#' Density function and discrete distribution for a disease interval
#' @description
#' This function computes the probability density function and probability mass
#' function for a disease interval (e.g. the serial interval defined as the time
#' elapsed between the symptom onset in an infector and the onset of
#' symptoms in the secondary cases generated by that infector). It takes as
#' input the mean and the standard deviation of the disease interval (expressed
#' in days) and gives as an output the interval distribution based on
#' a chosen parametric family.
#' @usage Idist(mean, sd, dist = c("gamma", "weibull", "lognorm"), probs = NULL)
#' @param mean The mean of the disease interval (must be larger than 1).
#' @param sd A positive and finite real number corresponding to the standard
#' deviation of the disease interval.
#' @param dist A choice among a Gamma, Weibull or Log-normal distribution for
#' the disease interval.
#' @param probs A vector of probabilities for the interval distribution.
#' @return A list of class \code{Idist} containing a vector of probabilities
#' corresponding to the discrete distribution of the disease interval,
#' the name of the chosen parametric distribution and its parameters.
#' @details The discretization is based on the formula in Held et al. (2019).
#' @author Oswaldo Gressani \email{oswaldo_gressani@hotmail.fr}
#' @references Held, L., Hens, N., D O'Neill, P., and Wallinga, J. (2019).
#' Handbook of infectious disease data analysis. \emph{CRC Press}.
#' @examples
#' Idist(mean = 2.6, sd = 1.5)
#' @export
Idist <- function(mean, sd, dist = c("gamma", "weibull", "lognorm"),
probs = NULL){
if(mean <= 1)
stop("mean must be larger than 1")
if(sd < 0)
stop("sd must be strictly positive")
# If Gamma distribution with shape rate parameterization
cdist <- match.arg(dist)
if (cdist == "gamma") {
shape <- (mean / sd) ^ 2
rate <- mean / (sd ^ 2)
# Discrete upper bound (largest possible generatio time for instance)
Dmax <- floor(stats::qgamma(0.9999, shape, rate))
# gt pmf
gt <- function(t){
val <- (stats::pgamma(t + 0.5, shape, rate)-
stats::pgamma(t - 0.5, shape, rate))/
(stats::pgamma(Dmax + 0.5, shape, rate)-
stats::pgamma(0.5, shape, rate))
pvec <- sapply(seq_len(Dmax), gt)
outlist <- list(pvec = pvec, dist = cdist, shape = shape, rate = rate)
} else if (cdist == "weibull"){ # Weibull with shape scale
fa <- function(a) {
val <- (mean / gamma(1 + (1 / a))) ^ 2 *
(gamma(1 + (2 / a)) - gamma(1 + (1 / a)) ^ 2) - (sd ^ 2)
# Approach lower bound from the left
lb <- 1e-5
fa_lb <- fa(lb)
while(is.na(fa_lb) || is.infinite(fa_lb)){
lb <- lb + 0.001
fa_lb <- fa(lb)
shape <- stats::uniroot(fa, lower = lb, upper = 2*mean)$root
scale <- mean / (gamma(1 + (1 / shape)))
Dmax <- floor(stats::qweibull(0.9999, shape, scale))
# gt pmf
gt <- function(t){
val <- (stats::pweibull(t + 0.5, shape, scale)-
stats::pweibull(t - 0.5, shape, scale))/
(stats::pweibull(Dmax + 0.5, shape, scale)-
stats::pweibull(0.5, shape, scale))
pvec <- sapply(seq_len(Dmax), gt)
outlist <- list(pvec = pvec, dist = cdist, shape = shape, scale = scale)
} else if (cdist == "lognorm"){ # Log normal with location scale
fmu <- function(mu) {
val <- exp(4 * log(mean) - 2 * mu) - mean^2 - (sd ^ 2)
# Approach lower bound from the left
lb <- 1e-5
fmu_lb <- fmu(lb)
while(is.na(fmu_lb) || is.infinite(fmu_lb)){
lb <- lb + 0.001
fmu_lb <- fmu(lb)
location <- stats::uniroot(fmu, lower = lb, upper = 2 * mean)$root
scale2 <- 2 * (log(mean)-location)
scale <- sqrt(scale2)
Dmax <- floor(stats::qlnorm(0.9999, meanlog = location,
sdlog = sqrt(scale2)))
# gt pmf
gt <- function(t){
val <- (stats::plnorm(t + 0.5, meanlog = location, sdlog = scale)-
stats::plnorm(t - 0.5, meanlog = location, sdlog = scale))/
(stats::plnorm(Dmax + 0.5, meanlog = location, sdlog = scale)-
stats::plnorm(0.5, meanlog = location, sdlog = scale))
pvec <- sapply(seq_len(Dmax), gt)
outlist <- list(pvec = pvec, dist = cdist, location = location,
scale = scale)
} else {
mean <- NA
sd <- NA
outlist <- list(pvec = probs)
attr(outlist, "class") <- "Idist"
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