Man pages for omnideconv/SimBu
Simulate Bulk RNA-seq Datasets from Single-Cell Datasets

calc_scaling_vectorCalculate scaling factor for a dataset
censusApplies the Census count transformation on a count matrix
census_monocleCensus calculation as implemented in monocle
check_annotationcheck for correct column names in annotation file and replace...
check_if_tpmChecks, if a matrix is TPM-like (columns sum up to 1e6)
compare_matrix_with_annotationCheck if annotation and matrix have same cells
datasetBuild SummarizedExperiment using local annotation and count...
dataset_h5adBuild SummarizedExperiment using a h5ad file for the counts
dataset_mergeMerge multiple SummarizedExperiment datasets into one
dataset_seuratBuild SummarizedExperiment using a Seurat object
dataset_sfairaBuild SummarizedExperiment using a single sfaira entry ID
dataset_sfaira_multipleBuild SummarizedExperiment using multiple sfaira entries
dmodeuse gaussian kernel to calculate the mode of transcript...
download_sfairadownload a specific dataset from sfaira by an ID
download_sfaira_multipledownload multiple datasets from sfaira using filters for...
filter_matrixfilter one (or two) expression matrix by genes
generate_summarized_experimentGenerate SummarizedExperiment using multiple parameters
h5ad_to_adataUse basilisk environment to read h5ad file and access anndata...
merge_scaling_factorCreate scaling vector from custom or pre-defined scaling...
merge_simulationsCombine multiple simulations into one result
plot_simulationPlot the cell-type fractions in your simulated dataset
save_simulationSave the expression matrix of a simulated pseudo-bulk dataset...
setup_sfairasetup the sfaira package
sfaira_overviewGives an overview of the possible datasets you can use from...
SimBuSimBu: Bias-aware simulation of bulk RNA-seq data with...
simulate_bulkSimulate whole pseudo-bulk RNAseq dataset
simulate_samplesimulate single pseudo-bulk sample
omnideconv/SimBu documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 8:34 a.m.