <12000 bp, then use (3). Otherwise, use alignment (2). Potential caveat: this may ignore valid raw contigs if they accompany a reverse raw contig, and if the valid raw contig is not amongst the cut contigs.

Calculate descriptive statistics for each site of cut/raw contigs and the consensus in the same alignment

The next step calculates statistics that are used to decide if a 10 base pair chunk of a contig is to be kept (i. e. no haircut). The script determines the site frequency composition and coverage amongst the reference sequences. Next, the consensus sequence amongst the references is determined. For each cut/raw contig and the consensus, the probability that the sequence agrees with the references is calculated for each site (pAGR), and the presence of a gap at a site is evaluated (GAP).

Next, pAGR and GAP are smoothed by evaluating the mean over a sliding window of length 200. This gives two statistics spAGR and sGAP for each site of cut/raw contigs and the consensus in the same alignment file.

Describe the probability of calling a site of the cut/raw contigs and the consensus in the same alignment

Denote this probability by mu. The model is

E logit(mu) = b0 + spAGR * b1 + sGAP * b2.

The probability mu differs for each site and depends on the site specific values spAGR and sGAP. The parameters b0, b1, b2 are fitted through Beta Binomial regression on ~3,000 contigs that Chris Wymant curated manually in April 2015. The parameters are learned independently for each consecutive 10 base pair chunk. Thus, the calling probability is quite local. Potential caveat: if the cut/ref/raw alignment contains large insertions, then the site in the alignment do not correspond to the sites of the model parameters b0, b1, b2. The script removes all insertions that are only present amongst the cut/raw contigs and are longer 100 sites. All such cases corresponded to reverse raw contigs. The value 100 is chosen because the longest insertion in the reference HIV compendium is about 100 bp. Once these insertions are removed, the coordinates of the descriptive statistics correspond to the coordinates of the model parameters.

The above two statistics separate called and not called (i. e. haircut) sites amongst the April 2015 curated contigs quite well: each panel corresponds to a 10 bp chunk, with starting position indicated blue: called site amongst curated contigs red: not called site amongst curated contigs y-axis: is spAGR (not what it says in the label) * there is considerable variation in the calling region as we move along the genome. This is why the model parameters b0, b1, b2 are separately calculated for 10 bp chunks.

alt tag alt tag

Calling sites i. e. no haircut

A particular site of a cut/raw contig is called (that is not deleted), if the calling probability at that site if it is larger than 0.80, or if it is not more than 10 standard deviations below the calling probability of the consensus (muc)

mu >= min(0.8, muc - 10 * std dev (muc))

This rule accounts for heterogeneity across the HIV genome. In env and especially the V loops, we expect substantial site variation. At these sites, the calling probability of the consensus sequences is much lower than in more conserved gene regions. Therefore, the above approach calls sites much less stringently at known sites of the genome that are associated with substantial variation.

Here is an example to illustrate: each panel corresponds to a cut/raw contig blue line: is the threshold, min(0.8, muc - 10 * std dev (muc)) black line: is the calling probability of the cut/raw contig the dips in the blue line correspond to sites with high sequence variability

alt tag

The sensitivity (SENS), specificity (SPEC), false discovery rate (FDR) and false omission rates (FOR) associated with the April 2015 curated contigs is quite good: for positions 1,400 - 1,599. we evaluated plots as the one shown here below, and decided to set the cut off in the above decision rule to 10 standard deviations.

alt tag

Curating called sites into long chunks

Across each cut/raw contig, neighbouring sites may be called or not called, if mu is close to the threshold. We define called regions of a cut/raw contig as any set of called sites that is not separated by more than 300 bp. The value of 300 bp corresponds to the short read length. hair as called sites that are either at the start or the end of a called region internal calls as called sites that are not hair gaps as uncalled sites

Then, gaps between internal calls are called if they are shorter than 100 bp. gaps between internal calls are called if they occur after position 9,700 hair is removed if it less than 150 bp long. This is half the length of a short read. any remaining called sites of less than 50bp are removed.

Finally, * the script checks if call cut/raw contigs correspond to each other. If this is the case, only the longer one is called.

olli0601/PANGEAhaircut documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:52 p.m.