

test_that("tagOMLObject", {
  obj = c("data", "task", "flow", "run")
  test.tags = c("test_base_tagOMLObject_1", "test_base_tagOMLObject_2") = setNames(c("getOMLDataSet", "getOMLTask", "getOMLFlow", "getOMLRun"), obj)
  for (i in obj) {
    id = ifelse(i == "flow", 100, 1)
    # if tag already exist remove it and try to tag it again
    addTag = tryCatch(tagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags),
      error = function(e) ifelse(grepl("Entity already tagged", e), TRUE, stop(e)))
    if (isTRUE(addTag)) {
      removeTag = untagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags)
      expect_true(all(sapply(removeTag, function(x) httr::status_code(x) == 200)))
      addTag = tagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags)
    expect_true(all(sapply(addTag, function(x) httr::status_code(x) == 200)))
    # get data/task/flow/run and its tags
    down.obj =[i], list(id))
    tags = if (i == "data") down.obj$desc$tags else down.obj$tags
    expect_true(isSubset(test.tags, tags))
    expect_error(tagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags[1L]),
      "Entity already tagged by this tag")

    # remove tags
    removeTag = untagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags)
    expect_true(all(sapply(removeTag, function(x) httr::status_code(x) == 200)))
    expect_error(untagOMLObject(id = id, object = i, tags = test.tags[1L]),
      "Tag not found")
    # get data/task/flow/run and its tags
    down.obj =[i], list(id))
    tags = if (i == "data") down.obj$desc$tags else down.obj$tags
    expect_true(!isSubset(test.tags, tags))
openml/openml-r documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 2:16 a.m.