
Defines functions lvsplotData

lvsplotData <- function(x, jitter = FALSE, biplot = TRUE, ind.spp = NULL, alpha = 0.5, main = NULL,
                    est = "median", which.lvs = c(1,2), return.vals = FALSE, ...) {

  if(x$num.lv == 0) stop("No latent variables to plot")
  if(length(which.lvs) != 2) stop("which.lvs should be a vector of length 2, indicating which axes to plot. This argument is ignored if x$num.lv = 1")
  if(x$num.lv > 2 & any(which.lvs > x$num.lv)) stop("Fewer latent variables than chosen by which.lvs")

  n <- nrow(x$lv.median); p <- nrow(x$lv.coefs.median)
  if(!is.null(ind.spp)) { if(ind.spp > p) { ind.spp <- p } }
  if(biplot == TRUE & !is.null(ind.spp)) {
    message("Only the first ", ind.spp, " ``most important'' latent variable coefficients included in biplot")
  if(biplot == TRUE & is.null(ind.spp)) {
    ind.spp <- p; message("All latent variable coefficients included in biplot")

  if(x$num.lv == 1) {
    choose_lvs <- x$lv.median;
    choose_lvs_coefs <- x$lv.coefs.median[,2]
    main <- "Plot of latent variable posterior medians"
    if(est == "mean") {
      choose_lvs <- x$lv.mean
      choose_lvs_coefs <- x$lv.coefs.mean[,2]

    # if(!biplot) {
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "median")
    #     main <- "Plot of latent variable posterior medians"
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "mean")
    #     main <- "Plot of latent variable posterior means"
    #   # plot(1:n, choose_lvs, xlab = "Row index", ylab = "Latent variable 1", main = main, type = "n", ...)
    #   if(!jitter)
    #     # text(x = 1:n, y = x$lv.median, label = 1:n, ...)
    #   if(jitter)
    #     # text(x = 1:n, y = jitter(x$lv.median), label = 1:n, ...)
    # }

    # if(biplot) {
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "median")
    #     main <- "Biplot of latent variable posterior medians"
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "mean")
    #     main <- "Biplot of latent variable posterior means"
    #   # plot(1:n, choose_lvs, xlab = "Row index", ylab = "Latent variable 1", main = main, type = "n", ...)
    #   if(!jitter)
    #     # text(x = 1:n, y = x$lv.median, label = 1:n, ...)
    #   if(jitter)
    #     # text(x = 1:n, y = jitter(x$lv.median), label = 1:n, ...)
    #   # text(choose_lv_coefs, label = rownames(x$lv.coefs.mean), col = "red", ...)
    # }

  if(x$num.lv > 1) {
    testcov <- tcrossprod(x$lv.median, x$lv.coefs.median[,2:(x$num.lv+1)])
    if(est == "mean")
      testcov <- tcrossprod(x$lv.mean, x$lv.coefs.mean[,2:(x$num.lv+1)])

    do_svd <- svd(testcov, x$num.lv, x$num.lv)
    choose_lvs <- scale(do_svd$u*matrix(do_svd$d[1:x$num.lv]^alpha,nrow=x$n,ncol=x$num.lv,byrow=TRUE),center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    choose_lv_coefs <- scale(do_svd$v*matrix(do_svd$d[1:x$num.lv]^(1-alpha),nrow=x$p,ncol=x$num.lv,byrow=TRUE), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

    # if(!biplot) {
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "median")
    #     main <- "Plot of latent variable posterior medians"
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "mean")
    #     main <- "Plot of latent variable posterior meas, axis"
    #   # plot(choose_lvs, xlab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[1]), ylab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[2]), main = main, type = "n", ...)
    #   if(!jitter)
    #     # text(choose_lvs[,which.lvs], label = 1:n, ...)
    #   if(jitter)
    #     # text(jitter(choose_lvs[,which.lvs[1]]), jitter(choose_lvs[,which.lvs[2]]), label = 1:n, ...)
    # }

    # if(biplot) {
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "median")
    #     main <- "Biplot of latent variable posterior medians"
    #   if(is.null(main) & est == "mean")
    #     main <- "Biplot of latent variable posterior means"
    #   largest.lnorms <- order(rowSums(choose_lv_coefs^2),decreasing=TRUE)[1:ind.spp] ## Open question as to whether largest.lnorms should be based on which.lvs only
    #   # plot(rbind(choose_lvs,choose_lv_coefs)[,which.lvs], xlab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[1]), ylab = paste("Latent variable", which.lvs[2]), main = main, type = "n", xlim = 1.1*range(rbind(choose_lvs,choose_lv_coefs)[,which.lvs[1]]), ylim = 1.1*range(rbind(choose_lvs,choose_lv_coefs)[,which.lvs[2]]), ...)
    #   if(!jitter)
    #     # text(choose_lvs[,which.lvs], label = 1:n, ...)
    #   if(jitter)
    #     # text(jitter(choose_lvs[,which.lvs[1]]), jitter(choose_lvs[,which.lvs[2]]), label = 1:n, ...)
    #   # text(choose_lv_coefs[largest.lnorms,which.lvs], label = rownames(x$lv.coefs.mean[largest.lnorms,]), col = "red", ...)
    # }

  out <- list(scaled.lvs = choose_lvs, scaled.lv.coefs = choose_lv_coefs)
  if(return.vals) return(out)
orb16/baselines documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 7:56 a.m.