
Defines functions as.data.frame.SDMXCrossSectionalData SDMXCrossSectionalData

Documented in SDMXCrossSectionalData

#' @name SDMXCrossSectionalData
#' @rdname SDMXCrossSectionalData
#' @aliases SDMXCrossSectionalData,SDMXCrossSectionalData-method
#' @usage
#' SDMXCrossSectionalData(xmlObj, namespaces)
#' @param xmlObj object of class "XMLInternalDocument derived from XML package
#' @param namespaces object of class "data.frame" given the list of namespace URIs
#' @return an object of class "SDMXCrossSectionalData"
#' @seealso \link{readSDMX}
SDMXCrossSectionalData <- function(xmlObj, namespaces){
      SDMXData(xmlObj, namespaces)


as.data.frame.SDMXCrossSectionalData <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE,
                                                 labels = FALSE, ...){
  xmlObj <- x@xmlObj;
  dataset <- NULL
  schema <- slot(x,"schema")
  sdmxVersion <- slot(schema,"version")
  hasAuthorityNS <- FALSE
  nsDefs.df <- getNamespaces(x)
  ns <- findNamespace(nsDefs.df, "crosssection")
  authorityNs <- nsDefs.df[
    regexpr("http://www.sdmx.org", nsDefs.df$uri,
            "match.length", ignore.case = TRUE) == -1,]
  authorityNs <- as.data.frame(authorityNs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(authorityNs) <- "uri"
  if(nrow(authorityNs) > 0){
    hasAuthorityNS <- TRUE
    if(nrow(authorityNs) > 1){
      warning("More than one target dataset namespace found!")
      authorityNs <- authorityNs[1L,]
      authorityNs <- as.data.frame(authorityNs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      colnames(authorityNs) <- "uri"
  #parse Groups
    groupsXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//ns:Group", namespaces = c(ns = authorityNs$uri))
    if(length(groupsXML) == 0){
      groupsXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//ns:Group", namespaces = ns)
    if(length(ns) > 0){
      groupsXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//ns:Group", namespaces = ns)
      if(nrow(nsDefs.df) > 0){
        groupNs <- nsDefs.df[1,]
        groupsXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//nt:Group", c(nt = groupNs$uri)) 
        stop("Unsupported CrossSectionalData parser for empty target XML namespace")
  if(length(groupsXML) == 0){
    groupsXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//Group")
  groupsNb <- length(groupsXML)
  if(groupsNb == 0) return(NULL);
  #function to parse a Section
  parseSection <- function(x){
    sectionAttrs <- xmlAttrs(x)
    sectionAttrs <- as.data.frame(t(sectionAttrs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    sectionChildren <- xmlChildren(x)
    secObs <- names(sectionChildren)
    secValues <- do.call("rbind.fill", lapply(sectionChildren, function(x) {
      attrs <- xmlAttrs(x)
      return(as.data.frame(t(attrs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    secContent <- data.frame(sectionAttrs,
                             obs = secObs,
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  #function to parse a Group
  parseGroup <- function(x){   
    groupAttrs <- xmlAttrs(x)
    groupAttrs <- as.data.frame(t(groupAttrs), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    x <- xmlDoc(x)
      secXML <- getNodeSet(x, "//ns:Section", namespaces = c(ns = authorityNs$uri))
      if(length(secXML) == 0){
        secXML <- getNodeSet(x, "//ns:Section", namespaces = ns)
      if(length(ns) > 0){
        secXML <- getNodeSet(x, "//ns:Section", namespaces = ns)
        if(nrow(nsDefs.df) > 0){
          secNs <- nsDefs.df[1,]
          secXML <- getNodeSet(x, "//nt:Section", c(nt = secNs$uri)) 
          stop("Unsupported CrossSectionalData parser for empty target XML namespace")
    if(length(secXML) == 0){
      secXML <- getNodeSet(xmlObj, "//Section")
    secNb <- length(secXML)
    if(secNb == 0) return(NULL);
    #converting SDMX section to a DataFrame R object
    sections <- do.call("rbind.fill", lapply(secXML, parseSection))
    group <- data.frame(groupAttrs, sections)
  #converting SDMX groups to a DataFrame R object
  dataset <- do.call("rbind.fill", lapply(groupsXML, parseGroup))
  if(any(as.character(dataset$obsValue) == "NaN", na.rm = TRUE)){
    dataset[as.character(dataset$obsValue) == "NaN",]$obsValue <- NA
  if(!is.null(dataset)) base::row.names(dataset) <- 1:nrow(dataset)
  #enrich with labels
    dsd <- slot(x, "dsd")
    if(!is.null(dsd)) dataset <- addLabels.SDMXData(dataset, dsd)
  # output
opensdmx/rsdmx documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:22 p.m.