Man pages for othomantegazza/crossr
Functions For Cross Species Quantitative Transcriptomics

add_fitEstimates and Add F-values from a Linear Model to an og_set...
check_ogsetCheck Validity of an 'ogset' class element
collapse_orthologsSum Expression of Orthologs in an ogset class elements
explore_ogroupsPlot an Histogram of Orthogroup Dimension
get_dfReturns a Tidy Dataset in Long Format with the Expression,...
get_gene_dfFor all Genes in One Orthogroup, Returns a Tidy Dataset in...
get_top_tagsExtract Top Tags from Ogset Class Element
get_TPMExtracts TPM from a Salmon Output File
ggplot_all_stagesPlot the Expression of One Orthogroup in Both Species with...
ggplot_ogroup_genesPlot the Expression of all Genes within one Orthogroup with...
make_fitCalculate F-values from a Linear Model on an Orthogroup...
make_TPM_dfMake Expression Matrix from All Salmon Output Folders
ogset-classS4 Class, Container for Ortholog Expression Data
parse_orthogroupsParse and Load an Orthogroup CSV File Provided by Orthofinder
plot_all_stagesPlot the Expression of One Orthogroup in Both Species
plot_og_genesPlot the Expression of all Genes within one Orthogroup
sum_groupsSum Expression of Orthologs
switch_idsUtility for Converting Ids
othomantegazza/crossr documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 7:44 a.m.