Man pages for pablobio/GALLO
Genomic Annotation in Livestock for Positional Candidate LOci

autoStopClusterSub-function to auto-stop the clusters created for parallel...
find_genes_qtls_around_markersSearch genes and QTLs around candidate regions
gffQTLsA gff example for QTL annotation
GlobalGlobal variables
gtfGenesA gtf example for gene annotation
import_gff_gtfImport .gtf and .gff files to be used during gene and QTL...
overlapping_among_groupsOverlapping between grouping factors
plot_overlappingPlot overlapping between data and grouping factors
plot_qtl_infoPlot QTLs information from the find_genes_qtls_around_markers...
qtl_enrichPerforms a QTL enrichment analysis based in a Bootstrap...
QTLenrich_plotPlot enrichment results for QTL enrichment analysis
QTLmarkersCandidate markers identified by GWAS associated with...
QTLwindowsCandidate windows identified by GWAS associated with...
relationship_plotPlot relationship between data and grouping factors
splitQTL_commentSub-function to split comment column from QTL output
sub_genes_markersSub-function to search genes around candidate markers
sub_genes_windowsSub-function to search genes around candidate markers
sub_qtlEnrich_chromPerforms a QTL enrichment analysis based in a Bootstrap...
sub_qtlEnrich_genoPerforms a QTL enrichment analysis based in a Bootstrap...
sub_qtl_markersSub-function to search QTLs around candidate markers
sub_qtl_windowsSub-function to search QTLs around candidate markers
pablobio/GALLO documentation built on March 11, 2021, 2:59 p.m.